Career questions tagged skincare

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Jamylah325 views

what are key ways to be successful in dermatology?

what are key ways to be successful in dermatology?

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salimah801 views

What drew you to the idea of helping patients in this way instead of working in a hospital or more of a medical setting than esthetic?

I’m looking to pursue a future as a medical ethetician I have a few questions about the career. I would be so grateful to hear about your experiences!

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Rianne590 views

What's the best part of being a skincare specialist?

Aside from hoping to become a therapist, I also want to help people become comfortable in their own skin because I understand how they feel from my own experiences.

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Miguel351 views

What is the hardest thing dermatologist face when dealing with a patient ?

Hi my name is Miguel and I’m a 13 year old middle school student, I’m thinking on working as a dermatologist in the future. I would first like to know if I like this job, I would also like to know the challenges dermatologist face in their daily life and how they deal with patients that are challenging to work with.

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Jenny2166 views

Esthetician/Skincare Specialist Interview Questions

Hi! My name is Jenny and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the dermatology field, specifically an esthetician/skincare specialist, for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment. 1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7. Did you shadow another. professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11. What would you advise others pursuing this career? 12. How would you describe your work environment compared to those in your field? 13. What is was your biggest challenge you had to overcome when becoming an esthetician? Thank you so much! Have a great day.

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Priscilla528 views

What are the first steps to owning a successful business within esthetician/beauty?

I plan on being a self employed business owner as an esthetician.

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jessica474 views

what are the requirements for becoming a #dermatologist? and how many years of schooling is required?

im into #skincare and #beauty but im not sure what career i want to fall into

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Tiffany959 views

W hat careers are in the dermatology field and how do I get into it?

I am entering college as a freshmen and am a junkie about skincare. My friends are encouraging of me but my family are doubtful, which increases my own doubt if I am capable. #college #student #student #career-choice #college-advice #skincare #dermatology

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Cameron735 views

Is being a dermatologist a good job?

I think that being a dermatologist would be fun but I just would like to hear it from a professional?#skincare #skin

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Faheem918 views

For fresh graduate with no money in his/her pocket is it better to initiate a small start up by borrowing money or should he/she start a job and start a side business?

I am an undergrad economics student. #jobs #first-job #money #job-market #savings #business #college-jobs #money-management #entreprenuership #job-market #startup #online #skincare #compensation #JULY20

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Cass552 views

What educational preparation would you recommend for this field

#Dermatology #skincare #dermatologist #college #medicine

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Alina929 views

What are some tips for a beginning entrepreneur to learn about branding

I am a grad student starting a health and environmentally conscious skin care line and need to figure out what my company will embody. What are some suggestions I can get to help guide me towards my ideal customer, what my brand stands for and how it's different than the rest. I really want it to have a personality of its own. #entrepreneurship #branding #skincare #start-ups #startups

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Alina1100 views

How does a startup go from selling to independent boutiques to large retail stores?

I am in graduate school developing a health and environmentally conscious skin care line. Since I have reached out to different stores of how I can acquire shelf space, I feel that there is a gap in my knowledge between small and large retailers. I'm aware that I need to make bigger sales and gain more traction to land something like Sephora, but how? How can I get the word out and grow? #entrepreneurship #sustainability #skincare #beauty-industry #women-in-business #women-in-leadership #natural

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Makenna830 views

I want to start my own business in skin care where would be the best place to start ?

i think it'll be fun and owning my own business and i'll be on my own time . Not a BIG business just a small providing business. #skincare #career-details #beauty-industry

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Snazzy949 views

how would i get started in working in a spa and maybe someday owning one like a facial specialist

i think this would be fun and i am kinda looking into it. #skincare #beauty-industry #career-details

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bob999 views

how do i become a esthetician ?

i want to own my own business and want to know if i need to go to a school and get a degree and if so what are some options? what would be a good name for my business #skincare #career-details

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