Career questions tagged bioengineering

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Steven362 views

What is biomed?

What is biomedical engineering all about, and criterias to met to study it?

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Aarushi285 views

What is bioengineering like?

What is studying bioengineering in college like? And what is it like being a biomedical engineer?

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Elijah636 views

What would you recommend in the biomedical engineering field.

I just am curious about the different jobs in the field.

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Elijah748 views

Biomedical Engineers: What would you say an average week is like?

I'm curious about the field and was wondering what the average work week looks like.

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Abigail872 views

Is outsourcing a problem in the biomedical engineering / neuroengineering field?

I am a student planning to major in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Neuroscience in hopes of being competitive in the field of neuroengineering. Specifically, I would like to work on the development of neuroprosthetics. I know that outsourcing is a bit of a problem in other engineering fields, so I was wondering if this also holds true for biomedical engineering? I would also like to know about job opportunities in this field. I am hoping that the industry is not too small to be dependable. #internships #career #neuroscience #neuroengineering #career-development #career-counseling #prosthetics #neuroprosthetics #neuralprosthetics #neurorobots #neuroelectronics #bioengineering #biomedicalengineering #engineering #college #biotech

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Abigail1174 views

What is a good education pathway for a career in neuroprosthetics?

I am currently a student planning to major in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Neuroscience in hopes of being competitive in the neuroengineering industry. Specifically, I want to work developing neuroprosthetics. For anyone working in the field, do you have any advice for getting a foot in the door to this industry? I would especially appreciate recommendations for colleges with good neuroengineering programs, internship and research opportunities, or co-ops, as well as information about companies active in the field (in the US). #internships #career #neuroscience #neuroengineering #career-development #career-counseling #prosthetics #neuroprosthetics #neuralprosthetics #neurorobots #neuroelectronics #bioengineering #biomedicalengineering #engineering #college #biotech

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Tony544 views

What is the best degree level for bioengineering?

I'm considering a career in bioengineering. From my research, the absolute minimum degree level is a bachelor's degree. If I want to make medical advancements in the field, will a bachelor's suffice, or will I have to look on to a higher degree? #biology #science #degree #medicine #bioengineering #engineering #healthcare

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Tony545 views

Bioengineers: how long did it take to find work when you graduated?

I am considering a career in bioengineering, and I'm interested in how long it took graduates to find work in the field. #science #bioengineering #engineering #biology #stem #career #medicine

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Tony1068 views

What do bioengineers do on a day-by-day basis?

I'm considering going to college for bioengineering, and I am curious as to what the typical workday looks like for those in the field. #science #bioengineering #engineering #medicine #biology

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Emilie1264 views

Are any biomedical engineers willing to take the time to answer my interview questions below?

Hello, my name is Emilie and I am working on a project involving biomedical engineering. I was wondering if any biomedical engineer who is currently working as a biomedical engineer was willing to answer my questions. If you know anyone who is a bioengineer please contact them about my question, I am on a bit of a time crunch. (The questions are below). How long have you been a biomedical engineer and what company are you working with? What kind of projects have you been involved in and what was your role in it? What do you do on a daily basis? What is your favorite part about working as a biomedical engineer? To date, what professional achievement are you most proud of? What are the biggest challenges you face in this position? Do you have any suggestions for a young scholar like me who wants to become a biomedical engineer? What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this job? What was the challenging part of becoming a biomedical engineer? #biomedical-engineering #engineering #biomedical #bioengineering Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.

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Elijah724 views

What kind of degree should I get if I want to specialize in biomechanics or tissue engineering

#engineering #college #science #bioengineering

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Carina963 views

What is the competition for Biomedical Engineering jobs in the state of Florida?

I want to go into biomedical engineering, but I’m not sure how easy it would be to find a job in Florida. #florida #engineering #bioengineering #job #biomedicalengineering #question

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Theodore929 views

What jobs can I enter with a Bioengineering Degree?

I plan to enter the #college of #engineering with a major in Biological engineering but I can't help but feel I am missing something.#college-advice #bioengineering

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Ellie957 views

What is the best major to go for stem cell/tissue engineering?

My end goal is stem cell and tissue engineering, but I don't know which major is best for me to take and learn the most for it. I've researched for a while now and have gathered that I can choose from ChemE with Bio electives, Materials Science, or Bioengineering. I just want to work in research labs, which has lead me to think Bioengineering would fit best, but others say ChemE and Materials Science are better. #bioengineering #chemical-engineering #materials-science #biology #college-major #tissue-engineering #stem #stem-cells

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Adriana1665 views

What career paths are available with a biomedical engineering degree?

I want to study biomedical engineering but I do not want to end up in a hospital for work #engineering #biomedical #biomed #bioengineering

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Yelizaveta847 views

How to narrow down your field ?

