I want to be a high school math teacher and wondered if it is better to major in math or in secondary education with an endorsement in math.
I have my associates degree and have worked at a community college towards a math degree so that I can teach high school math. The school I am transferring to has suggested it would be best to switch my major to a secondary education major to get practice with teaching. The professors at my community college told me I need a math degree to get enough math to teach. The advisors at both schools have different views and told me to do more research, and so far I am still confused as to what would be best in the long scope of things so that I am well prepared to be a successful teacher. #math #secondary-education #mathteacher
2 answers
Nancy’s Answer
Becoming a teacher requires state certification. Find out how to get certified in your state. A degree in education with a math endorsement will enable you to get a job teaching many math courses. Do you want to teach advanced math, such as honors trigonometry, and multi-variable calculus? You could get a math degree and satisfy the teacher’s certification by getting a master’s in education. If you want to get teaching regular math right away I’d go the first route.

Douglas Lemmo, P.E.
Douglas’s Answer
I suggest that you visit a high school that you might like to teach at and ask them what credentials/degrees that you would need to be a teacher there.
Hope this helps.