Career questions tagged french

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CareerVillage Office Hours344 views

What does it take to become a translator?

I am a college senior at St John's University. I am a French major, and I would like to be a French translator. Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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Ayas811 views

As a french student how can I get a data science summer internship in USA ?

I am enrolled in a first year of Master in Business Intelligence in Polytechnic School of Nantes and I am currently looking for an internship abroad . I want to do this internship in a english country and If it could be in USA would be better. Do you have advice please ? thanks #internship #french #datascience #machinelearning

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Kiara811 views

Is a Double Major worth it?

My main major is International Business, but I am looking at my out of state tuition (WOW) and questioning if I should drop my second major due to the extra credits it requires. French Studies would likely help my career, but will future employers actually care if I have a double major? #choosing-a-major #double-major #college-major #tuition #foreignlanguage #french #business

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Jasminne867 views

Is it better to minor in French?

I am already fluent in Spanish, but have only taken French in high school. #french #college-minor #spanish #foreign-languages

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Andrew672 views

What club or activity would help me to meet people at my new college? I am the only student who speak french and I would like to get to know more people

#french this is my first year in college and the fact that I am the only person speaking french as a first language makes me feel apart of the rest a little. #friends #meeting-new-people #college #life-transitions

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Emma766 views

Should I major in French if I only took 1 year of French in HS?

I took Spanish for 4 years in high school, and in my senior year I decided to take French I. I've fallen in love with it, and I want to major in French, but is that a good idea? Will it cost me more money in the long run? Will I be too far behind? #majors #French #foreign-languages

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Connor891 views

What are some careers should I research?

My plan right now is go to a junior college for two years, get an AA, then either go to a local (CA) university or state school and take part in an exchange program to France, or directly sign up for university in France. The reason why I am focused on France, is because I really love the French language and wish to pursue it further. I am currently in my third year of French at my high school, and next school year I will be in my fourth. I'm not exactly sure what I want to major in, but some of my ideas are Environmental Science, Linguistics, and Psychology. For career wise, I really want to work with people, but I am having trouble thinking of future careers that might actually interest me. #psychology #career-counseling #career-choice #environmental-science #french #linguistics

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Galina1955 views

Language: Self Study or take classes?

I will be entering college soon and I really want to learn French. For a few months I have been self studying with online resources because my my high school does not offer the language. I believe that my college only offers courses in beginners French and I do not know if I should take these courses or continue self studying. I am not sure whether I would benefit from beginners classes because I might already be ahead, but I would need experience speaking and interacting with others in French. I feel that if you self-study a language there is really no proof of it unless you take a language exam, unlike if you take a class you will get credit. I just need some opinions on this. #college #language #foreign-languages #french #self-study

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Kelly2744 views

Should my resume be bilingual or monolingual?

I am applying for internships in linguistics, translation and languages-related fields. I live in Montreal, which is a very bilingual city. I am wondering if it is perceived as too much to send my cv in double in order to send it in both French and English. If I should send a single version, please enlighten me as to which language it should be in. #english #language #foreign-languages #french #translation #linguistics #job-application

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Deborah985 views

What's the lowest and the highest income for a French teacher?

Is there a reason why there might be a range? #teacher #teach #french #income #minimum-wage #wage

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Kais1238 views

how to become better in French? i have all the basics, grammar and vocabulary, but i find it difficult when it comes to understand spoken french.

I am highly interested in learning french, i want to know the best way to become better with conversations (understanding spoken language). #english #literature #french

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Christina4120 views

Is French a good language to become fluent in and minor in?

I want to pursue a career in law enforcement after I graduate from college. I know that being fluent in different languages increases your chance of being hired. I am looking forward to becoming fluent in college. However, people keep telling me French is not a good language to minor in because nobody is looking for people who speak French as a second language; they are looking for someone who speaks Spanish or Arabic. Is it true that having French as a second language and a minor won't increase my standing with future employers? #college #criminal-justice #law-enforcement #college-minor #language #french

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megan1292 views

How do I go about finding internships in French speaking countries?

I want to major in business and minor in French. How do I go about finding internships in French speaking countries? I think it would be a wonderful work experience. #french #language #international #international-affairs #college #career

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Emily1573 views

What are some tips on learning a language?

I am getting a french minor, but only taking an hour long class three times a week doesn't help me much with learning the language. Is there any tips y'all have? So far I've tried some apps, watching films in french to see how much I know, and adding some french words in my everyday life. #foreign-languages #french

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Kate984 views

What kind of career can a French major have?

I am looking for different job opportunities for French majors. #job #french

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Nandhini1421 views

how to speak in french language?

hi i am nandhini i want to speak in french but i do know how to speak in french language. #professor #student #french

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Leigh1820 views

What are some possible careers for someone who wants to take majors in Graphic Design, French, Sketching, Studio Arts, Photography, Music, French and Japanese ?

I'm in 12th grade, and I don't have a definite career choice yet. I just know that I would like to be fluent in Japanese and French, and that my career would be related to art and/or music. #graphic-design #video-games #photography #french #japanese #disney

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Christy2900 views

What kind of jobs can i get with a major in french?

I am asking, because I am very good in french and would like to see where this could take me in the future.I was considering majoring in international relations and french. #international-affairs #french #global-issues

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Shawn2286 views

What is a good language to know/learn when looking to become a translator?

I am a senior in high school and I have been learning German and Japanese but I am having a hard time deciding what language I should start with that would benefit me most in my career plans. I have heard certain languages are in demand but I am not sure if i should learn them since they are in demand now and might not be by the time i have learned enough of the language. #language #french #translation #japanese #german

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