Career questions tagged women-in-leadership

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Samantha1240 views

How do I gain and maintain respect and attention as a leader?

I'm currently the Head of Marketing on my school's robotics team, and I get a lot of disrespect from my peers, due to lack of interest in marketing, the fact that I'm smaller and younger than everyone else, that I am one of the five-ish girls on a 40+ person team, and the fact that due to my marketing duties, I don't have time to work on build or engineering, which is the one thing that garners respect on the team, and most likely a multitude of other reasons. How do I become more than labels and appearances? How do I get people to listen and do their tasks? #womeninstem #technology #marketing #women-in-leadership

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Alina1101 views

How does a startup go from selling to independent boutiques to large retail stores?

I am in graduate school developing a health and environmentally conscious skin care line. Since I have reached out to different stores of how I can acquire shelf space, I feel that there is a gap in my knowledge between small and large retailers. I'm aware that I need to make bigger sales and gain more traction to land something like Sephora, but how? How can I get the word out and grow? #entrepreneurship #sustainability #skincare #beauty-industry #women-in-business #women-in-leadership #natural

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Jessica1084 views

Will a degree in biomedical engineering help me get a career in the STEM field?

I recently spoke to a friend that is in the program. She told me she can't find a lot of jobs with this degree since it covers a broad range of topics and not just a certain one like mechanical, civil engineering does. I've been doing research for osseointegrated prosthetic limbs, and wanted to know if this will help me in the future for a career in STEM. #engineering #science #math #biomedical-engineering #stem #women-in-stem #women-in-tech #women-in-leadership

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Brooke833 views

What type of degree would I need to be able to get the best job that would be avaliable for me in the works and job offers in STEM?

I am the type that will go for it all, if that means I can get the best possible. But with this sometimes having the best isn't the best for you, like I could have a Ph.D in something and then have someone tell me "You didn't need that to hold a job for you here." And I don't want to do that if I don't need too. #business #future-careers #education-professions #women-in-leadership #youth-leadership

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Alexandra2108 views

For female professionals: Have you even encountered any obstacles obtaining leadership positions because of your gender, and if so, how did you handle those challenges?

I've always had slight concerns about being a woman pursuing a historically male-dominated field (in my case, psychology research/professorship), and I was curious what have been the experiences of women in leadership positions. Was it difficult getting where you are because of your gender? Are there certain fields where sexism is still a common practice? If you have had any of these experiences, what advice do you have for young women who may be navigating this environment? #leadership #women-in-stem #women #women-in-tech #women-in-engineering #sexism #women-in-leadership #women-in-higher-ed

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