Career questions tagged interests

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Aditya564 views

how to find my dream passion interest goal meaning purpose?

how to find my dream passion interest goal meaning purpose

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Jessica885 views

Is psychology worth it?

I’m in a college course in high school right now and I always say it when asked what major I’m interested in. I don’t want to be in the medical field, too much stress but psychology or therapy is the same isn’t it

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Helen574 views

Do you recommend students to double-major?

I have a career goal and know what my passion is but I’d also like to study something that I like at college (eg. design). What should I do?

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Dania899 views

how do i know if biomedical engineering is good for me?

I like biology, technology, learning about the human body, saving lives, and research. I don't like math but I can tolerate it a little bit. hopefully one day i will choose a major that includes all of my interests. #biology #engineering #science #biomedicalengineering #stem #research #career #interests #college #major #engineer

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Amanda742 views

How can I find the most suitable career for me?

I have a general grasp of my interests and hobbies, but I'm not sure how to apply that to helping me choose a career. I want a career that matches my interests as well as my values. #career-path #career-choice #undecided #career-counseling #interests

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Esmeralda2857 views

What are your interest as a nurse and what excites you the most about being a nurse?

I would like to know what your interest as a nurse are and what excites the most about being a nurse. #nurse #medical #medicine #interests

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Vanisha508 views

What interested you into choosing that profession?

#profession #interests

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Jazmin888 views

Should I choose a minor that is easily utilized if my major is specific to a certain field?

I would like to major in conservation biology or wildlife biology, but it seems like a very difficult field to become employed in, and I was planning on minoring in psychology because I am interested in behavior and thought it would compliment a biology degree. However, would it be better to minor, or double major, in a more career-oriented field? Such as business, marketing, liberal arts, etc. They aren't especially interesting topics for me, but would they serve well as a backup plan? #conservation #wildlife-biology #business #marketing #liberal-arts #choosing-a-major #choosing-major ##choosing-a-minor #choosing-a-career #psychology #majors-and-minors #interests

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Marie708 views

How can one find their interests?

Colleges always ask prospects for their top interests and expect them to know which field they would like to study in. Unfortunately, the majority of students have no idea what they are truly interested in or have a passion in. This being said, how can study better prepare themselves for the college process and life in general in regards to finding their interests? #interests #college #accepted #life #life-prep

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Dayne1117 views

What career would suite my interests?

Hi everyone, I am 24 years old and have completed many courses, traveled and worked a few jobs. I now want to start studying towards a #degree but I have no idea what degree field to study. To get a degree in South Africa is expensive so I want to make the right choice. My interests include #travel, #food, #environment, #business, #hospitality and #psychology I would like a job that does not require me to be in a place for a very long time and must require me to travel as traveling is something I enjoy. I would like a job is challenging at times and has good #career #prospects. Can anyone point me in the right direction to a degree that might suit my #interests as I have absolutely no idea what to look at?

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Lisa 5596 views

How many hours might a homicide detective work up to?

I am interested in studying criminal justice and want to become a homicide detective, and have watched tv shows that have intrigued me by what happens and how hard they work and it looks fun. #criminal-justice #criminology #detective #interests #homicide

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Teal3037 views

Should the idea of "do what you love" change in relevance to career searching change depending on your experience?

The notion of "do what you love" is a common idea behind a lot of answers, but I was wondering what should be the extent of this advice as relevant when you are first entering the job market verses when you are more experienced? #career-path #job-market #interests

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Simran 2178 views

How do you maintain a balance between doing what you love and making sure you are making a good amount of money?

I am a high school senior and even though I do not know what career I wish to pursue, I want to make sure that I am doing something I love, while still being able to comfortably support myself. I guess I would just love to hear different perspectives on your career and how you keep the balance between both things. #career #money #income #interests #passions #balance

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Prithvi2081 views

Does taking a minor in college make you look better to future employers?

I am currently a junior in high school and have recently decided to major in Economics in college, I have heard a lot about minors, but I still want to learn more about them. For example, do you get degree for taking a minor? Do you have a lot more classes if you take a minor? But most importantly, if I choose to take a minor, is that something I can put on my resume or a job application? Any information would be much appreciated. #college-major #jobs #resume #degree #college-minor #courses #learning #interests

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