Are Leaders born or made?
I am a high school student and I consider myself a leader. I however, want to improve my leadership skills as I will be taking on bigger leadership positions in the next school year. I know that leaders are made through learning and teaching but also, could it be true that we may be born with some certain traits that could set us up for excellent leadership? Additionally , what are some skills that make excellent leaders and pioneers? #engineering #career #finance #professional #marketing #leadership #coaching #sales #personal-development
105 answers
Steve’s Answer
Great question! I think it's fair to say that some people do have certain natural attributes that lend themselves to leadership e.g. self-awareness. However, in my view, seeking regular feedback on your leadership style and acting on that feedback is key. This allows you to overcome any blind spots and shows you are truly connected to the team that you are leading. The important thing to consider is the difference between leading and managing. Leading is setting out the vision and providing clarity on what the team needs to do and why. Managing is putting that vision into action through clear objectives that are tracked and measured.
Alexander’s Answer
Leadership is a natural instinct, certainly a sense one carries, others don't. Very important is feedback from others. Stating "I am a leader" does not prove this. Feedback can be direct or indirect. Do people talk openly, do they behave intimidated? Listen and watch! Leaders always stand in the first line. Lead by example and always stay on top of information needed about you market, profession. Know what is going on, share and inspire. Best of luck!
Paul G’s Answer
Some leaders have an intuitive sense of what it means to lead others, but leadership can be learned.
The principal trait of all great leaders is the willingness to serve others by demonstrating a sincere sense of caring for those who you lead.
Michael Louis’s Answer
Hi Timothy,
I believe that most leaders are "made" by their experiences. Here are two things that I wish I had focused on more in my early career:
1) Make other people feel important - If you focus too much on yourself, you will never be a good leader. Read the classic books on emotional intelligence ( EQ ) like Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People". EQ can be even more important than IQ in this world!
2) Get comfortable with Public Speaking - A leader communicates ideas. Being able to address a crowd is essential. Get over your "stage fright" by joining public speaking groups like Toastmasters International. I personally have the Toastmaster's CC certification.
Hope this helps - Good Luck!
Mike Pastor

Renata Costa
Renata’s Answer
Hello Tim,
I believe there are natural born leaders and also leaders that are made through life.In both ways there are always room for improvement. Leadership is about serving others. Is about finding courage to try and fail, to learn and grow. Being a leader has to do with what kind of atmosphere you will provide to your team, peers and bosses. I love the Simon Sinek's Ted Talk: Why good leaders make you fell safe?. Simon Sinek has great articles and talks about leadership.

Fiona Ball
Fiona’s Answer
Hi Tim,
To be a real leader is to help your company and your people be successful. So it is important to make sure you have your feet on the ground and your truly understand what is happening around you. A book I would recommend to you or this link
I have lived my life focusing on these 7 habits and it does truly work. Enjoy
Kindest regards

Ron Goloubow, P.G.
Ron’s Answer
Leadership is expressed in many different forms and people react to leaders differently. A couple of key traits:
Be informed on the subject matter in which you are tying lead. You do NOT need to be an expert but you should be able to apply your knowledge in a practical manner;
Identify peoples strengths and allow people to use their strengths to build confidence;
and MOST importantly, you have two ears and one mouth, use them in that proportion!
Mike’s Answer
Very important question , I believe that leaders can be both Born and Made
However most in my experience are made through both life and business experience because communications and interpersonal skills are absolutely critical, especially when a crisis erupts or when leaders have too deal with organizational change , Business experience helps because confidence to take risks is critical .
Kim’s Answer
Wesley’s Answer
Phillip’s Answer
In my experience, some individuals exhibit leadership traits intuitively. However, the best leaders I have worked with are those who are actively aware of their own leadership capabilities (or leadership gaps) and actively choose to build on strengths and work to fill in leadership gaps.
There are various leadership frameworks out there that can help define leadership in objective terms, but one of my favorites is the Shingo principles of lean thinking:
- Respect Every Individual
- Lead with Humility
- Seek Perfection
- Embrace Scientific Thinking
- Focus on Process
- Assure Quality at the Source
- Improve Flow & Pull
- Think Systemically
- Create Constancy of Purpose
- Create Value for the Customer
In particular, "Respect Every Individual" and "Focus on Process" are two principles that really showcase leadership. Individuals who can separate a process from the individuals completing the process are able to build coalitions, enact real change, and maintain respect for people simultaneously.
This isn't the only framework out there (and truthfully, these principles are a very tactical approach to management), so I encourage you to go and find other frameworks and models that highlight traits of strong leadership for yourself. Ultimately, you have to choose whether or not you want to further develop your leadership capability. No one else can build these strengths for you.
Phillip recommends the following next steps:
Chirayu’s Answer
Some skills that are often associated with excellent leadership and pioneers include: The ability to think ahead, anticipate problems and opportunities, and plan for the future. The ability to make sound and timely decisions based on accurate and complete information. The ability to understand, manage and express one's own emotions, and recognize and influence the emotions of others. The ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and nonverbally, with a wide range of people. The ability to adapt to change, uncertainty, and ambiguity. The ability to generate new and innovative ideas. The ability to see the bigger picture and to inspire others to work towards a common goal. The ability to bounce back from setbacks, learn from failure and maintain a positive attitude. The ability to understand and share the feelings of others. The ability to act with integrity and to make ethical decisions. It's important to note that these skills are not exclusive to leaders and pioneers, and some people may have a stronger inclination in certain areas than others, but with the right mindset, education, and experience anyone can develop these skills to become a leader.
Aj’s Answer
Great question!
Taking up leadership positions early in life is a great thing. It helps you understand and explore who you are.
I would say see your leadership aspirations and upcoming positions as opportunities to understand YOU more.
Note that in one area in life you can be a leader and in another area you can be a follower.
I will respond to your question with another question, if you do not mind.
My question to you is;
Why do you want to be a leader?
Is anything wrong with being a follower?
My humble opinion: Leadership is service. Are you ready to serve?
Karen’s Answer
I do believe that leaders are born with the strength, and the fact that you say you want to go in that direction, means you must have that strength in you. It takes knowledge, wisdom, openess to be a good leader. You have to be a good listener so you know what are the needs of the group that you want to lead. You have to know the topic/ project to know what is for the good of the group and how to guide others through your wishes to get the task done for the group. A good leader is an example for others to follow and admire.
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Josh’s Answer
I gave the answer below to another question about suggested books. The answer is very applicable to your question too.
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek was absolutely transformational for me and my career. Simon sets the standard for leaders using his military experience to explain how great leaders act, speak, think, and, most important, lead.
Most important, Sinek identifies that leaders identified in an org chat. A manager is not a leader simply because they have the role of manager. Why does that matter? You can be a leader!! Leading doesn't mean telling people what to do or having a title, leadership is about making your team better because you are a part of it.
Sir Isaac Newton once said, "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." The role of a leader is to be the shoulders that help those around you to see further.
Josh recommends the following next steps:
jesse’s Answer
Both. Some have that natural instinct to be a leader and some have to earn the skills to become one. As long as you have a great attitude and mindset you can achieve anything you want to in life.
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