Career questions tagged self-improvement

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Rashmitha592 views

How can I overcome imposter syndrome and low self esteem in school and life?

I've struggled my whole life with imposter syndrome and this inherent feeling that my success is tied to my achievements in school. This has led to depressive episodes, low self-esteem, and resentment and jealousy on my part sometimes which I am not proud of at all. I compare myself and either find myself happy about being superior or depressed about being inferior. I regularly try to journal my feelings of sadness, worries, and thoughts and I also try to employ some affirmative strategies but I feel like they don't always work. What strategies can I use to further deal with this problem of mine?

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Kynya360 views

How can I manage stress during times of failure and stagnant progress?

I'm an 18 year old college sophomore majoring in animal science, and I've been really struggling in math based subjects since high school. It seems no matter how hard I study or spend time with my tutors, I barely see any progress and it causes me loads of stress that affects my relationship with my family/friends and a bit of an issue with my other grades, since I'm so focused on improving in mathematics. I want to do better and be better overall.

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Pearl616 views

How to be consistent in what you do?

I want to know what is the psychology behind consistency. Why are some people consistent while others are not, no matter how much they try?

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Pearl834 views

How do I begin going out on my own when I have absolutely no friends?

As someone who has no friends, I feel ashamed of going out. I know it sounds weird, but it is what it is. It's not that I don't want to have fun and meet people, but I am afraid. I hate that I don't really have friends. I think learning these skills will help me develop soft skills such as communication and confidence, which will help me from a career perspective.

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Izabela494 views

How to get better at basketball ?

I’m 5’5 1/2 but it’s really hard for me to handle the ball, i’m also not the best with my left hand.

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Rasaun254 views

what are some goods ways to save money at 16?

Right now when money comes to play I'm always low on it. No matter how much I put in savings it usually will get spent on something that doesn't have any meaning to me like food or stuff for gaming. I just want money so that I could buy things that I want and i could have money left for things that I need. Also im always hearing you should save on how much you make, and I don't have a job to save income. so what do i do

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naala411 views

What would be some effective methods of networking in the culinary community?

How could I put myself in the position to come across people who I could learn from or gain experience from?

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Erin761 views

Going back to school through community colleges to take classes just for the sake of learning new things?

#self-improvement #back-to-school #how-applicable #recommend

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Zander1062 views

What study tips can help an easily distracted mind manage college expectations?

Like many, this is my first time away from home for an extended time. I am nervous about managing my personal focus and organization skills without support. I look forward to the social aspect of going to college, but worry about managing my studies in a timely manner. I know of support services that my college will provide, but we students still have to be in charge of our time management. Do you have suggestions on managing our daily study habits? Thank you! #study-habits #study-tips #study-skills #time-management #organization-management #stress-management #self-improvement

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Alicia836 views

Does anyone know a better way to study a foreign language by yourself?

i am trying to learn enough Japanese to be able to take the AP exam for it and I'm not sure if there's a good way for me to learn it. I've watched several videos about kanji and know the basics for grammar, but is there a more efficient way? #foreign-languages #japanese #online-learning #self-improvement

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Heidi660 views

Is CalTech a reasonable goal for me?

I have a 4.0 GPA and got a 1220 on the PSAT. I’m working on my score to improve the result on my SAT, but I believe mostly it’s because I haven’t taken Algebra II yet. I am taking extra classes during the summer. Am I aiming too high? #california #goals #self-improvement

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Cedrick1120 views

Where do you learn from the most, outside of the classroom?

When you're unable to attend school for any reason (financial, etc) how do you continue to study and learn more about yourself and the world? #RealLife #e-learning #learning #self-improvement

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Gloria952 views

How can someone improve their studying skills for all classes?

I want to improve my studying skills for this year and I wanted to know how you would go about studying for different tests and quizzes that could be given to me on the same day. I want to do my best this year so I just want some new methods that I could try to improve my studying in my different classes. #advice #studying-tips #self-improvement #personal-development

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Amanda2168 views

How do you deal with comparing yourself with your fellow classmates?

I feel as though I've begun doing this ever since I've started college. I always hear that my fellow classmates are coming to school and working a part time job, and for some, they may even have a family to provide for. It makes me wonder how they manage all of that but then it makes me think, "Why haven't I done that either?" How do you deal with those thoughts in your head where you begin to compare yourself to the people you encounter everyday at school? #college #self-esteem #self-improvement

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