Career questions tagged college-application-tips

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Vanshika454 views

Admission Officers: Should I join my local Youth activities Council? Would that boost my overall college app, or should I save that time and spend it somewhere more useful?

While I do need to show some community service, I am interested in majoring in business and am wondering whether to spend that time working towards writing for financial literacy or join this Council where I don't know which mission it will most likely serve. I would like to hear the perspective of admission officers if possible.

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Lila1876 views

What free virtual programs can I take as a high school student who is interested in Nursing.?

I am a current junior and I want to make myself stand out in my college applications! I already looked into job shadowing and I was wondering if people could help me find programs in NJ or any program that is virtual that is within the realm of medicine! Thank you!

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