Career questions tagged disney

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Mayara613 views

What do I need to do to work at Imagineering?

I'm a Civil Engineer, Brazilian, I love Disney, construction materials and engineering projects.

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Jonas318 views

My Question For Theme Park Entertainment

What is it like to work in a theme park in entertainment

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Ginelle463 views

Is a Disney land worker the best choice?

My name is Ginelle, I live in Az, I want to be a Disneyland worker that make the treats. How much do I get payed? Is it worth it? Do i actually have to college for that? And what are the challenges I have to face to become one?

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liana378 views

whats it like designing and animating for big studios like disney, pixar, dreamworks, sony, and nickelodeon ?

working for disney has been a dream job of mine since i was really young, what a day like working for them and what goes on,

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Samantha4076 views

What is it like working as a imagineer for disney?

I have no idea what I want to do in life but I love Disney and all the rides there. I think it would be amazing to build rides that bring kids joy on the best day or days of there lives. I live in Florida where Disney world is for context. I would love to know how I could maybe get my foot in the door. Is there a scholarship they have at a certain college? What type of engineers work at Disney company? What requirements due you have to meet to be offered a job interview? Etc. I would also like to know if I should work for the company like due they treat there engineers well and stuff. Thanks for reading. 😊

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Candys959 views

What are the steps in creating your own animation?

I was recently inspired by how animations seem more detailed and animated. I'd notice how in most cartoons, their mouth flaps seem like they're pronouncing each word clearly. And the storyline for most cartoons inspire me to pursue animation. I want to bring characters to life and tell stories. #animation #art #artist #design #story #webseries #disney

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Candys462 views

What is the most accomplishing about a project?

I realize that animation is a challenging career to pursue, but there are moments where an individual gets that sense of accomplishing during the process of a project. I wanted to get an idea of what about the project satisfies someone. #animation #art #design #disney

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Ige606 views

What career would combine all of these?

I am interested in illustration, character design, and costume design for animation. I am unsure of what I should major in. I enjoy creating may things and am unsure what specific career I should aim for. Any advice is helpful. #disney #animation #design #careers #illustration #cartoon

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Alex885 views

What can I do in order to get a career as a Cartoonist for Disney Animation Studios?

After watching a cartoon on Disney Channel, it inspired me of wanting to become a Cartoonist. So, all I need to know is how to get my desired career at Disney Animation Studios. #career #cartoonist #disney #animation

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Ashley2159 views

What types of math do I need for robotics

I’m 21 I like music and robots and I want to build and design the animatronics at Disney parks #math #Robots #Disney

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Grace556 views

What kind of business career opportunities are there animation studios?

Hi all! I'm a graduating college next spring with a degree in business-marketing. I'm looking into a career that marries my business degree with industries that I am passionate about like animation (think DreamWorks, Pixar, Disney, Japanese animation). I don't have the artistic technical skills but would love to work as a producer for some of these projects that these studios put out. 1.) Do I need an artistic background/portfolio to obtain an admin role like a producer? 2.) (I have a feeling) but is this an industry where networking is my best bet to even land a more admin job? 3.) What skills would you suggest are special to this industry in this capacity beyond traditional business sales? Would love to hear from anyone who has experience in the field - thanks in advance for your answers! #animation #art #studios #anime #drawing #disney

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Sarah2929 views

Is it worth it to participate in the Disney College Program?

I love Disney and I am interested in the Disney College Program but I am not sure if it will help me in the future. If anyone has ever been a part of or knows someone who has been a part of the Disney College Program I would love to just know information about it. #Disneycollegeprogram #DCP #unsure #disney #florida

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dennis956 views

Should I major in computer science information or computer animations?

I love both subjects very much, but due to costs I can’t do both. I love animating and filming, but I’m not sure if i’m qualified enough for the industry. For computer science, I love it too, but I tend to struggle at times when learning or applyingrg knowledge. #Animations #ComputerScienceInformation #Help #ElonMusk #Disney #Technology #Programming #Film #Frames

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Mallory908 views

Is it possible to be a desirable applicant for a world renowned company without having gone to an Ivy League school?

Over the course of my childhood, I’ve developed a deep adoration for Disney, alongside a fascination with the technology behind the attractions, the engineering that creates the magic. My dream job would be to work as a part of the Walt Disney Imagineering Team. I plan on studying computer science in college and want to find a job in Imagineering where I would use these skills. I've maintained an A average through my 4 years in a private high school, but that's not high enough to make me a competitive candidate for Ivy League schools. I worry that not attending a top schools will stop me from ever landing my dream job. Is this rational? Is there something I can do, other than attending an Ivy League school, to make myself competitive when the time comes to apply for the job? #technology #disney #computer-science

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Hanh7097 views

What steps do I have to take to become an industrial engineer?

Hello, I'm having a hard time picking a major in what I would like to do. Currently, I am majoring in biology but I'm starting to think it is not for me. I am thinking about taking on a career in math. Industrial engineering seems to be compatible with me. I am very social, math clicks, and I like how industrial engineering falls into so many categories. You can do anything with that. However, my college only has programs for Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical & Computer Engineering Industrial Technology Mechanical Engineering Petroleum Engineering. I am not sure where to start to become an industrial engineer with these options. It would be a dream job to work with Disney World but I'm not sure how to get there. Also, how would I come about contacting an industrial engineer? -Thank you #career #engineer #major #advice #industrial #disney

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Marcella3597 views

Is there any degree to be a Disney character at Disney World?

Hello, I am in twelfth grade and I am just curious if the people at Disney who do the princesses, villains, and princes have a degree. Thank you! #degree #acting #disney #audition

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Alissa1200 views

For someone interested in majoring in Electrical Engineering and minoring in Music (instrumental) and Mandarin, what careers would one recommend?

I am a senior in high school who has a passion for playing the violin and self- teaching themselves languages. I recently did a summer program at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology where I studied embedded controllers and processors and discovered my passion for engineering. The issue now is that I am not sure which career path I should take that would encompass all my interest. I was once considering possibly working for Pixar, but I am not sure if that is the best choice. I would really appreciate the advice. #engineering #disney #language-skills #violin

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Leigh1546 views

What does a person do at Disney University?

I'm hoping to participate in Disney University, or the Disney college program, and I would like to know what it's like. #art #disney

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Leigh1820 views

What are some possible careers for someone who wants to take majors in Graphic Design, French, Sketching, Studio Arts, Photography, Music, French and Japanese ?

I'm in 12th grade, and I don't have a definite career choice yet. I just know that I would like to be fluent in Japanese and French, and that my career would be related to art and/or music. #graphic-design #video-games #photography #french #japanese #disney

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Esmeralda 3884 views

How long does it take to be a singer?

I chose this question because I want to be a singer when I grow up. #singer #disney #entertainers

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Sara2141 views

What year of college is the best to do the Disney College Program?

I am really interested in the college program at Disney and I want to make sure I do it at the right time in college. #disney

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Alexis2000 views

What jobs are available on cruises?

I have been on 3 Disney cruises and have loved all 3! I like to travel, interact with people and help others. I was wondering what kind of jobs are avaiable to work on a cruise? I know there are waitress options and cruise directors which do that. What else is out there? Pros/cons? HELP! #career #travel #director #disney #cruise #waitress

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