Career questions tagged secondary-education

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Joshua487 views

How would it work to transfer my certification and everything?

I'm currently a 15 year old in high school in NYC. I want to go to a college out-of-state (Mass) but want to return to my home city and state when I finish and have my degree and certifications in teaching high school history/humanities.

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Bekka656 views

What are the major differences between elementary and middle school teachers?

My dream has always been to be an elementary school teacher, but I really like English as well. I am debating either an elementary school teacher or a middle school English teacher, and don't know which to choose. I really like working with kids, presenting/public speaking, etcetera. #teacher #english #elementary-education #secondary-education

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lakshman631 views

how to become a detective

#k-12-education #ias #secondary-education

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Madelyn555 views

How do I become a good CNA?

nursing school #nursing-schools #secondary-education early education

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Grace910 views

what college did you go to?

what college did you go to and why? #college #education #secondary-education #choosing-a-college #colleges

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Christina713 views

How do I decide which grade to teach?

#primary-education #secondary-education I'm a senior, and have decided that I want to become an educator with a masters in teaching. I've worked with children from 5 to 70, and enjoy teaching them equally. That, in fact, is my dilemma. I don't know what, and who, I want to teach. I know it will elementary, middle, or high school. I work with the different ages of kids well, and enjoy them all. I work very well with young kids, but I also take a particular pleasure in science (Especially biology), comparative politics, and US history. However, you often don't get to teach these subjects in depth at the elementary, and in some cases middle school levels. I would like to figure out sooner than later, because if I take the middle/high school route, I can do more STEM related classes that qualify me for greater scholarships.

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Ashley623 views

I want to be a high school math teacher and wondered if it is better to major in math or in secondary education with an endorsement in math.

I have my associates degree and have worked at a community college towards a math degree so that I can teach high school math. The school I am transferring to has suggested it would be best to switch my major to a secondary education major to get practice with teaching. The professors at my community college told me I need a math degree to get enough math to teach. The advisors at both schools have different views and told me to do more research, and so far I am still confused as to what would be best in the long scope of things so that I am well prepared to be a successful teacher. #math #secondary-education #mathteacher

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Mackenzie795 views

What are the perks to being a language teacher? Art teacher? Social studies teacher?

I know I want to be a high school teacher,but I am just trying to figure out what to specialize in. I love art, but I also love french, and history and sociology are super interesting. #art #teaching #language-teaching #teach-history #secondary-education

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Perry1276 views

How do the UK and US high school and college systems compare?

It is generally stated that the UK system is more disciplined while has more structure and the US system enforces more creative, personal, and "out of the box" thinking. However, is there any specific reason on system may be better than the other? #college #higher-education #secondary-education

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Katlin1855 views

I know I want to become a Science Teacher, but what kind should I choose?

My dream is to become a Secondary Science Teacher, but I am unsure which area to focus on. I never enjoyed Anatomy as much because I have a hard time remembering all of those definitions and crazy names on a whim, and my passion has always been Physics, but I am unsure as to how well I will be able to teach sure a hard subject to a 'difficult' age of young adults. Should I merely allow my specialty to encompass all sciences or find focal point? #science #teaching #teacher #physics #secondary-education #home-school

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Katlin774 views

How does one go about gathering a Homeschool communtity for classes?

I am going to college this next semester for Education to become a Secondary Science teacher. I have been home-schooled for 8 of my 12 school years, giving me a deep appreciation for the option of homeschooling. During those years many classes were done in Home-school 'classes' with a teacher who got a degree in teaching or felt confident enough in a subject to teach students whether they be their own children or other's. My dream is to follow in my Science Teacher's footsteps, teaching science in an exciting way that intrigues young adults allowing them to find their passions (whatever they may be), to appreciate the world around them, to do so in a way that glorifies God, and not to merely 'learn to the tests' but to gain knowledge. My main concern is this: How to I find the home-schoolers around me after I graduate and begin my own classes? #science #teaching #teacher #secondary-education #home-school

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Nathan969 views

What are some good teaching strategies for Secondary/High School students?

I am studying to be a math teacher, primarily for secondary school/High school, and want to know what some people have done to help teach difficult children and/or tips to make teaching easier. I am hoping to teach in China, but tips used in the States would be welcome as well. #teacher #education #mathematics-education #secondary-education #teaching

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Nathan839 views

What is education in China like?

I am going to be studying to be a math teacher, and I am thinking about teaching in China. I would like to teach in an international school, and I would like to know what education is like there. #secondary-education

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Laynie867 views

What do I major in to become a secondary teacher?

I want to be a high school teacher. #secondary-education

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Marissa1648 views

Pros and Cons to Education

I am 19 and trying to decide on a major. I was hoping someone could give me pros and cons to whatever you have experience with? Or any advice you have on making this decision! I've narrowed it down to three. The first is Elementary Education, i am thinking if i choose this i would want to teach the younger ages, kindergarten through 2nd or 3rd grade. The second is Secondary Education, i would major in math and English, eventually i would want to teach English but math teachers are in demand and i love math. The third is Special Education, i think i would want to teach at a middle school level if i went with this one. #education #mathematics #english #k-12-education #secondary-education

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Moises1257 views

what is it like being a teacher?

i'm asking this because i love helping others and in the future i plan to become a teacher and influence the young to push forward with Math. #teacher #math #students #secondary-education

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Rachel2033 views

How do you figure out what grade level you should teach?

Hello, I am a sophomore in high school and plan to go into a teaching career. I keep flipping back and forth between wanting to be an elementary school teacher and a high school teacher. I love working with young children and helping them learn. However, I love history and high schools have classes taught specifically for that, whereas elementary schools do not go into much depth with those kinds of things. I am torn between what I should do and was wondering if there are any indicators that could help me decide for sure. #teaching #elementary-education #secondary-education

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