Career questions tagged biomedical-science

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Julia304 views

What kinds of career paths are available after getting a degree in biomedical engineering? Are there opportunities for non-research based jobs?

I’m a junior in high school interested in going into biomedical engineering. I love chemistry, math, and biology, and I’m more interested in the practical, hands-on side of science (experiments, things that make a difference in people’s lives).

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Neil528 views

Question about exposure in the field of biomedical engineering

Hi! I am a sophomore at Poolesville High School (magnet school) who is interested in a biomedical career path (still not certain). I was wondering how I can get more exposure in the field--in terms of lab work, research, hands on work, etc.?

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R442 views

Are online courses worth the time?

I'm going to be doing Bsc Biomedical Science in the fall as a freshman. It's a pretty vast field and it's not known to be very prospective right after an undergrad degree. I am planning to do a post-grad degree but I heard online courses in important fields like business and computer science would give me a little edge, job-wise. Is that true? Will they be considered as serious courses (considering I pay for the certificates of course)?

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Aaliyah505 views

What are some steps I can take now to become a biomedical engineer?

I'm interested in becoming a biomedical engineer, but not sure where I should start.

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Sofija477 views

Are internships widely avaliable for students who also have a heavy courseload??

I enjoy hands on activities and feel like getting real time experience especially in the medical field would be exponentially helpful, but I don't want to overload myself with hard classes and that responsibility

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Christopher550 views

If I was pursuing a career in research, would data science or computer science provide more value as a supplementary study?

#JULY20 #biomedical-science #clinical-research

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Kialy2590 views

Would Biomedical Science or Animal Science benefit me more for my Veterinary Medicine degree?

I am going to college in the fall and I have the option of a biomedical major or an animal science major. I want to work towards a Veterinary Medicine degree after my undergraduate, so I want to make the right decision. After researching this question I keep getting the response that to apply for Vet Med it doesn't really matter what your undergraduate major is, but honestly I would rather not go into my graduate degree blind. I just want to know which one would benefit me more in my studies that way I already have an idea of what is going on in Vet Med. #veterinary #biomedical-science #animal-science #veterinary-medicine

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Jada1155 views

Is there a profession out there that's an equal balance between creative writing/publishing and biomedical science?

I am torn between majoring in English and Biomedical Science/Engineering. I love to write stories and strive to become an editor for a publishing company/fiction author or screenwriter, but I also love genetics and would love to be a genetic engineer and researcher (see the details from my previous question.) My parents don't want me to pursue an English degree because the profession "isn't that lucrative" and I'd spend a long time working my way to steady earnings, but they also want me to find a job doing what I love. They've suggested technical writing, but I fear that technical writing could also mean less creativity when writing instruction manuals or scientific journal articles. Any suggestions or advice from real-world experiences? #creative-writing #technical-writing #writing #news-writing #editor #writing-and-editing #fiction-writing #science-fiction #creative-non-fiction #fiction #copy-editing #publishing #genetics #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-science #career-path #screenwriting #author #creative-writing #double-major #dual-career #multiple-interests #english #communications #grant-writing #proposal-writing #career-path #career-choice #career-decisions

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Michaela926 views

What are some jobs you can get as with a bachelors in biomedical sciences?

#biology #biomedical-science #biomed #biomedical #science

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Katia1576 views

If I get a Bachelor's in biology, can I get a Master's and PhD in biomedical science?

I'm a high school student who wants to be a biomedical researcher, but most of the colleges that I'm looking at only offer biology and not biomedical science as a major. I'm wondering if I can jump to biomedical science in grad school, even though I didn't major in it in undergrad. #biology #research #biomedical #medical-research #biomedical-science #science-phd

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Katia1044 views

If I want to do research, is a degree in bioengineering necessary?

I'm interested in becoming a researcher in the field of biomedicine, but I'm not sure if I would need to get a BA or Master's in bioengineering in order to do that. #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science #bioengineering

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Katia5282 views

What is the difference between biomedical engineering, medical research, and the pharmaceutical industry?

I'm interested in pursuing a career path in one of the above fields, so I would like some clarification as to what these specific careers entail. #biomedical-engineering #pharmacy #pharmaceuticals #medical-research #biomedical-science

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Katia2979 views

What does a pharmacologist do on a daily basis?

I'm interested in pursuing a career in pharmacology, but I'm not sure what their day-to-day tasks look like. #research #pharmacy #biomedical #pharmaceuticals #biomedical-science #pharmaceutical-industry #pharmacology

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Katia4984 views

What does a biomedical engineer do on a daily basis?

I'm interested in pursuing a career in biomedical engineering, but I'm not sure what their day-to-day tasks look like. #engineering #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science

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Katia1095 views

Is it possible to get a job in the research industry, not academia, with a PhD in biomedical science?

