Career questions tagged screenwriting

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Juliana741 views

What is the best networking for potential actors and writers that is better than LinkedIn?

I’m currently creating a list of schools to apply to. What are the best networking apps for potential actors and writers to beyond that’s not LinkedIn?

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Gavin977 views

What can I Do to Break into the TV Writing Industry?

What can I do as an aspiring screenwriter to get my stories out there. I write all kinds of different things with relatable characters that touches on REAL topics of today. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!🎬

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Leane1000 views

How do you choose which path to take after finishing your B.A.?

I'm currently in my senior year of a Bachelor's degree in Performing Arts (creative writing minor). I've always wanted to do lots of different jobs and I'm still not sure about what I want to do after graduating! I'm thinking of becoming a writer (screenwriter, poet, songwriter). Maybe I should pursue my studies with a Master's degree but to be honest, I'm getting bored of theoretical courses. I'm still young for my grade (19) and I find it stressful to make decisions that will affect my future. I'm afraid I'll regret them later.

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Ava712 views

How do I become a screenwriter?

I am a junior in High school and trying to seriously narrow down possible career paths. I am planning on graduating with an AA degree and have multiple extra-circulars and leadership positions. Is a career in film a sustainable option? I love movies, and writing and want to find a creative job in the future. At the same time I want a job that I know can support me. I am willing to work long hours and I won't give up easily, but if the effort isn't worth the results then maybe I should look at other fields. What other jobs would allow me to be a creative writer without having to write full novels or news articles? I've looked online but with all the paths for writers it can be a little overwhelming.

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JuanDaniel499 views

What is one of your favorite things to do as a editor?

Hello, I am a middle school student and I am curious about being an editor. Editors seem like a fun career to me and I would love to edit things. I would like to know about the activities of being an editor and if it is a fun and entertaining career to do, or if it’s not? If any retired or working editor could answer my question, could you please provide me answers to my questions?

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Cody438 views

What are some ways to be more fluid with writing and handling more complicated projects?

Beginner writer trying to be a future WGA member. Have some trouble with multiple moving parts during the creative process.

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Sabina766 views

Why did you choose to have a career in filmmaking/acting/screenwriting ?

How do you keep confident in your art and your work when you don’t feel original?

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Terrell525 views

How do you become a successful screenwriter and how to make any person fall in love with your work?

My name is Terrell and I’m a sophomore in high school my goal is to get in to a college with a great screen writing program so I can be somebody when I grow up.

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CareerVillage Office Hours1070 views

How to get work in Hollywood as a filmmaker and screenwriter ?

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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Cece729 views

How can I become a more skilled script-writer and interior designer?

I am a freshman in college, currently majoring in English. I love to write, especially fictional stories. I also love interior design and would like to learn how to get my foot in the door with both of these careers.

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De'Aja734 views


Best Colleges for screenwriting/screenwriters?

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Jordan-Paige710 views

My current plan is to go to a one year film college to get a certificate in screenwriting. Many people have mentioned that you really don't need a film degree to get into film, so a certificate is fine. Is this true?

#film #film-production #director #screenwriting

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Léane843 views

What field to study to make movies?

I'd like to write and direct #movies but I don't think I'm going to go to film school, I think I can study it online and by books, but I do wanna study in college because I am interested in human psychology and culture, so I was wondering what major is best to get to know humans and how they behave and how their characters develop and evolve, because this is very important for #screenwriting . What is the best major for this?

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Kelsey860 views

How can you make a living off of being a writer? How do you become an established writer?

I've loved writing since the second grade and it has always been my dream goal to be a writer. However, since I know writing is not an easy career path to go down, I tend to lose inspiration for writing. I have other options in my mind, but if I want to stick with writing, I feel I need to know how I can make a living off of it. What have other writers done to get to the point where they can live off writing? What can I do? I've been writing on Wattpad for years, and I've won a local poetry contest before. I've also written a full-length high school play (90 minutes), and taken creative writing lessons. I'm not sure what else to do. #writing #author #write #screenwriting

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Jada1155 views

Is there a profession out there that's an equal balance between creative writing/publishing and biomedical science?

I am torn between majoring in English and Biomedical Science/Engineering. I love to write stories and strive to become an editor for a publishing company/fiction author or screenwriter, but I also love genetics and would love to be a genetic engineer and researcher (see the details from my previous question.) My parents don't want me to pursue an English degree because the profession "isn't that lucrative" and I'd spend a long time working my way to steady earnings, but they also want me to find a job doing what I love. They've suggested technical writing, but I fear that technical writing could also mean less creativity when writing instruction manuals or scientific journal articles. Any suggestions or advice from real-world experiences? #creative-writing #technical-writing #writing #news-writing #editor #writing-and-editing #fiction-writing #science-fiction #creative-non-fiction #fiction #copy-editing #publishing #genetics #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-science #career-path #screenwriting #author #creative-writing #double-major #dual-career #multiple-interests #english #communications #grant-writing #proposal-writing #career-path #career-choice #career-decisions

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Emma791 views

What can I do now to get involved with screenplay and directing?

I am a ninth grader in Oakland, California. Right now I am attending an art school where my focus is writing. We have many great opportunities to publish and start building a portfolio. I would love to be a #director and #screen-writer. I was wondering if there were any programs/#internships I could get involved with to gain more experience in this field #directing #screenwriting

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Dylan1027 views

What if I don't want to go to college, can I still be successful?

