Career questions tagged passion

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SNB575 views

Do I need a "spike" in my interests for college applications?

I see a lot of advice that students should have a spike in their applications to demonstrate interests and clear focus/passion. If they want to go into computer science they should do mainly computer science related classes and extracurriculars. I want to go into biomedical engineering so I am in engineering club, doctors without borders, and science honor society. However, I am also interested in public speaking so I do mock trial, TV production, and speech and debate, but I don't plan on pursuing that as my major in college. Will this negatively affect my college applications? If it does, what should I do from here?

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Jasmin517 views

What are some side hustles I could put into action as a 15-year-old this summer?

I'm a 15-year-old trying to make some new streams of income to make some extra money this summer. I am already reselling product on Facebook marketplace and planning to start a small business very soon what are some other things you could recommend me to do?

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abrianna358 views

what are some ways to make sure you pick something that you are passionate about and is their a wrong time to start over #spring23 #spring24

i'm going into 12th grade and I'm asking more how do you know you picked the right thing to study or is their a time to late to swich out of something and start new because i don't wanna go into something thinking it's my life goal and doing it, then hating or wanting to do something else

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Alina206 views

How to choose between making money and wanting to be happy in a career?

I am currently a rising Junior in highschool and my dream job is to be a marine biologist (More specifically an oceanographer), an ornithologist, or a herpetologist but there are little to few jobs available, and if they are available they don't pay enough for me to grow up and be comfortable. I understand I should be happy with a job but I want to be able to buy groceries and such. Maybe even a treat now and then.

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Arsema572 views

How can I start a passion project of the medical field I want to peruse?

I am a freshman and I want to start creating a passion project, but i don't know how? I have an idea: Crafting Health Toolkit Initiative Project Concept: Develop a comprehensive toolkit that includes physical items made through crochet and arts & crafts, and digital resources for children's health and wellness. 'Bake for Health' Educational Series Project Concept: A series of workshops and online content that uses baking to teach scientific and health-related concepts. but I need a step by step plan on how to do this and make a difference in my community. Also I’m a freshman so I might not have the resources to do this! But I'm open for help and tips/websites to complete these tasks of mine.

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Juele199 views

How do you know what could be your dream job.What will it take to strive towards that dream job.Why is it so difficult to find a job you love to do.?

How do you know what could be your dream job.What will it take to strive towards that dream job.Why is it so difficult to find a job you love to do.

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Aditya563 views

how to find my dream passion interest goal meaning purpose?

how to find my dream passion interest goal meaning purpose

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Aidan749 views

How does one maintain a healthy work/life balance so that the demands of a career or academic goal do not stifle other passions?

I have always had a desire to acquire a deeper understanding of our natural world and its living processes at a molecular level. I am applying to college to pursue Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, with the hope of one day attending graduate school or even taking the Medical sciences route. I know that this will be a challenging endeavor and I am fearful that the workload and long hours will dampen my passion for Science or even stifle other areas of my life that I treasure, like my friendships, sailing and playing hockey. How do professionals maintain that healthy balance so that their studies or jobs do not become their whole identities?

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Edd719 views

Should I give up my passion?

I have two passions only. Making Art and making Music. I am a graphic design student who is doing pretty well in college and juggling my Art and Music passions. I am pretty good at both of my passions. Lately someone told me that I should focus only on one passion. There are some youtube videos and articles that supports my situation and says that it's great thing two have two passions or even more and there are some youtube videos and articles that says that you should have only one passion and put all your focus on it. There is a kinda famous artist/musician called Jack Stauber who i stumbled upon lately who is juggling the same two passions of mine in addition to animation, sculpture, stop motion, many different musical instruments, singing, songwriting, and many more. he majored in Marketing . And there is also Caroline konstnar who is ballet dancer, artist, singer, comedian, actor, content creator. My question is should I give up on one of my passions and focus only on one, which is something that I don't wanna do. Or be like these two musician/artist examples and embrace my two passions through content creation by making music and making art for my music or making music and making animation for my music just like they do. Thank You

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Sophia446 views

What does it take to find your passion?

