Career questions tagged weather

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gabriel316 views

How long does it take to be a storm chaser?

it took someone 15 years.

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Roman664 views

Best college path for a meteorologist?

What is an optimal college path for someone wanting to be a meteorologist? How many years in college? What colleges do you recommend?

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Roman346 views

Public speaking

Is public speaking for the weather difficult? If so how?

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Roman608 views

Meteorologist challenges

What are some challenges that a meteorologist would face during a normal work week?

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Roman446 views

Day In the life

What does a day look like for a meteorologist? What kind of work is done before airing on television or before the start of a day?

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Kierstyn764 views

Should you consider weather when choosing a college?

I know this might seem trivial or silly to some people but I think weather could be a really important factor. I've lived in Michigan and Indiana but I've also lived in Texas, both with very different types of weather. I've heard that people who go to school in more northern climates tend to skip class more and not do as well because they don't want to go out into the snow/cold. Should I seriously consider weather when choosing my college? #college #weather #choosing-a-college #college-factors

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Olivia586 views

Are research opportunities more favorable to climatology or meteorology if I pursue a degree in Atmospheric Science?

I would like to be a meteorologist although I’m not sure if I’m leaning towards being the weather person on a local news station or forecaster behind the scenes. I would like to participate in research study and long-term predictions and am wondering if I could be more successful as a climatologist, perhaps in a governmental or environmental agency. #Weather #AtmosphericScience #ILoveScience #Meteorology #Climatology #science

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Jessica809 views

How do I know if my degree of choice is too difficult?

I am interested in studying meteorology in college. This is my senior year of high school and I am taking physics and calculus to prepare for the meteorology degree. However, I feel like I am struggling in calculus. I'm passing, but I realize that harder courses are coming, and they may prove to be too difficult. I really want to study the weather, and I really enjoy calculus, when I understand it. #college #difficult #calculus #ap-calculus #meteorology #meteorologist #weather #degree

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Jessica986 views

How should I choose the right job for me in the field of Meteorology?

I am interested in pursuing a meteorology degree in college. However, there is a wide range of jobs and applications in this field, and I don't know how to narrow my choices down. What jobs are there, how do they differ, and how do I know which one is for me? #meteorology #meteorologist #weather #atmospheric-science #hurricanes

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Jonathan1166 views

Is it a disadvantage or will a student be viewed differently for attending a community college for the first 2 years in order to transfer into a college that offers a specific program major?

The atmospheric sciences and meteorology program is not offered by a lot of colleges in the state that I live in. FSU's program was ranked in the top 6 in the United States and is my top pick, but it is very competitive to get into. TCC is a community college nearby that has a relationship with FSU and offers meteorology that students can pursue for the first 2 years and then transfer into FSU for the last 2 years to complete the Bachelor's. #science #career-paths #colleges #earth-science #weather

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Jonathan2913 views

If I pursue a degree in atmospheric sciences and meteorology, how difficult will it be to secure a position in the field and how successful can a meteorologist become in the workplace?

My original plan for college was to target a degree in computer gaming development and/or cyber gaming technology, but I also have a passion for the field of meteorology and have studied it as a hobby since I was 5 years old. Degrees in technology are mostly a sure thing if you have the skill, but there is not a lot of information out there about non-broadcast meteorology. #science #career-paths #earth-science #computer-gaming #weather

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