Career questions tagged spanish

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Mariam215 views

Language immersion programs?

Does anyone have recommendations for good language immersion programs abroad? I'm interested in learning either Italian or Spanish.

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Ava466 views

What extracurriculars/community college classes should I take to prepare for 2 different gap years and a Psychology PhD?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting in August 2024. I intend to take a gap year to experience new cultures/widen my horizons then get my Psychology undergrad, take a gap year to self-reflect and gain research experience, and then return to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have chosen is a post-secondary Psychology teacher (a psychology professor). What extracurriculars or college classes (community college classes during my next 2 years of high school as well as possibly online during my 1st gap year) would you recommend I participate in? (Some context: I have chosen to do my first gap year in Thailand or Indonesia and my second somewhere in Europe or Asia - the second one is undecided).

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vilmer301 views

what are the trends?

What are the current trends in the industry that require both language and computer skills?

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Douglas387 views

how can i learn Asian language ?

i would like to learn Korean or Japanizes language

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Mason252 views

How could I develop a better memory for subjects like Biology and Spanish?

I'm presently in my freshman year of high school; I haven't studied much but have kept my grades in the 90s. Perhaps studying might improve my memory, but I am typically engaged in class and have excellent attendance. But mostly biology, I haven't been able to remember much material and vocabulary.

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Ashley357 views

How to find someone to interview for a school project?

We need to interview someone in the field we want to go into, and I want to go into a field related to the spanish language, specifically I was thinking about being an interpreter. Is there any way for me to do so? I'm not really sure how to find people in the field and linkedin is confusing me. Thank you for the help

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Rishik703 views

How difficult is it to get a 5 in AP Spanish Language and Culture without being a native speaker?

I'm interested in taking the course and have experience taking previous Spanish courses, but this is my first time taking an AP Spanish course so I'm a little anxious in wondering if it's even possible to get a 5 on the AP exam without being a native speaker.

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Maddie1605 views

Do colleges like when you take 4 years of the same foreign langauge?

Hello, im a freshman in highschool and im building my schedule for next year (sophmore year), i really want to take spanish for all 4 years but alot of my friends are saying its dumb. I really want to get into a good college so i didn’t know if 4 years of spanish would help me! Thank you!!!

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Teriyana716 views

Does anyone know any universities that have master programs that in Multilingual Studies?

I would like to learn multiple languages at once and get a Masters degree. I've been searching the internet and have had no luck finding a program that teaches multilingual studies and/or Master program that has a "study aboard" opportunity to learn the language of one's choice. Any suggestions? Any feedback would be helpful at this point. Thank you!

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bbb294 views

what is the best type of JD to go for for an immigration lawyer specializing in spanish

what is the best type of JD to go for for an immigration lawyer specializing in spanish

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Michelle342 views

How to be ready for AP Spanish?

I’m good at Spanish but still nervous about Publix speech

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Jared190 views

II am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish student am a pretty good spanish student?

I am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish studentI am a pretty good spanish student

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CareerVillage Office Hours344 views

What does it take to become a translator?

I am a college senior at St John's University. I am a French major, and I would like to be a French translator. Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours247 views

I am a communications major going into my senior year of college. I have no summer internships or any clue about what I want to do. I really want an internship for the fall of 2023. Can anyone recommend any places near Salve Regina University (Newport, R.I.) ?

Senior year of college, Communications major with a Spanish minor Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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Flynn343 views

Summer Retention?

How do I retain what I learned in Spanish this year over the summer?

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Nathan430 views

How did being fluent in two languages affect your career?

I am currently enrolled in a Spanish immersion program, and am going to graduate high school with a minor in Spanish. How did a similar opportunity help your career plans?

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joseph598 views

What jobs would allow for my skill in Spanish and my years of Spanish Immersion to be best used?

I have been taking Spanish Immersion for all of my life within my district, therefore I would like to find a job that will make all my learning worth it. I am also into other jobs such as physics and law, but still I would like to use Spanish within my job or place of work

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Violet746 views

What kinds of foreign language careers are there?