I have been struggling with finding something that really speaks to me. The things I thought I wanted to do are more difficult than I was anticipating.

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Sophia343 views

How does one know exactly what branch of whatever their passion is to major in and focus on?

I know I love art, but am pretty sure I’m not going to go to art school, and am looking for alternatives, and have no clue which design related topic to choose!

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Emma448 views

When should I start finding a passion project to do?

I am a 10th grader should I be starting a passion project? I have an idea to start a jewelry business and donate profits to a certain neuro research organization

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Elizabeth443 views

What would be a good passion project for someone who doesn't know what they want to do in life yet? #Spring23

Hey! I'm a 9th grader and I'm trying to get a head start on careers and college and I have heard many good things about passion projects and I wanted to try them. I love theater, acting, and biking and I love to travel. #Spring23

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Ashlyn1054 views

What is the best way to find my passion?

There are a lot of things I like a little, but nothing that has made me want to do it for the rest of my life. I feel lost and confused sometimes, or like it's too late to develop a new passion (even though I know it isn't.) I am really interested in doing something creative and personal, that can make a difference. I like making things look good, and I love photography, I just haven't had a lot of experience with it because I couldn't afford a camera until recently. Sometimes I am discouraged by the fact that others are ahead of me and that I am losing precious time to develop that skill. It gets really hard when most of my life is taken up by academics and schoolwork (I prioritize my grades a lot, I am in Junior Year.) so I sometimes don't have the energy to do the things I love and improve at them. What advice would you give me?

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Peyton531 views

How hard is it to find your passion in a career?

I am looking at colleges with a wide variety of majors in case I would like to change it once I am already there. I would love to try to find my passion in something earlier so I don't waste any time or money doing something I don't love.

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Ellie789 views

I love art, but I don't think it is wise to major in it because of the low variety of jobs with this career. What would be some alternate options to continue my love and my personal education in art without a bachelors in it.

Could anyone have any thoughts on how to help my dilemma?

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Erica3271 views

What are some passion project ideas that a student interested in the health field can do?

I'm passionate about arts and health. I've already done a passion project for art, which was curating and sponsoring a teen-art gallery to support a non-profit. Not only that, but I've done some volunteering at hospitals and Red Cross, which has been great so far. What are some ideas for a health-related project.

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Christopher1022 views

How do I find the motivation and passion for things that I am interested in?

I am someone who struggles with motivation and don't have a specific career I want to follow. I just want to live a good life making good money with a job I don't mind doing. How can I find my passion? Do I not know enough of myself to be throwing myself at the wind with no direction? Am I wasting time just looking for somewhere I fit in? Does my lack of future details on my aspirations and goals place me on the outside of the majority spectrum? I would like to hear some advice and guidance if there is someone who has struggled with this same mindset.

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Ashley521 views

Career-wise, what sort of balance should I strike between passion and money?

This upcoming fall, I will be going off to college and there has been a lot of pressure from family and other adults for me to choose a major that will help me eventually land job that makes a lot of money. I'm still very unsure about where I want to take my future and I want to keep exploring, but I'm not sure that medicine or engineering will be for me.

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Nino550 views

Do you truly enjoy what you do?

#passion #career

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Tanu5868 views

I want to be an movie/tv actress and lawyer at the same time!

I’ve been wanting to be an actress since I was 3. I can also dance, I’ve loved it since I was 3. I can sort of sing. Drama is my favorite class at school. But I need something else just in case, so I plan to graduate in law and be a lawyer. I am also passionate in law, but it is a recent addition. But keep auditioning for roles. I’ve wanted to be an author or artist since I was young too. I am pretty good at public speaking/speech/acting. I have won awards and many people have said so. I’ve wrote stories and books since I was in 2nd grade. I’m pretty good at art too, it’s one fo my favorite subjects! I won many prizes for both. I get good grades too. What should I do?? I think I should go with this plan, but please help me by giving me advice! #civilrightslawyer #lawyer #law #college #acting #dancing #passion #advice #author #stories #writing #art #drama

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Alexandra891 views

How to handle having depression in a research career?

