Career questions tagged travel

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carmela1310 views

why teaches young people?

young people?

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Ava466 views

What extracurriculars/community college classes should I take to prepare for 2 different gap years and a Psychology PhD?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting in August 2024. I intend to take a gap year to experience new cultures/widen my horizons then get my Psychology undergrad, take a gap year to self-reflect and gain research experience, and then return to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have chosen is a post-secondary Psychology teacher (a psychology professor). What extracurriculars or college classes (community college classes during my next 2 years of high school as well as possibly online during my 1st gap year) would you recommend I participate in? (Some context: I have chosen to do my first gap year in Thailand or Indonesia and my second somewhere in Europe or Asia - the second one is undecided).

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Ava313 views

Would it be weird if I took two gap years?

I have been asking many questions lately about whether I should take my gap year after High School like many people do or after getting my bachelor's before my PhD in Psychology to be a Psychology professor. With all of the different advice I'm getting I have been wondering if I should just do both. Thoughts?

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Mayda374 views

How do i start my own marketing business, that I would later in life like to be able to travel around the world and growing my own firm, and eventually having a team.?

How do i start my own marketing business, that I would later in life like to be able to travel around the world and growing my own firm, and eventually having a team.

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Ava219 views

Where should I take my gap year?

Hello there! I am a high school junior starting in August 2024 and I intend on taking a gap year while taking some online gen-ed classes but I don't know where to go. Some things to know: - I don't like insects, so just as few as possible but I'm flexible - AC please <3 - I LOVE the ocean, swimming, lakes, waterfalls, swimming. Really any water (: - I grew up in stereotypical California so similar weather conditions would be awesome, just not the desert or Antarctica LOL

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Ava361 views

When should I take my gap year?

Hello there! I am a high school junior in August 2024 and want to take a gap year, but I intend to get a Psychology PhD. So should I take my gap year right out of high school or between my undergrad and PhD program? I just don't want it to be harder to get into a college because I didn't apply out of high school where I have a lot of support versus on my own after a gap year.

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Ava514 views

What high school and community college classes or extracurriculars should I do to prepare for a Psychology PhD and gap year?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting August 2024 and I intend on getting my Psychology undergrad, taking a gap year to travel, then returning to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have chosen is a post-secondary Psychology teacher (a psychology professor). What classes or extracurriculars would you recommend in high school to prepare me? I am a little lost on what classes will be helpful in the long run.

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aditya377 views

What is a CRNA, What are the benefits and expected salary What is the path to take to be a doctor in anesthesia? What are the differences between a CRNA, a Travel nurse, and a doctor in anesthesia??

I like math and science and I am in 10th grade. I want to go into medicine. Anesthesia seems very appealing but I do not know anything about the path to becoming one.

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Nelson657 views

how to reason well?

best reasonings

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CareerVillage Office Hours363 views

How to become a Disney Travel Agent?

Tell us everything we need to do to become a Disney Travel Agent. Note: Given the growing interest in the travel agent field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Rihanna543 views

How do I know if studying abroad in university is right for me?

Does it depend on my major?

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Maimouna641 views

How much is the salary of a travel LPN?

I was wondering what the salary or average pay of a travel LPN is . I was also wondering how long it takes to become a LPN, but a travel LPN in general, and is there any program recommendation i can take during high school to prepare myself.

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Cecilia373 views

Is being a flight attendent too demanding?

I want to be a flight attendent and travel but I don't want it to be too demanding and it not be my passion anymore

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Cecilia325 views

Is being a flight attendent worth it if you love traveling?

I love traveling but I'm not sure if being a flight attendent and being told where to go and when would be worth it

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Olivia512 views

What should I do after high school if I don't want to go to college, but I want to travel?

I want to do modeling or something with traveling.

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Aidan1322 views

What types of specific jobs/career paths should I look towards if I want to be in entrepreneurial environments or travel whilst helping, negotiating, or creating with others?

-Looking for careers i could look towards regarding this -How to land jobs of this caliber and how to work for it as a 10th grader -Available jobs, internships etc in metropolitan areas such as for me (Tampa)

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CareerVillage Office Hours1040 views

How to become a travel agent?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a travel agent? Note: Given the growing interest in the travel agent field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Talia300 views

How much flying experience would you have to have to fly internationally?

I would one day like to fly international so that I could travel more with working

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lola728 views

did you go out of state for school, if so did you regret not being close to family?

I am a sophomore in high school thinking of going across the country for my college education.

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Nathan447 views

What is the path I want to take in college ?

A question pertaining to this topic is a very far understatement to how much there to ask about the careers or career path I have to take in life so being that what should I look for when entering college?

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Ava297 views

Do you have to work with young horses and get a saddle on them?

When working with young horses they can act up when putting the saddle on. And putting a saddle on and working with them on that can take a long time and a type of skill. I wanted to know if you work with young horses or if a different kind of person does. I was also wondering if it can take a very long time to get a saddle on a young horse.

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Alana357 views

What country does the US usually work with in relation to study abroad programs?

I'm a sophomore looking into jobs that travel, and what colleges have classes that would 1. Let me get a cultural anthropology major 2. Let me get more than one major for the amount of class of one. (Meaning majors which are similar to each other, so they have a lot of the same classes) 3. Looking for jobs that travel, and where you live overseas. 4. Jobs that let me write (ALOT)

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Alana360 views

What type of classes do I need to take in college to become a cultural anthropology major, and what colleges have that major?

I'm a sophomore in high school, and I'm thinking about becoming a missionary, diplomat, or a writer. I'm looking for advice on what classes that I need to take to achieve on this, and if there are colleges who have great study abroad programs. I want to study overseas in college. As well, how that relates to cultural anthropology.

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Madalyn849 views

General questions ?

What can I do to understand what I want to be in the future? How can I be a sports travel physical therapist? Why can't you have more than two professions? Can I do art and different designs? Can I be an architect and a travel physical therapist? Can I be an architect, culinary arts person, and a travel physical therapist?If yes, how?If no, would I have to choose between which one I like best? Is there a career that can combine both culinary arts and physical therapy?

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Adilay1875 views

what is the average salary for a psychologist?

I might be interested in becoming a psychologist but if the salary is small enough that I would be struggling financially I might look in a different area of mental health or psychology for a career

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Sydney655 views

What job opportunities are present if I study environmental science? Anything that involves travel?

I am interested in environmental science but don’t know how to get started or what lies ahead, after potentially studying it in college.

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Savreet582 views

How do you transition into a new culture/country?

I'm moving to Russia for school and want to know how to best transition and get used to the new culture.

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Dario431 views

How does a full day's work as a welder look throughout the year and how does that determine their salary ?

I'm curious about a full day of work for a welder. I understand that it's a long time but is it one job a day or one job for multiple days? Do you have to travel a lot to different jobs or is it in one place?

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Hailey476 views

What programs are there for free or at low cost?

I am autistic and a person of color. I would like to find a veterinary study abroad programs that are affordable for me in countries like germany, Norway,Denmark, Iceland,etc

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Feng593 views

Where can I find a good school for Arson Investigation ?

I live in Illinois and I don’t want to move to far from my home state but I want to be far into the woods like South Carolina with good weather and everything.

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