Career questions tagged linguistics

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Arya336 views

How do i improve my English I would probably move to another country for my studies. ?

I want effective tips because there is no one in my surrounding that speaks English. It's been 2 years I've been watching content on social media in english. I'm probably at intermediate level. I know simple vocabulary. I want to master at speaking English.

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Sonya333 views

How are jobs with Linguistics major?

What can you do with a linguistics major and what types of jobs can you find?

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Nova312 views

How good of an idea is it to work on your doctorate at the same time as being an adjunct professor?

I'm a high school senior and aspiring linguistics major who intends to become a professor and obtain their PhD. I've heard about adjunct professorship and that while it is very important to become a tenured professor, it's as time-intensive as tenured professorship with significantly less pay. Would these two goals at the same time be too overwhelming or hard to balance? I'd like to hear professional opinions!

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Larry276 views

Life free of Conflict?

Why are there jobs? What if everyone became a farmer and supported themselves and avoided conflict and mind their own beeswax.

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Brooklyn747 views

What is the best language to learn as a beginner to becoming bilingual if English is your first language ?

I am a freshman in high school the end of the year is this Thursday, the last day of school. I decided to learn a new language over the summer since I would like to become a nurse or travel nurse, or just something that allows me to help others as much as possible. However I have struggled with keeping a consistent schedule for learning the languages I really want to learn and some of them are a bit complex so I was wondering what language I should start with before I move on to the languages I really want to learn. The languages I have previously tried learning are Korean Spanish Thai and French. Those are just some I have tried, I want to learn more but those are the ones I want to start with.

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maddie813 views

Which major is better for the study of Asian Languages???

Hello, I am currently thinking about what I am going to be majoring in. I would like to be able to learn Asian languages (Japanese, Korean, etc.). I have done some research and I see there are so many options to choose from. I could major in Korean, Japanese, Asian Studies, or Linguistics. I am not sure which to choose from. I found two colleges that offer these courses, Ohio State University and Pomona College. (By the way, I mostly want to learn Korean, and I am also interested in studying abroad.)

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Corina566 views

What non-research careers do you recommend for linguistics majors?

I'm currently studying English and Linguistics and hear a lot about the research aspect of linguistics studies. I am curious how to apply linguistics to careers that involve working with people. #teaching #linguistics #people

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Cecelia703 views

What does a career in linguistics look like?

#linguistics #July20 #language #career

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Tania1668 views

What careers can a degree in linguistics get you?

#linguistics #language

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Josseline1518 views

What are some hardships a FBI linguist/Foreign language expert experiences and has to overcome?

I am curious to know about their job, financial and language learning hardships. #language #fbi #linguist #linguistics #language #law-enforcement #police #foreign-language #foreign-languages #criminal-justice

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Sarina889 views

Linguistic majors with bachelor's degrees, what struggles did you face once you tried to enter the workforce?

I'm considering pursuing a Linguistics major for my BA. I've read that it's quite hard to get a job unless you also have Computer Science minor/double major paired with Linguistics, which isn't quite my plan, though I'm considering pairing Linguistics with CS if it becomes clear that pursuing Linguistics alone is worthless. So, for those who have majored in Linguistics, what are some future struggles to be aware of? Is Linguistics worth pursuing if I don't get involved with Computer Science? #college #bachelors #Computer Science #CSMajor #LingusticsMajor #BA #CS #Linguistics #struggles #work #future #job #major #in #linguistics

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Sarina910 views

What's a good major to pursue if you have an AA degree in Health Sciences General Studies and you enjoy subjects involving English/Writing?

By 18, if I work hard enough, I should have an AA degree in Health Sciences General Studies, though now I'm wondering if I still want to pursue a career focused entirely on health. I've always struggled with math, which as I've found is quite involved in this field, making me reconsider my decision to pursue a health-focused career. Now, I'm focusing on my interests in writing, English, debating, and things of that nature. I'm now wondering if there is a major that could lead to a career involving both my health skills and my current interests. #general #health #professionals #english #writing #creativewriting #linguistics #journalism #debating #communications #opentoideas #career #healthcareer #liberalarts #professors

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Lia763 views

What kind of jobs would people with a doctorate in linguistics get?

#college #english #linguistics

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Lia663 views

What kind of jobs would fit a double major in linguistics and business?

#majors #college-major #college-majors #double-major #major #linguistics #business

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Abbey2352 views

Ways to combine music and linguistics/foreign language?

I love piano; I also love languages, both learning to speak them and also learning about the more analytical/scientific aspect (i.e. linguistics). I wanted to know if there were any jobs that could combine the two? Entrepreneurship perhaps? #music #linguistics #foreign-language #entrepreneurship

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Oleksandra971 views

What kind of jobs can linguistics/Asian languages majors have in government?

