Career questions tagged women-in-stem

Female education in STEM focuses on representing female-identifying children and adults in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). There are many organizations and initiatives that work to promote greater gender parity in the STEM fiel... Read more Show less
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Jenny997 views

What is it like being a woman working in STEM? Are there any feelings of self doubt or lack of confidence? If so, how to overcome it?

I've always been so confused and honestly frustrated that women don't get as much recognition in STEM-related careers, and although opportunities are arising there are still underlying sexism and misogyny in the workplace. That sometimes discourage me from pursuing a career in STEM because I thought I wouldn't be as smart as the boys working there.

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Melanie1855 views

As a woman have you ever felt discouraged going into a male dominated field?

As a woman wanting to go into a male dominated field I often find it scary thinking there won't be much women around me. Have you ever been discouraged from it? How did you deal with it?

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Aleeciah1100 views

How much pay can you get working with STEM?, if you can that is

#stem #women-in-stem

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Shan1396 views

I am somewhat interested in STEM, but I don't really know what specifically I wanna do?

I am a bit interested in engineering, possibly heading down the medical route, cog sci, I'm not really sure #tech #women-in-stem #stem #tech #stemcareers #medical #cognitive-science #engineering #medicalschool

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Jane1742 views

What is it like to be a woman in engineering?

#engineers #biomedical-engineering #mechanical-engineering #career-counseling #women #stem #technology #college #engineering #chemical-engineering #women-in-stem #stemcareers #women-in-tech

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Jessica1072 views

What holds women back in most workplaces?


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Annette1359 views

What can I do as a high school student to encourage more girls to pursue STEM fields in the future?

I am currently a senior in high school and I am interested in studying STEM in college. I realize that women in the STEM field are far and few between, so what can I do as an individual to help more girls explore STEM fields in school? #women-in-stem #math #science #engineering #technology

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Alyssa1460 views

Specifically for women in STEM, what made you want to pursue stem in college?

I want to pursue STEM in college and I’m curious on how other women got interested in it. #women-in-stem

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Heidi1110 views

Is it hard being a woman in the STEM field?

I’ve heard that men take up most of the STEM careers and women in the field are underpaid. #women-in-stem

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