Career questions tagged email

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Anna723 views

How can I reach out to science labs asking for an internship as a high school student?

Could anyone provide email templates for requesting a medical or chemistry internship as a high school student trying to work with popular and selective research labs?

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John587 views

Following Up With Sample of Relevant Academic Work

Hello, I have drafted an e-mail to send my psychology professor but I am nervous to send it. The professor researches a topic that is significant to me, and what I hope to research in my career. I have good rapport with this professor, and we speak with each other on a first name basis as per their request. They have also encouraged me to submit my CV, transcript, and a sample of my academic writing so I can apply to volunteer in their lab next semester. I wanted to send them a video campaign I created for another class that demonstrates my passion for the subject they research and my personal interest in it, along with a summary of the video as a sample of my academic writing. I am nervous, however, because neither are perfect but I thought they may appreciate them and it would show my personal interest in what they research. I did receive a 97% on the project in the class it was submitted for. I am curious if this would be something a professor would appreciate. #university #professor #research #email #psychology

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C850 views

How to ask professor for recommendation letter?

Which professor should I ask for recommendation letter? What's the polite way to ask them to be my references when it's been a while since I've taken their courses? #professors #professional #career #references #email #scholarship #recommendationletter

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C7081 views

what to write for a follow-up email on a conditional job offer

I've accepted a conditional job offer. However, I haven't heard back from them after I accepted the offer. What should I write in the follow-up email ? #job-coaching #email #human-resources #career-counseling Thank you!

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Brenda1855 views

How do you address recipients in your email professionally?

Hello! I'm currently a freshman university student, and I send a lot of emails through my university email, to professors and university staff alike. I've done research on the right ways to email professors, reading tons and tons of articles but a Google search can't seem to help me. It's a little hard to discern when to use "Professor" and when to use "Ms." or "Mrs." or "Mr."--which is completely different from high school, where seeing teachers daily let you know how to address them. In college, it's a different story. How would you start an email to someone older than you? I always try to look at what they sign off the email with, but starting off with "Hello William," to the head of the Global Studies department is rather off-putting to me. Do you use Professor, or Mr. or Mrs.? What about your T.A.s? Or the head of the Residential Life Department, or a financial aid advisor? What if they're not married? #college #university #communications #professional-development #communication-skills #professional-training #email #professionalism #personal-development

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Mia4578 views

How can I politely decline an internship without burning bridges?

I'm a college student looking for a summer internship, and I believe I will get accepted to two of the internships I applied to - but I cannot feasibly do both. How can I politely decline one internship while not burning any bridges and maintaining the connections I made there? #internships #interviews #email #job-application #personal-development

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Miles1296 views

How should you end a professional email?

I have heard of multiple answers for this question, but not many seem to sync up. Is it more proper to end with something as small as "sincerely," or is it better to just say nothing at all? Also, should you add something other than your name at the end of your emails? #professional #email

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Anudari926 views

Tips on using e-mails

We all know what e-mails are used for, but are some tips on using it and keeping it organized? How do you avoid scams, phishing emails etc? Do you think it's important to have a gmail, and why? Also, is it a good idea to have more than one email account? Feel free to add more. #email

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