I'm interested in pursuing a job as a researcher and was wondering about whether it would be possible for me to work in research in the industry. #research #phd #medical-research #biomedical-science #science-phd

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Katia1149 views

Can I still do biomedical research with a degree in biochemistry?

I'm interested in becoming a biomedical scientist. Would I need to get a Bachelor's Degree in biomedical science only, or would biochemistry allow me to work in that industry as well? #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #medical-research #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science

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Katia999 views

How do students pursuing a PhD working in research earn money?

I'm interested in getting a PhD in biomedical science, but I'm not sure how to earn money working as a researcher while still having to pay for school. #research #biomedical #phd #medical-research #biomedical-science #science-phd

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Katia1608 views

Is a PhD required to get a good job in the biomedical field?

This is a bit of a general question, but I'm interested in pursuing a career in biomedical engineering, research, or science. I've heard that there is much competition and that a lot of experience is required to get a job in this field. #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #medical-research #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science #science-phd

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Katia1496 views

What are the steps required to become a biomedical scientist?

I'm a sophomore in high school and am not fully sure of the prerequisites needed to pursue a career in biomedical science. For example, what would I need to major in in college? Should I get a PhD or Master's? #science #college-major #biology #research #biomedical-engineering #medical-research #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science

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Katia956 views

How did you about becoming a biomedical researcher?

I'm a sophomore in high school who is interested in pursuing the field of biomedical research in the future, and I don't know all of the steps required to become a researcher. I'm planning to take AP Chemistry and Biology, as well as AP Stats and BC Calculus in the 11th and 12th grades. What are the courses I must take in college? What are the possibilities for my BA degree? Should I also pursue a Master's Degree of PhD? #college #science #college-major #biology #research #medical-research #biomedical-science

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undefined's avatar
Katia1069 views

What are the academic steps required to become a biomedical researcher?

I'm not sure of the specific field I would need to major in to pursue that career field. #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #medical-research #biomedical-science

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Katia1177 views

What are the academic steps required to become a pharmacologist?

I'm interested in pursuing pharmacology as a degree and am wondering what my academic path would be in this field. #medicine #research #pharmacy #biomedical #pharmaceuticals #medicine-research #biomedical-science #pharmacology

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Katia1075 views

Is a Master's Degree required to get a good job in the biomedical research field?

My dream is to work in a laboratory doing biomedical research. I've heard there's lots of competition for this field and most companies only accept employees with a Master's Degree to do lab work. #science #research #biomedical-engineering #masters #medical-research #biomedical-science

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Katia991 views

What are some tips for finding an internship as a high schooler?

I'm looking for an internship and am currently in high school, but I don't know how to start looking for one. I'm interested in the biomedical research field. #science #biology #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #biomedical-science

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Katia872 views

How important is to find an internship as a high schooler specifically in the field of your intended major?

My career goal is to be a biomedical researcher in the immunogenetics field, but I was wondering if it finding an internship at another research field, for example oncology or genetics, would still be helpful to me. #science #biology #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #biomedical-science

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Katia1220 views

Is it required to get a degree in biomedical engineering from to become a biomedical researcher? Or is biomedical science enough?

I'm interest in becoming a biomedical researcher and work in a lab. I'm trying to figure out what my major should be so I can plan my high school classes. #biology #research #biomedical-engineering #medical-research #biomedical-science #researcher

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Cameron1093 views

What is the most complicated or most interesting design you have had to make as a biomedical engineer?

I want to learn more about the various types of products biomedical engineers create and the scope that these products reach. #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science

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Claire901 views

What are acceptable undergraduate degrees to have before pursuing a graduate degree in biomedical engineering?

I am interested in pursuing a career in biomedical engineering, specifically research in regenerative medicine. I have received conflicting information on undergraduate degrees in this area. Some sources tell me that I need a biomedical engineering undergraduate degree from a high-ranking institution to get into a strong biomedical engineering graduate program. Other sources tell me that I can get an undergraduate degree from a regional university in an area such as biology or chemistry and have no problem getting into a graduate school with good scores. What is the best advice? #medicine #biomedical-engineering #medicine-research #biomedical-science

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Claire1053 views

What happens in a typical day for a biomedical engineer/researcher?

I am interested in pursuing a career in biomedical engineering, specifically research in regenerative medicine. It seems that most of what I read about biomedical engineering careers is focused more on the mechanical side of the profession rather than the human side. I want to research topics that would help identify disease, cure disease, or offer provide knowledge on how the human body can heal itself. #medicine #biomedical-engineering #medicine-research #biomedical-science

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Alexius1033 views

What careers can I consider with a Biomedical Science Degree?

I plan to major in Biomedical Science for my undergraduate degree and intend to go on to vet school. However, if things change, can I do anything with just a biomedical science degree and no further education or degree? #biology #veterinarian #biomedical #biomedical-science

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