Career questions tagged professors

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Stephanie402 views

Can someone with a degree in public health become a pediatrician ?

I am a first year student studying public health but I will like to be a paediatrician

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Lucas173 views

How can I be very successful ?

Please how can you help me be a professional person

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Victor302 views

How can I be successful in this space??

Question writing tip

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Anita915 views

Does anyone know about Uconn and whether or not the have a BS/MD program?

I've done so much research, but I just can't seem to find a concise answer.

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Briana490 views

How many Professors will be in a classroom full of students in college ?

#professor #professors

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Kelly1544 views

What age should I start investing?

I am a student and I am curious about how the stock market works. #career #general #professors #stocks #life #business #invest #finance #success #marketing

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Samyukta1546 views

Can a clinical psychologist also be a psychology professor (at the same time)?

#psychology #professors #professor #phd Edit:- I thought it would be useful if I mentioned the country too (in which I would like to practice/teach). I think, most likely, the US.

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Samsuzzoha818 views

What should I do to increase extra thinking power & enlarge my leadership skills?

I have came to know something about few top universities of canada, sometimes they requires Leadership skills, extra thinking power for giving scholarships to study in their universities. So that, I want to study abroad & also make a improvement on this skills. #JULY20 #Experts #Professors #business

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K672 views

How do you become closer to your professor?

A lot of people advise getting closer to your professor better because they can help in many different ways in the future- whether it be recommendations or possible internship opportunities. What are some ways to become closer? I seem to have difficulty finding topics to talk about with them that are respectable, but also not only about school. #professors #relations #university #JULY20

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Kelly1039 views

How to build a good relationship with your professors?

I heading into university and due to Covid-19, my first semester is going to be online. Of course, there are going to be many obstacles but the most troubling is connecting with professors. I want to get to know them as well as making myself known and that I want to excel in their class. But I also don't want to be the student that is labelled as a suck-up or a try-hard. #professors #firstyear #communication #JULY20

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C850 views

How to ask professor for recommendation letter?

Which professor should I ask for recommendation letter? What's the polite way to ask them to be my references when it's been a while since I've taken their courses? #professors #professional #career #references #email #scholarship #recommendationletter

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Jalen774 views

How would you recommend doing better in class if you can’t understand the teacher

#teacher #teaching #professors

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Stephanie857 views

When becoming a college professor, is it more beneficial to start at a 4-year or transfer from a 2-year?

I want to know if it would be better for me to go to a 4-year college right off the bat when wanting to become a professor so I can familiarize myself when professors there who can help me. Or transfer from a community/2-year college to a 4-year. (based around finances) #college-professor #higher-education #professors #professor #community-college

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Angel845 views

How will do I manage my time well in college?

#general #professors #medicine #nursing

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Evelynn8860 views

What's the difference between Biomedical Engineering, Bioengineering, and Biomechanical Engineering?

I am currently majoring in Biomedical Engineering, however I see these other terms thrown around all the time. I'd like to know if there is a difference or if these terms are simply synonyms. Thanks! #general #anyone #professors #health #nanotechnology

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Nadya702 views

What should you major in College if you are look to be a pediatrician?

#pediatrician #pediatrics #pediatric-nursing #professors #career # collegefreshman

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Elizabeth614 views

What are good programs for healthcare providers?

Good programs in Portland State University and Oregon Health and Science University. I want to become a Pediatrician, so I would like to have more experience in a University or in a hospital. #health #professors #pediatrician #healthcare #medicine

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Ansley822 views

Do Professors ever have a fear of public speaking?

I've considered being a professor, but I have a fear of public speaking. This is one of the most common fears so I wonder if this is something I could work through. Do Professors initially have a fear of public speaking? How do you work past it? #professors #public speaking

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Sarina910 views

What's a good major to pursue if you have an AA degree in Health Sciences General Studies and you enjoy subjects involving English/Writing?

By 18, if I work hard enough, I should have an AA degree in Health Sciences General Studies, though now I'm wondering if I still want to pursue a career focused entirely on health. I've always struggled with math, which as I've found is quite involved in this field, making me reconsider my decision to pursue a health-focused career. Now, I'm focusing on my interests in writing, English, debating, and things of that nature. I'm now wondering if there is a major that could lead to a career involving both my health skills and my current interests. #general #health #professionals #english #writing #creativewriting #linguistics #journalism #debating #communications #opentoideas #career #healthcareer #liberalarts #professors

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Paige869 views

What sort of questions should you ask professors to establish a relationship?

If I am attending office hours, what types of conversations and questions will allow us to establish a personalized connection that can be useful for recommendations and career advice in the future? #career #college #professors #networking #relationship-building

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Emily962 views

Are 18 credit hours in a semester a lot?

I'm going to be a college Freshman in the fall and I found out because of my major, I will have to take18 credit hours my first semester. Are there any tips on managing time or advice from anyone's personal experience out there? #student #job #professors #school #timemanagement

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Raabia970 views

How important is it to build relationships with your professors?

I will be attending college in September of this year as a freshman undergraduate student. I have heard from many that some college professors may not be as hands- on as others but it is always good to connect with them in terms of networking. I wonder how beneficial this type of networking is? #college-advice #professors #undergraduate

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Nadine992 views

Job Application.

For one's cover letter, how do you really structure it so you can stand out? #recruiting #entrepreneur #professors

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Hannah1568 views

How much does college GPA matter when applying for a job?

As an honors college student with a 4.0 GPA, I want to know how much my resume would drop in value if my GPA went down to say a 3.5 or lower. I want to push myself to the hardest I can, but not be too disappointed if I get a B somewhere down the road. #college #professional #career-path #job-search #professors #first-job #resume-writing #evaluating-resumes

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Rachel1009 views

How vital is it to get to know my professors who are outside my area of interest?

I am a freshman who wants to study biology, but I also take classes that are not in the field of science (history and english). Should I try to make connections with those professors that are not within my major? #college #professors #connections

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Jessica747 views

Which college is known best for their science major?

im not sure which college i want to go to #professors #healthcare-it

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Claire913 views

Does research at the collegiate level satisfy the search for beauty and excitement that science lovers are looking for?

I have heard that the road to becoming a professor is long and grueling and like any journey, you have to jump through a lot of hoops and do a lot of grunt-work to achieve your end goal. Does the research that graduate students and post-docs do satisfy their quest for knowledge? In other words, is the research you get to do exciting? Is it what you expected it would be going in? When you finally do become a professor, do you have more freedom over your research than you did as a grad student/post-doc? Is your research as a professor exciting and fulfilling? #college #graduate-school #research #professors

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Claire893 views

How much freedom do college physics professors have when determining their topics of research?

I understand that most college professors seek funding from national organizations for their research by writing grants. If you receive the grant, how much freedom do you have in determining how you use the money in your research? Does the organization tell you what they want you to research with their money? #research #physics #professors #grants #researchers

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Alexandra961 views

What are some key tips for connecting with faculty within your major so that you can eventually do research with someone?

I am currently a freshman in psychology and neuroscience, but I'd like to start getting to know my professors now so that I have a solid network when it comes time to get some research experience. What are some key ways to connect with faculty, and how do you approach the process of finding someone to do research with? #psychology #research #undergraduate #neuroscience #professors

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Jordan1146 views

How do I know what major to select?

Throughout the early stages of my college career, I was unsure of what I wanted "to be when I grew up." With so many choices, I understand many other students are wondering the same thing. I wanted to expand the clarity from other individuals on what newly applied students should do in this case. #college #teaching #teacher #students #professors #graduates #undecided

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