I have read on various websites that I do not need to waste time and money on college if I want to start screenwriting so I cam curious to know is it fine to skip college and get started #screenwriting #writer #writing #college

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Dylan845 views

What can I do to start my career?

I want to become a writer for Netflix, and I want to know the steps it takes to achieve my dream #netflix #writer #screenwriting #film #film-production #television #television-production

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Guillermo808 views

When did you know you wanted to become a screenwriter?

I have been thinking about becoming a screenwriter for some time. I love the idea of telling stories and educating the general public. #movies #screenwriting

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Thomas862 views

How hard is it to get one of your own projects up and running in the Film industry ?

I'm considering going into Film/screenwriting in College in 2018-9, and I was wondering how hard it is to produce your own feature film from the ground up, as an independent production. #film #independent-films #screenwriting

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Kim1181 views

What's the best and most cost efficient option of Grad school for film / screenwriting students?

I'm months away from graduating with a Bachelor's in Creative Writing and Film & Video Production. My career goal is to become a fiction author and Screenwriter. I'm currently considering several universities to get my Master's in Screenwriting including, Boston University, Loyola Marymount, and the University of Southern California. These schools and most others I've looked at cost a pretty penny in tuition, not to mention the difference in living expenses going to either of these schools will mean for me coming from a medium-sized university in the south and living at home all four years of my undergrad career. What I want to know is; are the price tags of these programs really worth it or are there cheaper options that are just as good? #college #graduate-school #screenwriting #graduating #choosing-a-college UPDATE: 4/17/2020 | Hi all! It's been a few years since I posted this question and I took some time away from schooling to work after graduating. It's been quite the journey, to say the least. This website and post just came back to my remembrance and I thought I'd update this post since I see it's gotten quite a few views since I posted it. I ended up living and working outside my field of choice for a while and after going through some struggles and battling some personal demons, by the grace of God, I'm now in a much better space to continue my education. Some major life events have allowed me to learn a lot about myself and to grow tremendously. Due to the changes of the direction my life has taken by the leading and guiding of God over the last few years, I've decided to pursue my Master's degree in Film / Screenwriting at the University of Central Florida so I can be involved on campus and be near the church family God has connected me with there in Orlando, FL. So, I just wanted to come to this post and offer some advice to any young people who may have the same questions about schooling and career pursuits that I had back when I posted this question: the best advice I could give you would be to first pursue a close relationship with God. Get to know Him and let Him prepare and guide you where He wants to send you because He knows where He will be able to best use and bless you and those around you. Jesus Christ knows you and loves you and if you'll let Him, He'll show you the path He has for you and if you follow Him, you will end up exactly where you need to be at the right time to have the success and impact in society and the fields in which you've been gifted to work and serve. If you seek to know God's will for your life first, He'll work everything out for you to get where you need to be. Many thanks for reading & best wishes to all students, filmmakers, and writers who'll come across this post. God bless & Much Love ❤🙏 Matthew 6:33 #JesusSaves #student #job #college-major #career #Filmmaker #Producer #film-production #entertainment

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Charles1137 views

How do I properly convey my filmmaking visions, and to whom?

Independent filmmaking is taking the world by storm, the internet age promoting positive advertisement, wild kickstarter projects, and a wide berth for viewing. I have so many ideas for feature-length documentaries and narrative shorts, ideas solidified in scripts and outlines. I'm simply not sure where to take these ideas, and how to present them! Professionals, help me out! #writing #film #film-production #film-making #screenwriting #presenting #documentary-series #pitching

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Charles1064 views

As a creative moving from a small town to a large city, what's the most important use of my time this summer?

I'm a small town writer/filmmaker, and I plan to transfer to Columbia College Chicago. Should I be indulging my creative side, or working on more practical skills, like business, communication, and finances (or simply learning to shop for groceries, fix a car, cook better food)? I am employed and saving money, and have found myself trying to budget my free time, stuck between expanding my portfolio or strengthening my ability to function on my own as an independent adult. I know both are important, but where should my focus be? (I plan to move into an apartment off-campus). This question could be helpful for anybody involved in creative work looking to get away. #writing #film #time-management #film-production #creative #portfolio-management #screenwriting #creative-management

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Hot1338 views

What Californian colleges are the best fit to give Majors on Cinematography and Film design?

I aspire to study and eventually become a screenwriter/producer/ and cinematographer later in life. I find it best to find a wide range of cinematic horizons before I enter college and declare, or at least decide on a solid major. #film #cinematography #screenwriting #screenplay

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Makayla1086 views

What are the best film schools?

I am going to school form film and I really want to know which film school is the best to go to for screenplay and script writing. #film #screenwriting #screenplay

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Briana1218 views

How can I as a young writer get my work published or acknowledged?

I am a writer at heart, and I'm equally passionate about writing as I am about journalism, and audio/recording engineering. However, writing is a passion that I never want to lose sight of because this is something I'm really good and I have so much potential to grow in this field of work. I would also like to have some of my work turned into a movie script. I really enjoy the connection of writing and film, to see how writing can be translated into a visual. #writing #film #creative #books #screenwriting #independent-films

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