Career questions tagged translator

How to become a translator?
Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a translator? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals

What does it take to become a translator?
I am a college senior at St John's University. I am a French major, and I would like to be a French translator. Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

Could you have more than one job in different fields?
This may be a silly question, but I wonder if you could take more than one job in different fields, such as being a translator and an artist. These examples are careers I'm interested in, though I do not know if they would overlap or make things difficult in my schedule.

What's required to become a bilingual translator in a career.
I have the ability to speak, read and write both fluently in Japanese and English since I was born and raised in Japan almost my whole life. As far as I know for the requirements to become a professional translator in the workforce, is 1. I need a High School Diploma 2. Some sort of college or advance training degree/ certificate. If there is anything else that is required to become a successful translator, please let me know :) #career #translator

On average how much money do you make per year as a translator?
I'm thinking of going to college to become a foreign language translator and would like to know if it is a job where I will have a stable income. #Translator

What are majors people should take to become a translator? What is the maximum languages one must learn?
I am a Junior in highschool who has taken a few college classes for other languages not provided in my school. I have an idea of possibly being a translator but don't know what I need to focus on in college to get there. #translator #college-major

What are some minors that would go well with a Spanish major?
If I were to want to translate for courts, would I have to get any specific minors? #minors #spanish #translator

How vast is the overlap between a career as a translator and a career as an interpreter?
At the moment I am studying Spanish Translation & Interpretation in undergraduate school. I adore reading and writing, but I also value the spoken and listening aspect of language as well, and therefore feel that I would be suited professionally not just for translation, but also for interpretation. Once I become a professional, would I be able to fluidly go between providing translation and interpretation services? Are there companies or jobs that would require both of me and therefore allow me that versatility, or would I have to have two different occupations in order to do both? If you are a translator and/or interpreter, which of the two do you prefer/find more fulfilling? Thanks so much! #spanish #translation #interpretation #interpreter #translator #translator-studies #spanish-translation

What are some of the perks and downfalls of being a translator in the United States?
Hello! I am a high school senior, and I am planning on majoring in Spanish in college. My goal in life has always been to be a Spanish translator/interpreter. Unfortunately, I do not know anyone who is in this specific career; therefore, I was wondering if anyone who is familiar with this career can inform me more about being a translator? #spanish #languages #interpreter #translator