Career questions tagged biomedical-engineering

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Sarthak Dharmendra252 views

Can I work in the biotech/biomedical industry after graduating with a masters in electronics??

I am about to start my master's in electronics, but I have always been interested in biology as well. (Choosing engineering was a personal choice). Is there any way I can contribute to working in the biotech industry? Are electronic engineers needed? What fields should I be targeting? What should be my focus during my master's?

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SNB575 views

Do I need a "spike" in my interests for college applications?

I see a lot of advice that students should have a spike in their applications to demonstrate interests and clear focus/passion. If they want to go into computer science they should do mainly computer science related classes and extracurriculars. I want to go into biomedical engineering so I am in engineering club, doctors without borders, and science honor society. However, I am also interested in public speaking so I do mock trial, TV production, and speech and debate, but I don't plan on pursuing that as my major in college. Will this negatively affect my college applications? If it does, what should I do from here?

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Jin414 views

How can I find internships in STEM? (remote or on-site)

Hi, I am currently a rising senior in high school and wish to find an internship to do over the summer (and possibly into the school year). I wish to get an internship in STEM as I wish to pursue a future career in it. I am unsure where to look or how to obtain one.

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Steven362 views

What is biomed?

What is biomedical engineering all about, and criterias to met to study it?

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Julia304 views

What kinds of career paths are available after getting a degree in biomedical engineering? Are there opportunities for non-research based jobs?

I’m a junior in high school interested in going into biomedical engineering. I love chemistry, math, and biology, and I’m more interested in the practical, hands-on side of science (experiments, things that make a difference in people’s lives).

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Aarushi285 views

What is bioengineering like?

What is studying bioengineering in college like? And what is it like being a biomedical engineer?

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SNB453 views

Should I take Physics Honors or AP Biology?

I'm in high school and for my science class next year I have the option to take Physics or AP Bio but I don't know which one would be more useful. I want to go into biomedical engineering and biology is more closely related to that field but I have also heard that colleges want students to take the main three sciences (biology, chemistry, physics) in high school. Which class should I choose?

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Aishwarya520 views

Which major has a better outlook for the future (computer science engineering or biomedical engineering) and what other courses or skills should I take or develop before and during college? #Spring24

I'm asking as a student who has just completed junior year(4.52 gpa and top 13%, 1560 SAT) A secondary question would be whether I would be able to get into a biomedical degree as I have a background in comp sci with (AP computer classes..) but a weaker background in biology/health-related courses(I took AP Psychology and health-related classes but I haven't done any medical internships or extra programs). #Spring24

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Alicia351 views

As a senior in high school, what should be my first step this summer if i'm trying to be a biomedical scientest or engineer? #Spring24?

Steps for college major

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Eldana391 views

Is biomedical engineering a field that is worth going with?

I've been thinking about biomedical engineering, but it seems to be a broad topic. What exactly is it? Are there any good Jobs that go with biomedical engineering?

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Leni634 views

Looking for those who work in a field related to prosthetics/orthotics, biomedical engineering, or neuroscience to answer some interview questions for a school project?

Hi! I am a junior in high school who is looking for those in STEM related careers to answer some interview questions. I am preparing for college and trying to discover what job I would like to pursue after college. Thank you! Interview Questions: 1. What is your job title? What is the name of your workplace? 2. How did you choose this career? 3. What are your daily responsibilities? 4. What kind of skills do you need to perform your job? What was your major in college? Did your major help you gain these skills? 5. How much education or training is required/recommended for this occupation? What kind of degree would you recommend for someone going into this profession? 6. How many hours do you work per week? Are you expected to do overtime? 7. What kind of personality is best suited for this career? 8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your job? 9. Do you feel your salary compensates you appropriately for the amount of work you do? 10. What can you tell me about advancement opportunities? Do you need to update your skills/ education to ensure advancement? 11. What do you see as the future outlook for this job? Are there going to be jobs available in this field for 5 years? 12. What kind of work/volunteer experience would help me discover if I am interested in pursuing this profession?

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Leni696 views

Is anyone open to being interviewed by a high school student interested in pursuing a STEM related career?

Hi! I am currently a junior in high school that is trying to complete my college portfolio. I am looking to interview someone who preferably works in a field related to prosthetics/orthotics, biomedical engineering, or neuroscience. The questions would be related to your job and how your experience working in that career has been.

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Myrick426 views

If I'm Certain of a College Major and Career path should I ask professionals who studied the major or work in the Career path I'm interested in questions about what it's like and what I need to do to get there?

I'm a Sophomore Student in High-School I'm interested in Biomedical Engineering I'm starting to look at College that suit my needs and major

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Myrick912 views

If I'm certain about a career path when should I start looking at schools that offer the major that ties into the career?

I'm a high school student very interested in Biomedical Engineering and I don't know when I should start looking at schools that provide the major for Biomedical Engineers.

