Career questions tagged japanese

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Ava402 views

What are some good high school (Junior or Senior year) foreign exchange programs for an outgoing student from California and an incoming student to Japan?

Hi there! I'm an incoming high school junior as of August 2024 and am considering taking either a semester or a school year in Japan as a foreign exchange program out of the San Juan Unified School District. The issue is that I don't know much about compatible credits or what programs would work for low-income, 16-year-olds.

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Alex603 views

How to balance time ? currently study 4th years Japanese major From 1pm to 4pm class study Japanese on university From 7pm have part time job to 10pm How to manage time self study jlpt test,test,study programming,study music production if self study at home less time to balance part time job and self study at home

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Alex597 views

What should i do balance manage time?

What should i do balance manage time? I currently study 4th year Japanese major,but i don’t like this major i almost graduate university this year.after graduate i want to do about music production and games program i have class 4 hours everyday Japanese major.after class on university i only have 3 hours self study,jlpt test,test,game program,music production how should i balance 2. Which youtube i can self study music production basic theory

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maddie813 views

Which major is better for the study of Asian Languages???

Hello, I am currently thinking about what I am going to be majoring in. I would like to be able to learn Asian languages (Japanese, Korean, etc.). I have done some research and I see there are so many options to choose from. I could major in Korean, Japanese, Asian Studies, or Linguistics. I am not sure which to choose from. I found two colleges that offer these courses, Ohio State University and Pomona College. (By the way, I mostly want to learn Korean, and I am also interested in studying abroad.)

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Oleksandra970 views

What kind of jobs can linguistics/Asian languages majors have in government?

I'm interested in Asian languages and linguistics. In U.S., Asian, Russian, and/or Ukrainian governments, what kind of jobs can I expect? Are diplomacy or translation the only options? #asian #asian-languages #asia-pacific #asianstudies #russia #russian #Ukraine #government #japanese #chinese #china #southkorea #korean ##korea #international #linguistics #foreign-languages

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Emily1169 views

What does one do with a Japanese major?

I really want to study Japanese -- it's been a passion of mine for a long time. The only problem is, I only know two jobs that I can do with that major, that being translation and a teacher. Neither of which sound like my cup of tea, so what other options do I have? #japanese #foreign-languages #job #future-careers

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Yasmin1976 views

Are foreign language degree considered "useless?"

I love foreign languages. I'm already bilingual. (I speak Spanish fluently.) It's my dream to become a polyglot. In college, I'm certain I want to either minor or major in a foreign language. I'm particularly interested in learning Japanese, but I'm also considering Arabic or Russian. The problem is I'm worried about being able to find a job outside of teaching with my degree. (I don't think I have what it takes to become a teacher.) People have warned me about the dangers of a liberal arts degree, and have suggested that I avoid pursuing a degree in liberal arts and humanities. However, I do love math. In the future, I'm thinking about pursuing a career in immigration law or international business. I'm not really sure. But would a foreign language degree on it's own be considered "useless?" Would I need to find an additional field to major or minor in in order to launch a successful career with a foreign language degree? #foreign-languages #careers-for-people-with-liberal-arts-degrees #japanese #bachelorsdegree #arabic #russian ##spanish

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Cody605 views

What program of study and classes would benefit me most as a teacher in Japan?

My dream has always been to move to Japan. My plan to achieve this is to become an English teacher in a Japanese school. #japanese #teaching

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Cody2566 views

How competitive is the job market as an English teacher in Japan?

It has always been my dream to move to Japan and as I am going to college my plan is to live there as an English teacher. #japanese #teaching #english #teacher #education

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Alicia836 views

Does anyone know a better way to study a foreign language by yourself?

i am trying to learn enough Japanese to be able to take the AP exam for it and I'm not sure if there's a good way for me to learn it. I've watched several videos about kanji and know the basics for grammar, but is there a more efficient way? #foreign-languages #japanese #online-learning #self-improvement

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Aiyanna-Jizelle1223 views

How would one go about finding their first job as a translator?

I plan on becoming a Japanese translator and while it seems easy to get started, in my mind it's too vague and I'd like an exact plan. #foreign-languages #language #japan #japanese

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Katelyn3857 views

How likely will opportunities to travel abroad be in a career as a UX designer?

I am planning to have a future career in User Experience (UX) design. As understanding different walks of life and cultures is a big part of not only UX design but also my personal interests, I would love to travel alongside my job. Due to my heritage, I have a particular interest in working abroad in Japan. Currently I am in the process of learning technical and conversational Japanese; I was wondering how likely it will be that I will actually be able to put my developing language skills to use. #user-experience-design #traveling #business-travel #japanese

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Shi Ying Quince1008 views

What career choices I have with interior design and Japanese?

I been studying interior design in college but due to some academic issues I have to change to Japanese which I still want to be doing something with design. Is there any career choices that can combine the two together? #interior #japanese #interior-architecture #interior-designer

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Shi Ying Quince1468 views

If I don't graduate with a degree in Interior Design, is it very hard to find a job?

I am asking this question because I am studying interior design right now, but due to some academic issues I can't continue with the major. I still want a job associate with interior design will that be something difficult to do? The major I will be changing to was my minor - Japanese. #architectural #japanese #interior-architecture #interior-designer

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Jesse1060 views

What do you recommend for self-study over the summer for a Japanese major?

I have been immersing myself further in Japanese media and I bought the first Genki textbook. I have taken a year online and have been studying on my own as well. I know a great deal of vocabulary, but I am weak in grammar and kanji. Do you have any recommendations for media, online sources, or practice methods I could utilize over the summer? #language #studying-tips #foreign-languages #translation #japanese

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Jesse998 views

What majors do you recommend that I take with Japanese if I want to be a translator?

I am graduating high school very soon and will be entering college after this summer. At this point, I plan to become a Japanese to English (or vice versa) translator, and I know that there are several options as to what I might take with my Japanese major. I have considered a Chinese minor, English linguistics major, or a business minor. At most I would be willing to take two majors and a minor, maybe. #college #majors #translation #japanese

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camilo1909 views

How should I try and break into Japan's manga industry?

I want to be a manga artist but other than drawing and learning Japanese, I am not sure what specific steps to take... Should I look for a specific school, try and make industry contacts, maybe start in the comics for the US? #comics #japanese #manga

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Leigh1820 views

What are some possible careers for someone who wants to take majors in Graphic Design, French, Sketching, Studio Arts, Photography, Music, French and Japanese ?

I'm in 12th grade, and I don't have a definite career choice yet. I just know that I would like to be fluent in Japanese and French, and that my career would be related to art and/or music. #graphic-design #video-games #photography #french #japanese #disney

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Shawn2286 views

What is a good language to know/learn when looking to become a translator?

I am a senior in high school and I have been learning German and Japanese but I am having a hard time deciding what language I should start with that would benefit me most in my career plans. I have heard certain languages are in demand but I am not sure if i should learn them since they are in demand now and might not be by the time i have learned enough of the language. #language #french #translation #japanese #german

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C'Asia1064 views

What steps does a person have to take to become apart of the manga business?

I am extrmely intrested in manga and anime and I was curious about the steps I might have to follow to become apart of that business #writing #drawing #translation #japanese

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