Career questions tagged linguistics

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Catrina353 views

What resources are out there for learning Hebrew?

Hello! I am a freshman in high school and I am very passionate about learning foreign languages. I’m considering a career in linguistics when I am older, but I have hit a bit of a road block. I managed to teach myself Spanish to fluency over the past two years. I had access to books in Spanish, movies in Spanish, and a lot of my friends also speak Spanish. These resources allowed me to become proficient in the language however Hebrew is a different story. The only method I’ve been using to learn Hebrew is Duolingo, but that can only get you so far. How do I become fluent in Hebrew with so few resources at my dispense?

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Ashton693 views

What should I look for in a collage if I’m looking to study Linguistics?

As someone who is trying the task of looking at collage relatively early, i’ve kinda settled on Linguistics as what i’d like to major in. What should I look for in a collage if I decide to go this route?

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Ashley731 views

What would be the best degree to combine my interests? And are my goals unrealistic?

I am 24 and currently a freshman at a community college. I have had a rough run with education and am aware that I am a bit behind. This does not bother me because I can finally afford college however I did drop out of high school (I did get my GED) and had absolutely no college prep. I never took an SAT or ACT and I am very confused by the college process and have learned most of what I know from the internet so any tips would be appreciated. All of this to say I am trying my best to prioritize education but would love to know if what I'm wanting to achieve is realistic. I'm mostly interested in social sciences like political science, linguistics, psychology and law. This gives me a general area of focus but am still unsure what would be the best degree to get. I do hope to achieve my masters degree or go on to law school but is this unrealistic considering my background? If so what would you recommend me focus on for my associates and bachelors? Also like I said I am quite uninformed about the college process in general so any random tips you have learned would be much appreciated! Thank you.

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Arya1107 views

How do i improve my English I would probably move to another country for my studies. ?

I want effective tips because there is no one in my surrounding that speaks English. It's been 2 years I've been watching content on social media in english. I'm probably at intermediate level. I know simple vocabulary. I want to master at speaking English.

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Sonya600 views

How are jobs with Linguistics major?

What can you do with a linguistics major and what types of jobs can you find?

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Nova503 views

How good of an idea is it to work on your doctorate at the same time as being an adjunct professor?

I'm a high school senior and aspiring linguistics major who intends to become a professor and obtain their PhD. I've heard about adjunct professorship and that while it is very important to become a tenured professor, it's as time-intensive as tenured professorship with significantly less pay. Would these two goals at the same time be too overwhelming or hard to balance? I'd like to hear professional opinions!

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Larry404 views

Life free of Conflict?

Why are there jobs? What if everyone became a farmer and supported themselves and avoided conflict and mind their own beeswax.

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Brooklyn1057 views

What is the best language to learn as a beginner to becoming bilingual if English is your first language ?

I am a freshman in high school the end of the year is this Thursday, the last day of school. I decided to learn a new language over the summer since I would like to become a nurse or travel nurse, or just something that allows me to help others as much as possible. However I have struggled with keeping a consistent schedule for learning the languages I really want to learn and some of them are a bit complex so I was wondering what language I should start with before I move on to the languages I really want to learn. The languages I have previously tried learning are Korean Spanish Thai and French. Those are just some I have tried, I want to learn more but those are the ones I want to start with.

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maddie1166 views

Which major is better for the study of Asian Languages???

Hello, I am currently thinking about what I am going to be majoring in. I would like to be able to learn Asian languages (Japanese, Korean, etc.). I have done some research and I see there are so many options to choose from. I could major in Korean, Japanese, Asian Studies, or Linguistics. I am not sure which to choose from. I found two colleges that offer these courses, Ohio State University and Pomona College. (By the way, I mostly want to learn Korean, and I am also interested in studying abroad.)

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Corina1065 views

What non-research careers do you recommend for linguistics majors?

I'm currently studying English and Linguistics and hear a lot about the research aspect of linguistics studies. I am curious how to apply linguistics to careers that involve working with people. #teaching #linguistics #people

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Cecelia778 views

What does a career in linguistics look like?

#linguistics #July20 #language #career

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Tania2131 views

What careers can a degree in linguistics get you?

#linguistics #language

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Josseline1850 views

What are some hardships a FBI linguist/Foreign language expert experiences and has to overcome?

I am curious to know about their job, financial and language learning hardships. #language #fbi #linguist #linguistics #language #law-enforcement #police #foreign-language #foreign-languages #criminal-justice

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Sarina1103 views

Linguistic majors with bachelor's degrees, what struggles did you face once you tried to enter the workforce?

I'm considering pursuing a Linguistics major for my BA. I've read that it's quite hard to get a job unless you also have Computer Science minor/double major paired with Linguistics, which isn't quite my plan, though I'm considering pairing Linguistics with CS if it becomes clear that pursuing Linguistics alone is worthless. So, for those who have majored in Linguistics, what are some future struggles to be aware of? Is Linguistics worth pursuing if I don't get involved with Computer Science? #college #bachelors #Computer Science #CSMajor #LingusticsMajor #BA #CS #Linguistics #struggles #work #future #job #major #in #linguistics

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Sarina1065 views

What's a good major to pursue if you have an AA degree in Health Sciences General Studies and you enjoy subjects involving English/Writing?

By 18, if I work hard enough, I should have an AA degree in Health Sciences General Studies, though now I'm wondering if I still want to pursue a career focused entirely on health. I've always struggled with math, which as I've found is quite involved in this field, making me reconsider my decision to pursue a health-focused career. Now, I'm focusing on my interests in writing, English, debating, and things of that nature. I'm now wondering if there is a major that could lead to a career involving both my health skills and my current interests. #general #health #professionals #english #writing #creativewriting #linguistics #journalism #debating #communications #opentoideas #career #healthcareer #liberalarts #professors

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Lia867 views

What kind of jobs would people with a doctorate in linguistics get?

#college #english #linguistics

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