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Myrick531 views

How do I prepare myself for the career I'm interested in?

I want to be prepared for a career in engineering I'm interested in Biomedical Engineering but don't know how to prepare myself to become a Biomedical Engineer.

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Sarah366 views

Are there any research internship opportunities in Houston for BioMed?

I am 15 years old, and I am interested in biomedical engineering and research. I'm looking for internship opportunities for research in Houston or Katy area or even online if possible.

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rae440 views

How, Based on your experiences, would becoming a surgeon worth it I know it has awkward hours, weird timings to work and it's a lot of stress performing, but I think I would enjoy it. Not sure though!?

Life being a surgeon

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Emma358 views

Hello! I am a sophomore in high school currently gathering information on a biomedical engineer. Is anyone willing to let me interview them??

These are the questions needed to be responded to: Interviewee’s specific degree: Interviewee’s place of employment: Please describe your engineering field. What is your current job title? Please describe your particular job and duties. What is your average work schedule? Starting with high school, describe your educational background chronologically. If you had it to do over, related to your career or education, would you do anything differently? What advice would you give to me as someone interested in pursuing a career path similar to yours?

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Alexandra928 views

What are the best ways to find someone to interview?

Hello! I’m a high school junior looking for someone to interview for my engineering class. The only requirements are that they are from an engineering or tech heavy background although personally i’m very interested in science or programming related fields so that would be preferable. I would also prefer that they live in/are from/went to School in my state-north carolina, but that’s not a requirement. I tried linked in and googling to find professionals near me but the majority of what came up was add listings. Does anyone have advice on how I can find someone in that field who would be interested in an interview?

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Owen1215 views

What are things I can start doing now as a sophomore in High School to help get into the college I want to for Biomedical Engineering.

I have decided through a lot of experimenting and classes that I want to go into Biomedical Engineering. Colleges I was looking at included Cal Poly SLO, MIT, and Stanford.

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Neil528 views

Question about exposure in the field of biomedical engineering

Hi! I am a sophomore at Poolesville High School (magnet school) who is interested in a biomedical career path (still not certain). I was wondering how I can get more exposure in the field--in terms of lab work, research, hands on work, etc.?

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Elena1725 views

Would it be impractical to major in biomedical engineering if I intended to go to med school?

I'm a senior in highschool, and I'm very interested in tech, engineering, and medicine! I would love to go into the medical field, and I don't know the best way to do that for me.

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Alexandra245 views

How medical does a biomedical-engineer get?

So I’ve always been interested in the medical field, the brain function to be specific. But I also find it interesting to create new things. I’m still confused on what job I might be going for but I want it to mostly relate to the brain. As in mental characteristics that pass through genetics or the reading the reaction people have when someone says something that disturbers or excites them. I would also prefer if there was a four year max in schooling.

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Roham626 views

How social can you be in a biomedical engineering field?

This doesn't need to be specifically biomedical engineering, but it can include any type of engineering. I am a very social person and I fear that there isn't much social interaction occurring within the field.

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Cole402 views

What is the biomedical engineering field like? Does it stand out from other fields in engineering? What types of engineering are used in this field? Who would you suggest pursue this field?

I know the medical industry has a good pay in comparison to other occupations of interest, so that is one reason why I’m asking about this. I don’t know much about the field, and I’m curious to know more.

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Meghana401 views

Having no experience in comp sci courses in high school, would a comp sci minor be doable?

I am considering taking AP Calculus AB for my senior year, the other option is to take AP Statistics. Based on my future major and minor I would like to decide which math to take.

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Aidan417 views

How important is the college I attend in determining my entrance into the workforce and initial success?

Specifically for bio and pre-med?

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Angela986 views

What classes t take or neuroscience / biomedical enginnering major ?

I am 16, currently in 10th grade. I have selected AP Micro, AP Stats, and AP Seminar for my 11th-grade year, and I have chosen Environmental Science as a science class. I had planned to take a business major but I am also conflicted as I want to take a neuroscience or biomedical engineering major as well. I have only previously taken biology and physics for my science classes and I am afraid I won't be qualified for these majors since I haven't taken enough science classes yet (such as Chemistry) and I'm already in my third year of highschool. Even so, I wouldn't be able to take AP Chem or AP Bio since I don't have chemistry as a prerequisite. Should I keep my 11th-grade classes the same or should I switch some/all of them out? What should I take in 12th grade? I also want to have AP Micro as an option in case of a back-up plan if I need to resort back to taking a Business major.

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Raynah435 views

How do I try to become an engineer?

What are all of the high school classes I should be taking to learn about the types of engineering there are and ensure I take the correct classes to become one.

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Kennedy367 views

What courses are best to take for the biomedical field?

I am a freshman in high school and looking to take classes best suited for my future. I am hoping to be a biomedical engineer or in the biotech feild working with cells. I am hoping to go to NCSU. Currently my favorite class in school is biology so I am wanting more classes like that.

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