Career questions tagged college-applications

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Naqiyah462 views

Is it too late to do anything impactful for my college applications ?

I’m a rising senior applying to colleges in the fall and I’m interested in major in either biomedical engineering or biological sciences and possibly a minor in public policy.Is there anything I can do to add to my app in this short amount of time and if so what ?

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kaylyn405 views

Do I have a good chance of getting accepted to UCLA, Berkeley, UCSD, UCI, or UCSB for finance/actuary , if my classes are medical CTE?

I have been taking a CTE pathway in medicine (3 years), only to realize that I want to apply to college in a more math/finance related side. (specifically actuary, as of now). I am planning on applying to UCs, I volunteer at a local hospital, but I don't do much finance related "things", do I have a good chance of getting accepted. I did an internship (for non profit) and am VP of our school's business club.

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Vanshika454 views

Admission Officers: Should I join my local Youth activities Council? Would that boost my overall college app, or should I save that time and spend it somewhere more useful?

While I do need to show some community service, I am interested in majoring in business and am wondering whether to spend that time working towards writing for financial literacy or join this Council where I don't know which mission it will most likely serve. I would like to hear the perspective of admission officers if possible.

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Vanshika407 views

What all major colleges have clubs that are open to high schoolers for chartering as well (might include a tie-up)?

I am mostly looking to start a business related club (anything related in the field is fine, i.e finance, economics, marketing, business, entrepreneurship). Most colleges have clubs that are specific to that college, I'm looking for clubs that can be brought to a high school. If possible, I would like to have a tie-up with the college in terms of gaining access to the material, etc.

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SNB575 views

Do I need a "spike" in my interests for college applications?

I see a lot of advice that students should have a spike in their applications to demonstrate interests and clear focus/passion. If they want to go into computer science they should do mainly computer science related classes and extracurriculars. I want to go into biomedical engineering so I am in engineering club, doctors without borders, and science honor society. However, I am also interested in public speaking so I do mock trial, TV production, and speech and debate, but I don't plan on pursuing that as my major in college. Will this negatively affect my college applications? If it does, what should I do from here?

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S285 views

What do I do summer before senior year ?

I feel so discouraged because i’m too late in applying for internships and programs and it has been weighing down on me for so long. I feel like my college resume isn’t strong enough. (also if anyone knows any summer volunteer programs related to healthcare that’s still open in houston, pls send)

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Riya469 views

What are some good colleges offering programs in political science and business with special tracks leading to law school?

As a dedicated junior in high school with a passion for political science, business, and law, I'm driven by a profound interest in understanding legal systems. I aspire to leverage this passion into an undergraduate degree in political science, ultimately leading to pursuing a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree. I am resourceful and determined, consistently demonstrating strong analytical capabilities and a robust work ethic. My organizational skills and ability to multitask efficiently enable me to excel in both academic and extracurricular endeavors. Collaboration is one of my strengths; I thrive in team environments and am committed to leading with positivity and integrity.

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Udaya373 views

What extra curricular activities should take in highschool for Cs major?

Advise extra curricular activities what I can do for Cs major in highschool

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imani383 views

does volunteering even matter on my college applications?

recently, I've signed up to volunteer at my local library, they claim it could look good on my future college applications, but do colleges really care if I volunteer anywhere? and if they do, will volunteering at the library be good?

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Fernando488 views

How many colleges can I apply to at once ?

How many colleges can I apply to at once ?

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Brenda672 views

How can I make the most of my summer vacation to prepare for senior year and apply to colleges?

I'm currently a junior, and I need some advice on how to spend my summer vacation to help prepare for my upcoming senior year.

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Ruyi188 views

Does Mock Trial look good on college applications?

Hello! I’m an incoming freshman and I was wondering if mock trial looks good for college applications. I’ve been doing mock trials for 4 years now and I’m debating on continuing it and joining my high school team. The thing is that I want a career in the med field and I was wondering if mock trial would look good on my college application for that even though it’s not really relevant to my career choice. I enjoy doing mock trials and it’s a hobby for me at this point but I’m not sure if it’s worth it.

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Arvin381 views

I'm a rising junior that wants to major in economics. What extracurriculars can I do to make myself stand out against other applicants.?

Looking to apply to the ivies and most top 25 schools

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Katelyn490 views

I am a student at Wahconah Regional High School. I am wondering how the college application process works in terms of tuition, scholarships, out of state colleges, etc. .?

I have been researching colleges I am interested in and they are not clear enough on giving application and admission information and I am just wondering about the basics.

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kiaya332 views

Hi, I'm a sophomore student at Wachonah Regional High School. How does the college application system work and when do you start applying for colleges? When and who will help me start my path to finding and applying for colleges?

