What is a good education pathway for a career in neuroprosthetics?
I am currently a student planning to major in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Neuroscience in hopes of being competitive in the neuroengineering industry. Specifically, I want to work developing neuroprosthetics. For anyone working in the field, do you have any advice for getting a foot in the door to this industry? I would especially appreciate recommendations for colleges with good neuroengineering programs, internship and research opportunities, or co-ops, as well as information about companies active in the field (in the US).
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3 answers
Biraj’s Answer
Ollie’s Answer
If you want to invent and deploy neuroprosthetics, you will need both engineering and medical chops. And, a license allowing you to work on live people will be tremendously helpful. That means: an MD-PhD program at a medical school associated with a topnotch engineering school.
Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA, comes to mind.
If you go that route, now you should do this.
Major in EE paying attention to Mechanical Engineering with focus on preparing for medical school. Medical schools are competitive due to the medical cartel (fewer graduates / higher income, it's a real issue). Seek out an adviser in college who can direct you how to navigate the "get into medical school" hustle while keeping your focus on your dreams.
Summertime undergraduate internships in academic research labs doing stuff similar to what you dream of doing. Those will get you the contacts you need to find the right programs and avisers for grad / med school.
If you choose this you have a LOT of studying and work ahead of you. At the same time you have real potential to change the world. Your timing for getting into this could not be better.
* Nanotech is poised for an explosion of possibilities.
* Neuro -anatomy and -physiology are starting to have more-than-primitive understanding of how they work.
* Good embeddable controllers are available.
Go for it.