Career questions tagged linguist

How good of an idea is it to work on your doctorate at the same time as being an adjunct professor?
I'm a high school senior and aspiring linguistics major who intends to become a professor and obtain their PhD. I've heard about adjunct professorship and that while it is very important to become a tenured professor, it's as time-intensive as tenured professorship with significantly less pay. Would these two goals at the same time be too overwhelming or hard to balance? I'd like to hear professional opinions!

What are some hardships a FBI linguist/Foreign language expert experiences and has to overcome?
I am curious to know about their job, financial and language learning hardships. #language #fbi #linguist #linguistics #language #law-enforcement #police #foreign-language #foreign-languages #criminal-justice

What can I actually do with my degree?
I plan on majoring in linguistics and whenever I tell someone that I always get "what kind of jobs are there for a linguist?" Honestly, I don't know. So what CAN I do with my degree? What kind of jobs are suited to my studies? #linguist #linguistics #what-kind-of-jobs-can-i-expect.