Is applying for colleges more of a lead path for everyone, or does everyone experience something different when it comes to college, how do I know what colleges I could be eligible to get into?

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Alicja532 views

What will help me stand out on direct-nursing admissions?

Hi, I’m currently a junior who is planning on applying to direct-nursing schools. I was wondering what would look best on my applications and help me stand out. I’m taking classes leaning towards the medical field like: medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, ap biology, and CNA. I’ve also applied for volunteering over the summer in hospitals. #Spring24

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Mahmoud375 views

Dual Enrollment vs. AP courses?

Since beginning high school, I've believed enrolling in college courses would be more advantageous. However, I've started to wonder whether certain selective colleges might perceive them differently in the context of college applications. l've claimed 20 credits at my state university (UMN) and additional credits at my local community college. Although my school offers multiple AP classes, I opted for college courses due to the diverse options available each semester. By the time I graduate from high school, I'll have amassed over 80 college credits. Is it plausible that this choice might put me at a disadvantage? Could colleges prioritize students with AP classes when reviewing applications? To be honest, I think they would prefer AP classes because they're standardized across the nation, but on the other side, I believe college/university classes are more rigorous and can reflect my intellectual curiosity.

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Mahmoud475 views

College classes vs. AP classes?

Ever since I started high school, I always thought taking actual college classes made more sense. However, I’ve begun to wonder if specific selective colleges will look at them differently regarding college applications. I have taken 20 credits at my state university (UMN) and more at my local CC. My school offers multiple AP classes, but I choose college classes because they allow me diverse options of courses each semester. I will graduate from high school with 80+ college credits. Is it possible that I may be at a disadvantage regarding this choice? Will the college review my application and say they want students with AP classes?

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Andrew1426 views

Is high school honors worth it?

I'm wondering if high school honors matter to empoylers. I already got accepted ED into Northeastern University, so I assume it won't matter to colleges if I didn't get one. I'm planning to drop a math class as I hate math and it just stresses me out. Will Northeastern rescind my application if I drop that math class? I failed the first term of that math class, so I retook it, but will they recind me if I don't finish the second term. Will graduating from high school matter to empoylers at all?

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Gabriela689 views

Applying multiple times for a same university is ok?

I am unsure on whether I will be starting on spring or fall term, I want to know if that is okay or even possible.

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Aliah1086 views

How much do you have to do around your school to be accepted?

Like how do you make sure to get into a medical college? I have a 4.0 average so far into my 7th grade year. I want to know what courses I should take in High School to be sure to get into medical college.

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sarah496 views

What is the best thing to put on college applications?

I am in Indiana.

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joy489 views

college applications and where to begin?

how to i begin applying to colleges? it feels like im a little too late to the game and wont get accepted, or wont have my stuff into. what do i do?

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Shannon1999 views

How impactful do my high-school sophomore grades impact my chances of getting accepted?

I go to an academically challenging school, and after hitting the ground running freshman year, I hit the sophomore slump with less As than I'd like. I even got my first C. My grades in junior year are all As and A+s.

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Shannon755 views

What are the best ways to stand out in college applications without burning myself out from too many extracurricular activities?

I’m trying to get inti an Ivy and i want to be different from my peers. I’m leading a few clubs and I’m a member in many more, but i’m afraid its not enough. What can I do?

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Jasharee800 views

What should I put on my college applications ?

What should I put on my college applications to make it look.

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Jolene297 views

When it comes to postgraduate applications, does a person studying a major and a minor have a disadvantage compared to someone studying a dual major degree in the same fields?

If so, how big of a disadvantage?

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Joe358 views

Why am I not accepted?

Why was I not accepted into Harvard? I have a 4.0 GPA, did debate and speech all throughout high school, and aced all my AP exams. What did I do wrong?

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Emily350 views

how do i get colleges interested in my application?

how do I apply for colleges? What do I need an application? what are four main parts of an application to look good? how do I get colleges to look at my applications?

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Claudia424 views

What do I need to know my senior year to prepare for picking colleges?

I'm a senior in high school, and I do an online schooling for credit recovery. I graduate in the spring, but have only recently decided that I want to go to college. I have very limited knowledge of what I should be doing to prepare to apply for college. I decided to major in psychology (BA), and pick my minor on which school I'm applying to. I want to be a family therapist, and I recently learned I'll need to get my masters for that. That being said I'm confused on how my undergraduate year would work. Do I have to do 6 years of school, and if not what would I be doing? I only have one person I could ask that would be able to help me with college information, but I don't know exactly how to ask or what I need to ask them. Any kind of light that can be shed on my situation would be greatly appreciated.

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