Career questions tagged softball

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Marlee262 views

How dod i get to those levels of goals?

I am in the 9th grade and i want to become a pro softball player but i’m broke and i cant get to those goals so i am trying my hardest to get a scholarship to i can achieve my dreams please help me do so

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Jordan1785 views

What is the best pre-med school in to go to with a great softball team?

#student-athlete #athletics #athlete #pre-med #softball #sports #college #choosing-a-college

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Alexis1000 views

Is major league softball a growing career path?

Major league softball has 6 teams and I want to know if it's a growing career path #softball #athletics #sports #career #career-counseling

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Jessica918 views

Sports in high school

I play sotfball, should I focus on nursing in high school instead? #sports #softball

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trina1053 views

What can I do now to prepare myself to become a all star softball player?

Hi my name is trina I'm a middle schooler at davis. I play softball and would like to know what i can do to be on the next level of playing softball. #sports #softball #college #athletics #career-counseling #career

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