Career questions tagged social-networking

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Kayla881 views

What is the best way to start networking?

Hello! I just finished my junior year of high school. With senior year coming up, I want to start networking more with professionals in jobs I am interested in. I have to admit, I am not the most extroverted person out there, and I want some tips!

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Mia441 views

How do people find their next job opportunity while they may still be employed?

If people are ready to level up or switch in their careers, how do they find their next job opportunity while they may still be employed? I am currently working my first job in the nonprofit/education industry since graduating college, and I am thinking about finding another job in a year.

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Paul419 views

How important is networking in general?

All kind of networking

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Paul385 views

What is web3 all about?

Web3 defi world

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Ivy532 views

why are CVs important?

is it a must for one to get hired with

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Ivan856 views

How do I network in college?

When it comes to engineering careers relating to it I hear that often times people need to network and build connections but how exactly do people do that and how early can I start?

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Jalivia390 views

What do I need to get a bigger and better network of people in my industry?

I am a professional photographer and I am trying to get better at meeting the right people and making the right connections.

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Zoe427 views

What networking apps and websites should I be on?

What networking apps and websites should I be on? List based on major and career field

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Mei Lin622 views

What is the best way to network in consulting?

Is it best to set up a zoom or meet for coffee? Do most consultants respond to cold emails or should I try to connect with them on LinkedIn?

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naala411 views

What would be some effective methods of networking in the culinary community?

How could I put myself in the position to come across people who I could learn from or gain experience from?

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Chloe764 views

Social media marketing

May I know what are some go-to/required apps if I am looking to step foot into the social media marketing world without any prior experiences? Where can I get some useful free resources to build up my skills (SEO, marketing etc)? #social-media-marketing #JULY20 #social-media #social-networking #marketing

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Jesel943 views

What is the most effective way to network with people?

I am currently struggling with being more social since I am more of an introverted person. However, I am challenging myself to be more open to other people and try to be nicer because sometimes I can come off as angry or pessimistic which is what I am not trying to do with people. #social-networking #networking

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David1587 views

How helpful is your school’s alumni network in finding a job after graduation?

I can take the proper courses to prepare myself for the job I want. I can get experience. But how do I get set on the proper path? Will the school help me find a good job? Are schools’ alumni more open to hiring recent graduates of their alma mater? #social-networking #networking #business-networking #buildingrelationships

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Ashley783 views

What are some of the best ways to network as a student?

I am attempting to make my presence known, I guess, outside of my university and connect with different groups that I think perhaps I would like to work for. What are some of the best ways to do this? Are there specific events that would be better for me as an environmental science major? Is networking outside of your preferred field okay? Thank you! #networking #social-networking #environmental-science

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Spencer 937 views

What is the easiest way in finding clients when majoring in accounting?

Sometimes when you graduate or have a degree in accounting, it may be hard for you to find the people you need to make it an actual career. That's why I'm asking what is the best way to find clients. #accounting #social-networking

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Devetra1748 views

What are some websites that someone can network on besides LinkedIn?

Trying to network #social-networking #social-media-marketing

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Timothy1359 views

How do you start networking?

Hi, I have a few questions regarding how to go about networking. From what I understand the practice of networking is about discussing career opportunities with people who are involved in the fields that interest you or just to help you get your foot in the door for finding a job. How do you find these kinds of conversations exactly? Does it happen naturally, over time, with the social connections that you develop or do you need to go out of your way to find certain people that can help you out in the career department? Are there certain groups, classes or events that I can attend specifically for networking? So, am I correct in what I think networking is all about? If so, what is your advice on how I go about networking? Appreciate any feedback you can give me. #networking #career-advice #social-networking #connections #finding-a-career #general-career-questions

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Mounia1492 views

What to do when you don't get the job you really wanted?

I interviewed for a position that I really want and am wondering how I should prepare if I don't get the position? Should I consider volunteering for this organization? Social media was brought up by one of the women that interviewed me, should I look for additional oppurtunities by following them on LinkedIn? #jobs #interviews #social-networking #job-application

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Melissa1123 views

How do employer's really see an applicant with a disability?

