What are some careers should I research?
My plan right now is go to a junior college for two years, get an AA, then either go to a local (CA) university or state school and take part in an exchange program to France, or directly sign up for university in France. The reason why I am focused on France, is because I really love the French language and wish to pursue it further. I am currently in my third year of French at my high school, and next school year I will be in my fourth. I'm not exactly sure what I want to major in, but some of my ideas are Environmental Science, Linguistics, and Psychology. For career wise, I really want to work with people, but I am having trouble thinking of future careers that might actually interest me. #psychology #career-counseling #career-choice #environmental-science #french #linguistics
2 answers

Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie’s Answer
While still in HS, investigate the study abroad options of the 4-years colleges you are considering transfer to. Find out what programs they have that will allow you to pursue all of your interests. Consider a major and minor combination to incorporate Environmental Science and Psychology.
Consider ways to finance your education in France through scholarships: http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/studying-in-france/finance-your-studies-scholarships/.
Talk to a career counselor in college about the ways to tie your interests into a career path. Study abroad should definitely be a part of that.
Best wishes!

Bruce Mihok
Bruce’s Answer
I love music so I play multiple instruments, do recording and production. I love art so I paint and design. and so on and so on. The bottom line is to determine where your interest lies so you can initially head in that direction. When you go to university, you will be exposed to various influences and new experiences that will further mold who you are and what may interest you. I believe that is why we typically go undeclared for the first two years --- that gives us more time for personal discovery.
Make sure that when you are in school that you do not limit yourself to just classwork but network with others, try internships, do volunteer work and be involved in activities that will open your eyes to the possibilities.