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How are job responsibilities delegated for inflight crews?

How do you decided on who does what? Do you earn more responsibilities with seniority? #aviation #airline-industry #flight-attendant

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Robert’s Answer

In the cockpit, we divide our duties between the Pilot Flying and the Pilot Monitoring. We alternate flying each leg so ususally the Captain will fly the first takeoff to landing then the First Officer will fly the next leg. We alternate that way until the trip is complete.

The Pilot Flying manipulates the controls and navigation equipment to fly the aircraft. The Pilot Monitoring talks on the radio and reads the checklists to the pilot flying. He also backs up the Pilot Flying to make sure nothing is done incorrectly or missed.

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Cyndi’s Answer

Our job is seniority based, however when we are working on board the aircraft the chain of Comand is :
1. Captain
2. First Officer
3. Lead Flight Attendant
Although a Flight Attendant may be flying the Lead Position does not mean she has the most seniority.

Each month our schedules change.
What that means is each month the Pilots and Flight Attendants have to Bid for the next months Line of Time.

Lines of time are trips built for the month. Trips built could be Turns, where you fly to a city or country and (turn around) and fly back to your base or 2-4 day trips which consist of many different flights(international or domestic). Turns are usually for the very senior. Sometimes a Turn type trip will be on a line of time mixed with other trips (. a Pairing of trips)
A Pairing is a group of Trips that form a Line of Time each Month.
So, when it is time to Bid for a schedule the following month, Flight Attendants and Pilots receive a Bid Packet that contains all the Lines of Time, the Pairing number (group of Trips flown) The dates and days you would be flying the next month. Each base has a different Bid Packet. A Base is where you are scheduled to work from(Houston, New York, Los Angeles) for example.
Bidding is seniority based. The most senior person in that base (Flight Attendant or Pilot) gets their choice then, the next all the way to down.
When bidding a Line of Time you also bid a position. Depending on the size of the aircraft you would have anywhere from 3-7 positions to bid. The results come out and we are able to trade the trip for another trip we like better or drop a trip and not work that week.
Long Story short you may have a very new person flying the lead position and a very senior flight attendant flying one of the other positions.
Other positions are First Class and Couch Galley ( Galley is the Kitchen on an aircraft) the Galley person will also work in the aisle.
The Crew always works together during
1. Boarding
2. Inflight Service
3. Emergencies (medical or aircraft)
4. Preparing Cabin for Landing
5. Deplaning Aircraft
While onboard you work together as a team. Each Flight Attendant knows what their Area of Responsability is.

The Lead Flight Attendant does earn a couple of dollars more per hour on top of their regular pay.

Flight Attendants are Paid per hour of flight. Depending on how many years you have been flying.
New Hires may make $16. an hour
Senior person may make $54 each airline rate of pay is different.
On a flight, you may have flight attendants working various positions and making different amount of pay per hour.

Being a Senior Flight Attendant is great because you get your choice of trips (Houston to Honolulu) and any position you want.

The Pilots seniority works very similar to the Flight Attendants.

My name is Cyndi, I am now retired after flying for over 26years with Continentsl and United Airlines. I have four children ages 24,26, 28 and 34.
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