I am interested in foreign languages, especially Spanish and Hawaiin. I think it would be fun to have a job related to languages. #foreign-languages #language #spanish #hawaiin

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Evelynn651 views

How do I get a job in forensics?

I'm a physics major with a minor in math and Spanish, and I don't know where to go, where to look, or how to get a job in forensics. I have been looking online a lot, but so far I have only found jobs for chemistry and psychology majors. Thank you #jobs #math #career #forensics #jobinforensics #firstjob #forensicscience #physics #spanish

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Evelynn664 views

Jobs in forensics

I'm a physics major with a minor in math and spanish. I'm trying to look for a job that is related to forensics, but so far the ones that I have found are for biology, chemistry, and psychology majors. Thank you #forensics #forensicscience #job #physics #math #spanish # #first-job

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Anjali808 views

What's the best advice for someone studying abroad?

I am studying abroad in Madrid, Spain this semester. I would love to hear anyone's advice or opinions! Specifically, some topics that have interested me are: traveling on a budget, learning Spanish/Spanish fluency, making/keeping friends abroad, and time management. #study-abroad #college #travel #college-advice #spanish #spain #time #budget #life

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Rebecca954 views

What are some great programs to watch in Spanish to help improve my fluency?

I would like to know of some great shows (preferably on Netflix) that I could watch to improve my comprehension of Spanish and my fluency. #college, #Spanish, #learning

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Kaylee992 views

What is the best way to prepare for studying abroad in Spain for a full semester?

My desire to study abroad stems from wanting to learn the language of Spanish, to travel and see the sights, to re-model myself to see new approaches of lifestyles and to develop and make personal growth with lifetime memories. I might be intimidated to let go of my normal day to day routine as I am a planner who strives on time management and schedules. However, I am eager to learn a different side of myself, to grow more independently and be present for myself and the world around me. Spain is a place that is so relevant to my studies and my intentions as a global citizen. From having family members who have traveled the world tell their stories since I was a little girl, I have been taught and expected to love a country that I have never met. My passion for studying the Spanish language, my major and gaining a deeper understanding of new cultures, has inspired me to apply to study abroad Seville, Spain. I leave in January until May and want to make sure I obtain the best experience and absorb the most learning opportunities. What steps and actions should I look into completing and getting ready before leaving beyond expenses and documents? How can I better prepare my mind to a new culture and the shock along with it? #travel #college #spain #studyabroad #spanish #hospitality #prepare

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Kathryn1677 views

What are some minors that would go well with a Spanish major?

If I were to want to translate for courts, would I have to get any specific minors? #minors #spanish #translator

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Kathryn848 views

What types of jobs can you get as a Spanish Translator?

I plan on majoring in Spanish and I would like to know some of my options with this major outside of teaching. #Spanish #Jobs

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Liz686 views

I want to become an ELL/Dual Language elementary teacher. What all could I do with my Master's Degree in Spanish?

Spanish comes easily to me and I would like to incorporate it into my career, whether that be education or another field. #Spanish #education #ELL #future #career #foreignlanguages #elementary

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Loren869 views

How do I sell my General Bachelor of Arts to future employers?

I am studying both German and Spanish right now in university. I know that language abilities are helpful to a variety of jobs, but if an employer isn't hiring a job that specifically asks for language skills, how to I make myself still seem applicable? #language #foreign-languages #german #spanish #hiring

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Lindsey1245 views

What can you do with a Spanish major?

I'm in high school, heading off to college soon, and wondering what jobs I would be able to get with a major in #Spanish. I'd love to hear what you for a living after majoring or minoring in Spanish in college! #foreign-languages #language #languages #college-major

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Brittany948 views

Will taking a Spanish course in college really help me with my future career in psychology?

The school I want to go to requires that I take a Spanish course. #spanish #foreign-languages #psychology #college

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Jasminne867 views

Is it better to minor in French?

I am already fluent in Spanish, but have only taken French in high school. #french #college-minor #spanish #foreign-languages

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