Are Heavy Student Loans Worth a "Good" Education?
One of the colleges I have been accepted to is a good school but did not give out good financial aid. How do I weigh the options and figure out when I should look at a different college? #choosing-a-college #financial-aid
3 answers
Sherri’s Answer
Hi, I totally understand your concerns, I would look at it as an investment in yourself. Look at what your future earnings will be, estimate how much your payments on your student loans will be. The government also offers a variety of repayment plans, you can go to : this will give you valuable information on the different repayment plans.
Best Wishes,
Joe’s Answer
Your success will depend much more on your personal skills and your drive than what school you went to. When one goes to the dentist they don't often check what school they went to, but rather they seek out what the word-of-mouth reputation of the dentist has been.
Many students end up financially burdened by their loans for years, especially if they cannot get a well-paying career in the field they went to study in the first place.
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Glenn’s Answer
That is a tough question. If you want to do the math, you need to look at what you would expect to be paid when you graduate and how much debt you expect to have. If you are entering a highly sought after technical degree in engineering, it may be worth the cost. Better schools get you better job opportunities. If you are going into teaching, the pay is low, but sometimes you can get support in paying off the loans from the school. Sounds like you are smart enough to think this through, so do your homework.
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