I'm majoring in Bio-engineering but it's such a big field that I'm not entirely sure of what subset I want to go into. I really like genetics and animals are there any possible fields that would involve those ? #bioengineering #engineering #college-major #stem #academic-advising #career-advice

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Yekaterina1032 views

How can I get in contact with people in the profession I'm considering?

I have wanted to become a biomedical engineer for many years, but there are many times when I wonder whether I would truly thrive in this career. I would love to shadow a biomedical engineer, especially as I want to declare my major in college as soon as possible. Is it rude or unacceptable for aspiring students to ask to spend time in the workplace? There aren't many interning positions a high school student is allowed to take up, but even standing on the sidelines for a single day can help students like me get a grasp of what a day of work as a biomedical engineer is like. #hungry-for-info #choosing-a-major #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #biotechnology #bioengineering #bioengineer

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Kieta884 views

How to prepare for a bioengineering major?

I'm a senior in high school who is interested in majoring in biomedical engineering. I attend an art school that is a little low on resources for students interested in STEM. I have taken all the math and science offered by my school but still don't really prepared for college level math and science. What are some ways I can prepare or catch up late in high school or early in college? #biomedical-engineering #college-advice #stem #stem-education #stemcareers #bioengineering #biomedical #college #college-major

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khalil944 views

Are there any experiences you have that can dictate my view of biomedical engineering?

#biomedical-engineering #engineering #bioengineering

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hazel1089 views

what is the scope for biotechnology?

i want to know how the career opportunities will be like 10 years from now. i am looking for career after i take up BSc. (and not BTech)biotechnology. plps answer fast #biology #career-counseling #career-choice #biotechnology #molecular-biology #future-careers #bioengineering #research-and-development

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Katia1044 views

If I want to do research, is a degree in bioengineering necessary?

I'm interested in becoming a researcher in the field of biomedicine, but I'm not sure if I would need to get a BA or Master's in bioengineering in order to do that. #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science #bioengineering

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Caitlyn957 views

I'm considering a career in biomedical engineering but I have heard a little bit about biomathmatics. Is it possible to integrate biomathmatics into a BME career?

I've always been good at math and science. I participated in Moody's Math Challenge last year and really enjoyed the experience. Math comes easy to me. I enjoy adding science into the equation as well as science fascinates me but I find it more challenging, therefore I want to find a career that will incorporate my love for both math and science. Innovation is important to me, so I would love to find the correct path of using data and science in a career that drives innovation. #mathematics #bioengineering #bioinformatics #data-science

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Yoshi748 views

Are there a lot of prospective job opportunities for bioengineers?

I'm a senior in high school and interested in bioengineering, but I've heard many negative opinions about going into bioengineering because of the lack of job opportunities. I heard many students end up going to grad school to study a different branch of engineering. So, is it worth it to go to college to study bioengineering? Or should I look for a different branch of engineering to study? #engineering #bioengineering

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Sean903 views

Biochemical Engineering from Biochemistry Degree

I'm about to enter my final year of a BSc Biochemistry degree in the UK. I would really like to go on to become a biochemical engineer but i'm not sure exactly what further study (if any) or graduate program that I would need to complete in order to do so. I would also be more than happy to go abroad (Iv been learning Japanese for about a year and know my way around Tokyo). #graduate #biochemistry #bioengineering #graduate-recruitment #working-abroad

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Noah1132 views

What's the difference between bio-engineering and bio-medical engineering?

I would like to venture into the field of bio-medical engineering and biotechnology but not all colleges offer these programs but some offer a bio-engineering course or degree instead. I was wondering what the main differences were and if I could still get the same jobs with that degree. #biology #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #biomedical-engineer #biotech #bioengineering

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Lisa1050 views

What are the best locations in the US for bioengineers or biomedical engineers?

I want to find a location where I would be happy to live as well as have a good job. #biomedical-engineer #bioengineering

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Lisa841 views

What careers are open to me after I graduate with a bachelor's in Bioengineering?

I will major in bioengineering with a specialty in biomedical engineering #college #science #biomedical-engineering #bioengineering

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andy1191 views

Mathematics and biomedical?

To my understanding (from whart highschool teachers have told me) engineering takes alot of mathematics to be able to do well. Is this true? and if so, how much is mathematics actually applied in biomedical engineering? I absolutely love math and it's subtopics. And it is one of the reasons why I am also attempting to going towards having a biomedical-engineering degree with pre-med track (love mediciene too.) #mathematics #biomedical #bioengineering #premed

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Gabriela1587 views

Do bio engineers have weekends off? Is it all work all the time or is there time for a family when the time comes?

I am currently a high school senior who is planning on majoring in bio engineering in the fall. I am asking this question because I like to think ahead and I was just curious. #engineer #women-in-stem #bioengineering

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Gabriela1185 views

If I were to become a bio engineer what kind of jobs would be available? Could I work in a hospital and still make a lot of money?

I am currently a high school senior who is planning on majoring in bio engineering in the fall. #engineer #bioengineering #science #hospital-and-health-care #engineering

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