I'm interested in Asian languages and linguistics. In U.S., Asian, Russian, and/or Ukrainian governments, what kind of jobs can I expect? Are diplomacy or translation the only options? #asian #asian-languages #asia-pacific #asianstudies #russia #russian #Ukraine #government #japanese #chinese #china #southkorea #korean ##korea #international #linguistics #foreign-languages

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Connor779 views

I'm planning on studying Linguistics, and would love to learn new languages while I do so. Is there any language certifications I can get at a State level to put on my CV without having to take a class?

I'd like to learn languages without having to take a class because I can work at my own pace and study what I want in a language at any point in time. However, I feel that having a certification or award would look better on a resume than just self reporting. If you could give me ideas about what I could do, it'd be a big help. FYI: The college I'll be attending only has Linguistics as a major, with all subsections currently informal. Thank you! #languages #linguistics #certifications #resume

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Lexi724 views

Are there jobs available for Linguistics majors?

I've been passionate about language for the majority of my life, and I've finally settled on my major. Linguistics with an emphasis in English is my passion, but I assume the jobs are limited since I hadn't heard of this degree before applying to college. Any #linguistics fanatics care to share their success stories? Thanks!

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Ty'Bria869 views

What are some jobs that involve linguistics and journalism?

Well for one right now I am only a sophomore in high school and I'm kinda looking into colleges where I can study these topics. I just don't know if there is a lot that offers that in the work force #journalism #linguistics .

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Léane706 views

Humanities part time job

Starting September, I'm going to be an #international student in the US, so I'm gonna be studying with a F1 visa and this visa only allows me to work outside of campus in my study field, I'm probably going to major in #humanities (my preferred subjects are #linguistics and #film), what part time job could I take on as a student in that field?

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Kilbert846 views

How many opportunities are there for a linguistic major in Massachusetts, specifically Boston.

#linguistics #language #boston #Massachusetts

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Léane827 views

Study linguistics, then what?

I'm really interested in #linguistics, mostly the history of speech and languages, how words became to mean certain things etc. What career options will I have after I graduate in this field? Research? #career

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Hannah1027 views

Which careers should I look into?

My interests include linguistics, english, writing, editing, and psychology. Additionally, I really enjoy learning new things and researching. I also enjoy explaining things to others and tutoring. Are there any careers out there that might suit these interests? #linguistics #english #writing-and-editing #research #teaching

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Léane856 views

Jobs with a humanities degree

I'm considering majoring in #Humanities, but I don't think I'd be a good human resources, I'm not really sure what I'd like to do, but I'm interested in #linguistics, and maybe #anthropology , are these part of humanity? What courses are part of Humanities ?

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Jessica804 views

What is the best way to deal with people misunderstanding your field?

I'm studying Linguistics, and I've seen many businesses post openings for a "linguist" when what they actually want is a translator. Since people often misunderstand the relevance of the work that linguists do, what is a good way to counteract that and find jobs relevant to what I'm actually studying? Is anyone in a field where this is an issue? How do you handle it when job hunting? #linguistics #job-search-strategies

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Kyle978 views

What opportunities are there available for those interested in linguistics?

I'm interested in language and literature. What sorts of work could I get involved in? #english-literature #linguistics #language #literature #career-counseling

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Savannah771 views

What can I actually do with my degree?

I plan on majoring in linguistics and whenever I tell someone that I always get "what kind of jobs are there for a linguist?" Honestly, I don't know. So what CAN I do with my degree? What kind of jobs are suited to my studies? #linguist #linguistics #what-kind-of-jobs-can-i-expect.

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Karla708 views

How can I get aid to go to college in South Korea?

I am really wanting to go & study at Yonsei University in South Korea. #forensic-anthropologist #linguistics #yonseiuniversity #southkorea #study-abroad #financial-aid

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Connor891 views

What are some careers should I research?

My plan right now is go to a junior college for two years, get an AA, then either go to a local (CA) university or state school and take part in an exchange program to France, or directly sign up for university in France. The reason why I am focused on France, is because I really love the French language and wish to pursue it further. I am currently in my third year of French at my high school, and next school year I will be in my fourth. I'm not exactly sure what I want to major in, but some of my ideas are Environmental Science, Linguistics, and Psychology. For career wise, I really want to work with people, but I am having trouble thinking of future careers that might actually interest me. #psychology #career-counseling #career-choice #environmental-science #french #linguistics

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Sarah1888 views

How can I get na internship at Google, Apple, or Amazon?

I am interested in learning languages and could take a coding class if necessary. I want to know if the above companies can use someone who is interested in languages and if they have internship opportunities. I can speak Turkish and am working on learning sign language. #computer-science #language #linguistics #apple #google-analytics #working-for-apple

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