Career questions tagged flight-attendant

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Cecilia373 views

Is being a flight attendent too demanding?

I want to be a flight attendent and travel but I don't want it to be too demanding and it not be my passion anymore

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Cecilia325 views

Is being a flight attendent worth it if you love traveling?

I love traveling but I'm not sure if being a flight attendent and being told where to go and when would be worth it

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Lucy902 views

Is it possible to shadow a flight attendant as a high school student?

I'm currently a sophomore in high school. At my school, sophomores are encouraged to complete a job shadow for the career/job they're most interested in. I've always wanted to be a flight attendant, but I can't see how it would be possible to shadow one. Are there any job shadowing opportunities for students who want to be flight attendants? If not, are there any alternatives, like an internship or attending a training session?

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trinity295 views

when you started as a flight attendant did you see yourself in the position for a short amount of time or as a career?

trinity age 18

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trinity267 views

when starting out as a flight attendant did you see yourself doing it as a career or for a short time?

Trinity Age 18

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Lian274 views

Do you have too get a college degree to be a flight attendance ?

For some I heard that u have to have a Degree to be a flight Attendance is that true ?

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Lian827 views

Whats the most important skills to be a Flight Attendant

what kind of skills are the most important to learn before being a flight attendance

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Sarah661 views

Questions about being a flight attendant

What values does your company look for in a person they are hiring as a flight attendant? What steps would you recommend I take to prepare to enter a flight attendance? What are the most effective strategies for a seeking position in flight attendance?

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Daniella636 views

Becoming an air hostess and a movie actress?

How can i aquire my dreams by becoming an air hostess and a movie actress?

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kaiden555 views

how much do u make when u work at walmart

#flight-attendant #game-design

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Edmark911 views

How to be flight attendant

#flight-attendant #airline-industry #aviation-industry

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Lillian779 views

What issues may I come across as a flight attendant?

I know that there is not a degree needed for becoming a flight attendant so I'd like to know any of the hardships I may face in this job #airline-industry #flight-attendant #career #travel #difficulties

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Deonte631 views

What is the Salary for the position I am seeking?

What is the Salary for the position I am seeking which is Flight Attendant? #salary #flight-attendant #airlines #airlines-industry

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Jayleen5731 views

Can you make a good living being a flight attendant?

I want to buy a big house and a nice car #airline-industry #flight-attendant

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Jayleen1768 views

Is becoming a flight attendant hard to do?

I enjoy flying and always think that the flight attendants have the coolest job ever. They get to travel and get paid. What kind of training do you have to do? #flight-attendant #flight-safety

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sana1017 views

I am interested in teaching but i also want to become a air hostess. Any recommendations?

i do work hard #airline-industry #flight-attendant

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Janna1088 views

Flight attendant

Is there an age limitation for being a flight attendant? #flight-attendant

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Daniella1180 views

What does it take to become a floght attendant?

Hello, I'm a sophmore from Boston that is still indecisive about what I want to do after high school. A flight attendant stuck out to me and was wondering what colleges are great for being a flight attendant and what's required of me to become one. What's it like to be one? #college #career #career-choice #flight-attendant

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Rachelle1157 views

What jobs exactly are included in the "flight operations" teams at an airline?

I've heard about jobs in flight operations, but I don't know what exactly this means. What are some of these jobs? This question was posted by a CareerVillage administrator on behalf of the students of CareerVillage. #aviation #airline-industry #flight-attendant #cabin-crew #flight-crew

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Justine1711 views

What kind of training does a stewardess need to work for an airline?

How long was the training program before you got to start working? Was it hard? I want to become a stewardess and get paid to travel after graduating from high school. This question was posted by a CareerVillage administrator on behalf of the students of CareerVillage. #aviation #airline-industry #flight-attendant

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Derrin1161 views

How are job responsibilities delegated for inflight crews?

How do you decided on who does what? Do you earn more responsibilities with seniority? #aviation #airline-industry #flight-attendant

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Remy1840 views

How do I apply to become a flight attendant?

I want to work and travel for a couple of years before applying to college. This question was posted by a CareerVillage administrator on behalf of the students of CareerVillage. #aviation #airline-industry #flight-attendant

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Margot5730 views

Do pilots and flight attendants work as part of the same flight crew every single flight, or do you work with different people every flight?

If you work with each other routinely, do you develop friendships and spend your free time together when you're in cities other than your home city? Do you work better because you're friends? This question was posted by a CareerVillage administrator on behalf of the students of CareerVillage. #aviation #airline-industry #pilot #flight-attendant

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David 4289 views

Since flight attendants and pilots are always traveling, how difficult is it to have work/life balance?

How long, on average, are pilots and flight attendants traveling at one time? How hard is it on you and your families to be traveling so often? #aviation #pilot #flight-attendant

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Bailey8089 views

Other than a pilot or flight attendant, what are some other job options in the airline industry?

I'm interested in business and I LOVE to travel, so I'd like to look into the airline industry as a possible career option. I'm just not sure what jobs there are other than on an airline (like pilots and flight attendants). Any suggestions would be helpful! Thank you in advance. #aviation #airline-industry #pilot #flight-attendant

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Chris1391 views

How important is getting a college degree if I want to be a flight attendant?

Is it necessary, just helpful, or not helpful at all. College degrees cost a lot of money. #college #aviation #airline-industry #flight-attendant

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Chantelle1571 views

Flight Attendant and Relationship

I have been applying for a flight attendant position with a few airlines. I recently, received an e-mail for me to complete a video interview and see where it goes from there. I am nervous about this new life style I may have. I have always been in a routine, but am tired of working behind a desk. I have also been in a relationship for almost five years. We are both extremely independent, like our time alone, but thrive when we see each other. I hear before I can make my own schedule, I maybe away from home for up to a year without going home at all to see him. I can go awhile without seeing him, but we are both unhappy that we will not be able to see each other at all for possibly a year. But I have been looking into this career, asking questions and am looking forward to something like this. I am just trying to get some feedback if anyone has had a relationship that worked while you were away for so long? I have a friend who has been a flight attendant for 28 years. He joked and said, please would ask how his marriage lasted. He said because he was gone for three days, then home for three days. This made me laugh as well. Although I am in love with my guy, I am not the type of woman that needs to be with someone 24/7. I like my own space and to do my own thing. This goes for him as well. Does anyone have any in-sight on this? Anything feedback would be great! #airline-industry #flight-attendant #relationship-management

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DejaCodman23862 views

About how much money does a flight attendant make a year?

I am a sophomore who is exploring the idea of becoming a flight attendant. #money #flight-attendant #income

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DejaCodman22036 views

what steps are needed to be taken in order to becoming a flight attendant?

I am a sophomore interested in maybe becoming a flight attendant. Does that require me to go to school, take certain test or exams? #testing #flight-attendant #steps #exams

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DejaCodman210452 views

what are some of the pros & cons of being a flight attendant?

I am a sophomore interested in maybe becoming a flight attendant, but i know there are are a lot of cons & some pros... #flight-attendant

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