I'm looking to become a psychology researcher. I understand that research careers can be fairly stressful. However, I've also suffered from depression for a decade and expect I will still be dealing with it when I attain my career. How can I go about handling my illness while also successfully pursuing my passion? What kind of practices should I employ while on the job, and what mindset should I have? #research #psychology #mental-health #mental-illness #psychiatry #clinical-psychology #depression #stress #passion #science #brain-sciences #highered #phd

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Jonathan621 views

Why did you choose video game designer as your passion?

#game-design #video-games #video-game-design #what-drives-you #passion

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Ben550 views

Why are you intereted in this field?

What particularly are you passionate about? #Passion

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Grace907 views

Reaching your dream job is tough. What do you think it means to reach your dream job, and why is it so rewarding?

We all have an image of a dream job, yet was makes it a dream? Is it the hard work and persistence that makes the job rewarding. Or maybe even today it's considered a dream job because the odds of you receiving the job as a female is small. I would love to hear peoples perspectives on what they consider a dream job and why? #dream #jobs #employment #passion #motivation #success #career-advising

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Kaitlyn729 views

I love school but I've learned that I hate being in the workforce. How can I be sure to get a job I will enjoy after I graduate?

I can't stay in school forever. I graduate with my MFA (yes, I'm going for specialization), but I'm worried that after I'm specialized, I still won't be able to find a job I enjoy. #workforce #career #career-advising #finding-a-major #passion

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Marie793 views

Do you really need a passion to get into a top university?

Many college admissions officers and guidance counselors push students to find their passions in high school. At the ripe age of 15 or 16, students are expected to know exactly which career they would like to pursue and the impact they want to have in the world. However, many students do not know the answer to these questions. In fact, some never find the answer. Do you really need to have a passion to get into a top university or are there others way to showcase your intelligence and dedication? #passion #college #life #high-school

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Ben735 views

Should I start a recording studio while pursuing an undergraduate degree?

I'm majoring in Molecular Biology, and I'm planning on graduating in three years, not necessarily for prestige (though that would be cool!) but mainly because of costs. Using my AP courses, I would likely take 18 semester credit hours a year to complete the required courses on time for med school, so I'm looking forward to a busy schedule. With that in mind, I was looking for ways to make money. And so I remembered the stories I've heard of doctors who played instruments in their free time, or some physicians even starting their own studios. From that point, I thought, "What better way to fund college than doing what you love?" After recording a solo viola track for my mother's birthday with a trial AT2020 large condenser microphone, I realized that this could become so much more. It felt amazing being an audio engineer for a day and going through my own music with a digital audio workstation; you could even hear the smile I wore while performing! I believe it can have the potential to pay for itself and a little bit more towards college, but I don't have concrete numbers. The catch is that financing this equipment can be expensive, and the time commitment from taking many classes and working could prevent me from starting a recording studio. From what I've gathered online, some websites promote making music in college, but they don't go into specifics about cost-benefit ratio. Therefore my question is: Should I start a recording studio while pursuing an undergraduate degree? I apologize for the lengthy request, but nevertheless I thank you for taking your time to consider answering my question. #college-advice #music #time-management #passion #medicine

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Norma612 views

How can I go right into being part of a traveling group of doctors right after medical school?

My dream is to travel to less developed and developing regions of the world and provide health education and improved resources to people who live in these areas, especially children. I want to become involved in this as soon as possible because what I'm passionate about. #medicine #health-education #passion #job-search

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Stacey871 views

Are there internships available for travel nursing?

My goal is to be a travel nurse, after receiving a bachelors degree in registered nursing. #travel-nurse #passion #nursing #internships #medicine

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