I have a tracheotomy and although I am familiar with the laws pertaining to those who are disabled, do employers actually consider hiring you if you are disabled in the back of their minds? I have been out of work for a while due to my issue, but finally have the situation under control. I speak very well, but I do have to take breaks in sentences to get air sometimes. #recruiting #social-networking #homeland-security #employment-law

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Melissa917 views

Is it best nowadays to use a recruitment service to obtain a career?

I just want to know what direction to move in besides just looking for employment myself. #career-path #recruiting #social-networking

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Melissa939 views

What careers should I be looking for? How do I even get my foot in the door?

I have a Bachelor's in Sociology, minor in International Relations, and a Master's in Criminal Justice in Homeland Security. What should my searches involve? I am willing to move anywhere. #recruiting #social-networking

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Melissa1004 views

I may want a Ph.D. studying human trafficking or women and terrorism, what careers should I be looking for?

I have a Bachelor's in Sociology, Minor in International Relations, and now a Master's in Criminal Justice in Homeland Security. I would like to know where I should be looking for employment to prepare me for my possible future studies. #criminal-justice #social-networking #homeland-security

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Melissa1093 views

How do you use a Homeland Security degree in searching for a career?

I am actually still in school for about three more weeks and I am finishing my thesis on Cybercrime. My experience is in Sociology and the Legal field. I am self-motivated and a hard-worker who learns pretty fast. I am anxious to get a career, but I am 41 years old and have been out of work for a few years. I have a tracheotomy, but it does not hold me back from a normal life. I love to be outside and to help people and just need to get my foot in the door to a company that will utilize my Master's degree and the skills I gained in litigation. I am really excited about my future. I would love to get a PhD. by studying either sex trafficking or women and terrorism. #government #federal-government #women #social-networking #homeland-security #human-rights #cyber-crime #counter-terrorism

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Mounia3315 views

How to make connections on LinkedIn?

I am new to LinkedIn and am wondering who I should add as a connection? I also am transitioning into a different career section, hopefully the non-profit, human service, or social service sector and am not sure if I should add old employees/supervisors from the insurance industry. #networking #linkedin #social-networking #career-change #linkedin-recruiter

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Nicole1174 views

What websites offer a good platform for networking other than LinkedIn?

I am looking to network with professionals and am wondering if there are sites other than LinkedIn that can offer these opportunities? #business #networking #social-networking #network #business-networking

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Albert1086 views

What foreign language should I learn?

I want to learn a new language so I can potentially use it in my professional career. Is there a language that would be more useful in the business world? #business #career #entrepreneurship #language #foreign-languages #social-networking #public-speaking

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Bria1172 views

Are there any other ways to volunteer for a cause online beside this one?

I want to get more involved in the world and be able to network, or volunteer for activities around the world. The best way as people to connect to each other is through the internet and I want to see if there are other online volunteer options. #volunteering #networking #social-networking

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Liana1059 views

How can systems thinking be used in sociology, business, and psychology?

I attended a lecture on systems thinking and I think in terms of networking. Things are always linked together somehow and the entire human race belongs to many different systems. #business #psychology #marketing #networking #sociology #social-networking

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Liana1075 views

How can intuition be used in business?

Intuition is advanced pattern recognition while sensing is information that is only verifiable. I know business does require logic but it's also important to see the implications of an action and it's important to speculate. I watched a video about rational intuition and I think that idea could be useful in business. Rational information PLUS information that is formed based on speculations. #business #psychology #entrepreneurship #communications #networking #social-networking #marketing-strategy

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Hollie1635 views

What are some good ways to approach professional people that I don't know on LinkedIn?

I heard a lot about how important it is to get connected with people if one wants to find a job or know more about a specific industry beforehand. What are some ways to approach strangers on LinkedIn that will result in more positive feedback and help me succeed in social networking and job hunt? Thanks! #career #job-search #career-paths #networking #career-development #linkedin #social-networking #new-hires

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