Career questions tagged choosing-a-college

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Izabella334 views

How do I decide what college to go to?

I am working on getting my high school diploma and after that I want to go to college. I want to be set on a college and also have backup options. I want to do something in the medical field, and I want to make music.

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Kymberly410 views

How can I prep For ucla?

How can I prepare to go to ucla as a freshmen in highschool

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cody960 views

why did you go to college?

why did you go to college? what did you major in? what were the best and worst parts?

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Grace607 views

How did you pick a college to go to? What made you interested in a certain one?

I'm trying to figure out how to pick a college but I know there are a lot of factors to go in that

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Khanh216 views

What are some important factors to consider when choosing a college or university to attend?

Idk what to say

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Yonathan427 views

How do you pick which college to go to ?

It's just so hard to choose!

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Virginia1563 views

How do you pick which college to go to?

It's just so hard to choose!

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Makayla367 views

How do I decide what collages are best for me? ?

I already plan for trying to get in to UF but I know I need backup schools I just don't know what school I should choose and how to know if it's a good backup school.

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Rani510 views

What gpa is required for USC and is it worth it to go out of state for college?

I want to go to college in California but my parents won't let me go unless I have more information to convince them it is a good idea to leave the state for college.

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Maryuri448 views

What should I consider when choosing college And what should I consider when choosing college major??

I'm a senior and I really want to attend college, I'm the first one in my family to attend college and I'm struggling choosing college and a major. I'm scared!

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kelly449 views

College with good veterinary programs?

What are colleges in California that have good programs to prepare me for a veterinary degree? Are there recommended classes I should take while in high school or through dual enrollment?

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CareerVillage Office Hours767 views

What things should be considered in choosing the college or university you are going into?

Office Hours #4: AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Mark Eagle This question was posed by a question during one of our most recent "CareerVillage Office Hours" sessions. During Office Hours sessions, we invite students to pose questions related to a specific topic. In this case, the topic was preparing for life after high school. If you answer this question, we will reach out to the students who attended this office hours session to inform them of your response, and all students on CareerVillage will benefit. If you would be interested in hosting an office hours session on a particular topic, please reach out to our staff! #college-applications #choosing-a-college #applying #college-search #college

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Grace910 views

what college did you go to?

what college did you go to and why? #college #education #secondary-education #choosing-a-college #colleges

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Meredith1113 views

What are the best colleges for veterinary medicine?

I want to be a veterinarian when I grow up and I would like to know where I can go to become one. #veterinarian #veterinary #animals #college #colleges #choosing-a-college

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Alexandra1079 views

Best colleges for science majors?

I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college #science #science-major #choosing-a-college #biology #medicine #chemistry #physics Things you can consider for this specific question... What colleges are highly ranked for their programs in the sciences? If you majored in a science, where did you attend? What did you think of the program?

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Alexandra878 views

Best colleges for math majors?

I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college #college-major #college-majors #math #mathematics #choosing-a-college Things you can consider for this specific question... What are some highly-ranked colleges for math? Where did you earn your math degree? What was your experience there?

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Alexandra1026 views

Best computer science colleges in California?

I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #college #computer-science #cis #california #choosing-a-college Things you can consider for this specific question... Which schools in California have highly ranked computer science programs? If you studied computer science in California, where did you attend college?

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Violeta756 views

What are the top 10 university with music programs in California, if possible Southern California?

#musiceducation #music #education #california #college #choosing-a-college

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Gordon873 views

Is it worth going to my dream school if it costs significantly more than an acedemically comparable school?

I am a high school junior, and I am unsure of if I should choose my dream school (Notre Dame) over a school that is about as good but less expensive. I obviously have not applied to any schools yet, but I am trying to prepare for when I do. #college #financial-aid #choosing-a-college #colleges #finance

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Grace1036 views

What is the best route for me to take to achieve my goals and reach my full potential?

I really want to go into medicine but worry about the cost of school and I do NOT want to graduate with hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans. I also don't know how to choose my under grad school and worry that if I don't pick the right school it will be harder to get into med or vet school. Is there a way to look online at what classes/schools are recognized by medical schools? #choosing-a-college #medschool #vetschool ##howtodecide #veterinary #medicine #healthcare #doctor #vet #college #debt #loans #financial-aid

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Jordan1785 views

What is the best pre-med school in to go to with a great softball team?

#student-athlete #athletics #athlete #pre-med #softball #sports #college #choosing-a-college

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Michael598 views

Is University of Hartford over priced and is it considered a good school?

I applied to the University of Hartford which is a bit pricey but I am not sure if it's worth it. If there's anyone who applied or is attending this school can give me some info and guidance? #University-of-Hartford #college #paying-for-college #choosing-a-college #money

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Seneca844 views

Should I go to a more expensive, prestigious school for the experience and opportunities, or take a more affordable route so that I will have less financial burden in the future?

I got accepted to UCLA, however, I am wondering if it is worthwhile to attend UCLA if it means that I will create more debt for myself in the future. I want the diversity, club organizations, experience, and research opportunities that it offers (I am an Undeclared- Life Sciences major at the moment), although I am not sure what I want to do for a career or exactly what major I want. I have many varying interests in completely different areas (such as acrobatics, dance, biology, theater), and I am hoping that by attending such a diverse university that I will be able to explore these interests and define what is best for me. But then again, the debt (*sigh*). I also realize that it will be more cutthroat at such a university, and therefore I will have to dedicate more time towards studying and possibly might not be able to fit all the things I want to do into my schedule. If I go to a more affordable school, I may not have the same opportunities as at UCLA or be around as driven students as myself. Also, IT'S UCLA!! What should I do?? #UCLA #affordablility #experience #undeclared #choosing-a-college #college-selection #college #college-advice

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Kierstyn764 views

Should you consider weather when choosing a college?

I know this might seem trivial or silly to some people but I think weather could be a really important factor. I've lived in Michigan and Indiana but I've also lived in Texas, both with very different types of weather. I've heard that people who go to school in more northern climates tend to skip class more and not do as well because they don't want to go out into the snow/cold. Should I seriously consider weather when choosing my college? #college #weather #choosing-a-college #college-factors

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Brooke731 views

Are Heavy Student Loans Worth a "Good" Education?

One of the colleges I have been accepted to is a good school but did not give out good financial aid. How do I weigh the options and figure out when I should look at a different college? #choosing-a-college #financial-aid

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Brooke704 views

How can I be sure I'm choosing the right college?

There are so many options! I've applied to six colleges, but how do I know which one to choose? Aside from financial aid, what are some things I should be looking for? #college-applications #deciding #choosing-a-college

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Adriana960 views

How do I figure out which college is right for me?

Because I have no idea where I want to go! “#college #college-admissions #choosing-a-college #college-recruiting

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Madison1272 views

Branch or Main Campus?

My dad was relatively okay with the college he heard I was going to... until he realized I would be going to the branch that's only 15 minutes away from home, so I can commute, instead of receiving my education at the main campus of the school and staying in the dorms. I decided to go to the branch because we don't have a lot of money and I can get my whole degree there without the cost of the housing. But he's afraid that not only will I not get the same quality education, I will also not be considered for a job in a city like New York for a publishing company because it will look like a "knock-off" of sorts of the "real deal". Are these real risks? #college #choosing-a-college #campus

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Antonio733 views

Where to start at a college with so many choice?

I'm asking this question due to the number of clubs and groups.#college #choosing-a-college #choosing-#college-major #student-clubs #student-activities

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Sorcha940 views

How did you know that you wanted to attend a public/private school? Explain.

I want to know if it’s worth going to a private college #money #college #public-school #private-school #college-choice #choosing-a-college

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