Career questions tagged interior

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Anita502 views

What is the important things you need to know about interior designing?

Where should you begin?

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Stephanie810 views

What is the most challenging part of being an interior designer?

What is the most difficult part of being an interior designer?

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Stephanie497 views

Why did you choose interior design as a career?

Need help for a project

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Christian Paul825 views

can i study bs interior design in college if i take stem in shs?


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Ella1638 views

What other interior designs are there if you just want to decorate homes more than building them?

I am in 10th grade and I want to go into the design but want more of the decorating homes not more so building and all of the measuring. What kind of design should I go for?

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Ella897 views

what should I take as a high school student to get into the design field?

I'm in tenth grade and I want to be an interior designer if I'm not great a math would it be hard? I do help my dad most of the time with his reno houses so I have some experience.

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Chloe586 views

What is the biggest role for an interior designer?

why are they important

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kaia541 views

how can someone with a 2.5 gpa become a interior decorator/designer?

i’m a junior this year

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Marii700 views

What would be a class that would be crucial for me to take if I want to become a teacher, interior designer, or a clothes desginer I want to be ready!

Question writing tips…

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Saja684 views

As a high-school student, I have interest in architecture, so I want to know how is the job as an architect? Is is really boring and having less creativity?

I am in the 11th grade and I am looking for the appropriate field for me, so I have found that I have interest in architecture, but I don't want to close my eyes about the real life of the architects, so can you help me in that please ?

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Bryson545 views

How hard is it to get into residential architecture after college?

I know that most people after majoring in civil engineering or architecture tend to go into commerical architecture building targets and walmarts, but how hard would it relatively be in order to get into residential architecture and to find a job that would pay a lot?

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Madeline1760 views

What are the pros and cons of interior design ?

Do you have to work over time?

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Paulo314 views

How is it like being an Architect?

If there are any Architect’s here, how much do architects make and is it worth it to be an Architect?

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Mila727 views

What would be a good interior design college?

What would be an amazing college to study interior design? Also some college that has a good volleyball team? And a college that has musical opportunities?

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Jake698 views

How hard is it to be a interior designer ?

How is it to become an interior designer and what are some aspects you need to know.

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Charlotte727 views

How can I start my career in interior design?

I would like to become an interior designer but I don’t plan on going to a 4 year school, just something small. As a senior in high school what can be my first step?

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Tantat403 views

What are the best programs for interior designers?

I am an interior designer from Thailand who just moved to the US. I'm very good in AutoCAD / Exel / Powerpoint, moderate in Sketch-Up / Photoshop, Beginner at Revit / Indesign. I like to know that is there any programs / Applications that I should learn in 2023.

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Tantat819 views

What State is the best for searching for interior design jobs in the US?

I'm from Thailand and I'm looking for an interior design job (or related). I graduated bachelor's degree in interior architecture from Thailand and have 5 years experience of in work. However, I plan to relocate to anywhere I have the best opportunity to find the job.

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Chris1338 views

How can I get into interior design

How can I get into interior design

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JayJay380 views

Where can I explore next of architecture?

I am a 17 about to graduate and was hoping to find answers to where I can go next into becoming an architect. I am certified in my interior design classes and have a passion to building in the meta verse

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Oluchi597 views

Is it advisable to double major in interior design and biology, and pursue a career in interior design in Texas right now?

I really love interior design AND biology and was thinking of becoming a pediatrician and after about 10 years, switch and use my interior design degree to work for or start a design firm. Is that a good idea?

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Julie385 views

What are some internships or shadowing opportunities for interior designers in San Antonio?

Anywhere close to the north west side of the city if possible?

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Tantat646 views

What type of measurement unit that used in USA? (Feet/inches or Metric)

Hello, I'm interior Designer from Thailand. Now, I moved to Amarillo, Texas, USA. I like to know Interior Designer stuff in USA like... - What is common design or people behavior here in USA? - What type of measurement unit that used in USA? (Feet/inches or Metric) Thank you!

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Jalia322 views

What would yu recommend for someone who is still in high school trying to get a head start on realty services? (Including but not limited to architecture, interior/exterior design, flipping and selling homes, real estate)

I would like to know what I can start on now to be able to reach my goal sooner when I finish school

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Jenny1323 views

Why did you choose to become an Interior Designer?

Hello! My name is Jenny and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in Applied Physical Arts field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! Why did you choose to become an Interior Designer? What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career?

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na'kiyah448 views

What are some of the pros to being an interior designer?

What are some things you guys love about your design career?

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CareerVillage Office Hours259 views

What are the pros and cons to interior design, And what can I do to achieve my goal of becoming an interior designer?

I am in 8th grand I've always loved decorating houses and rebuilding them and all of that stuff and I kind of thought it would be a good path for me to take when I'm older because it's something I enjoy and would love to do everyday. Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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na'kiyah438 views

How do you feel about interior design ?

How does it make you feel?

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na'kiyah284 views

Will i get the correct network from working at a firm for interior design ?

Will they allow me to prosper?

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na'kiyah350 views

Does natural light matter when decorating ?

Does position towards natural lighting matter?

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