Career questions tagged social-media

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Hannah156 views

How can I promote myself on socials as a teenage environmentalist. And get support through social media

- I'm based in a small village with a population of 10 000 - I would love to attend United World Colleges in Mostar or Wales - Environmental Social Science Research is the goal and environmental activism

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Purpose519 views

What steps am I to take in order to become very good at identifying my potentials or that of others and also become a smart Content Creator?

An upcoming content Creator

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Alisa489 views

How can I find a proper school/life balance and improve the areas where I am lacking?

I am currently a 2nd-year student at CUNY Baruch College studying Marketing. I am still unsure if I picked the right major but some aspects interest me. I desire to improve my communication skills and time management because I have been struggling and I want a clearer sense of direction.

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Pearl552 views

How do I write very short stories to animate?

So I wanted to post small animation content on social media like Instagram and LinkedIn. But I find it hard to create a good content strategy. I don't know where to start with writing, what kind of story will be good, or how to keep it short. I would really appreciate any help with this. Thank you.

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CareerVillage Office Hours262 views

How to become a Social Media Manager?

Tell us everything we need to know to become a Social Media Manager. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Jensine564 views

Tips for internships?

Hi my name is Jensine 👋 Recently, I got accepted into a few marketing internships and would really appreciate any tips or ideas for creating social media posts! Additionally, how can I come up with original ideas?

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Amy728 views

Is a minor in Information Systems or Data Science better?

I am currently pursuing a Business Administration degree and am interested in marketing, social media, and design, but I also want to minor in something that will allow me to gain more skills and job opportunities. Should I major in information systems/ data science with a minor in marketing or the other way around? Which will allow me to have access to a bigger range of jobs that are in demand.

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imani865 views

How do you start an online career?

What can I do to get the media I create reach a large consistent audience?

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Ivy532 views

why are CVs important?

is it a must for one to get hired with

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AMYT569 views

How do people find connections in order to work in the Youtube industry for creators?

i really love watching youtube and want to be on a team to help youtubers film and make content. i love anything with content creation

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Seth1106 views

where can i get online career?

I'm looking for a sitr on the media but noyhing

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Pranto657 views

Which is better job SEO marketing or backend developer ?

I love marketing

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Tatum27533 views

How do i start a youtube channel?

How do I start a youtube channel I really want to its kinda always been my dream but I don't know where to start. Any tips will help. But sometimes I think about doing photography. Please help any tips.

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Kayla896 views

What are the 4p’s of marketing?

Elements of Marketing

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Emmanuel1139 views

How do I become a better YouTuber?

-I'm 17 Years -My YouTube channel is called (EJHitemup) - I have 618 subscribers. -Also still in HS

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Katherin1257 views

Why is it hard for me to get career advice from social media?

I would like to get full career advice from social media

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Emmanuel839 views

Is it necessary to make connections with those around you to market yourself, or could you do it entirely online with little to no interaction in your real life?

This is more centered to the people around you & the people online, what would be the best way to see good reception?

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Orion925 views

How can I improve my Channel?

I've been trying to improve my YouTube, I started with working on editing, and I know that you can never truly master it, but im working on it. I mainly want to know what I can improve besides editing. The more I'm learning the happier I feel about my channel, I was just wondering if there is anything that you guys could give me help/tips on. My YouTube Channel is just my name if you don't mind helping me, I have around 6.6k.

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Alexander908 views

Should I pursue a full time job in marketing or freelance to build an agency?

In my previous job at a large family fitness facility I was a marketing associate and customer experience manager, this meant I did everything from crafting marketing campaigns to fulfilling the services. Design the menu and work in the kitchen...I designed all banners, posters, merchandise, website, newsletter, print, menu graphics, website graphics and digital publications. I also managed operations, memberships, a cafe team, facilities, and digital marketing contractors. What guidance or skill set enhancements could further elevate my career? Considering my experience should I get a job OR find part time work and provide freelance marketing services such as social media management, design and publishing services to business owners?

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Isabella365 views

How can I get started on my career?

I really want to pursue design marketing.

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Javier467 views

How do I apply marketing knowledge to promote my music?

How to take advantage of having marketing knowledge to promote my music on social networks and other options

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Alina597 views

Any tips for starting a professional TikTok account?

Any tips for an aspiring singer-songwriter trying to build a social media presence? Thanks!

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Benjamin412 views

Do you think that elon musk can turn x into a successful social media platform that will impact social media careers?

Do you think that Elon musk can turn X into a successful social media platform that will impact social media careers?

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Gürsel357 views

How can I get a job on social media management as a Philologist?

"My name is Gürsel, I am 35 years old. I graduated from a 2-year associate degree program in Electrical Electronics, and then changed my field of study and graduated from the Hungarology department as a Philologist."

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Maddie561 views

As a college freshman how should I get started with getting myself out there for internships What should I do??

specifically working in tv and film maybe even writing

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Simran417 views

What are some niches that people might need to see more of on social media in order to improve their quality of life?

Considering how people have self-help in different ways, just pure force cold showers workout but also calm grwms and collected lifestyles, meanwhile there are also several creators who focus on purely entertainment, however, what really is the difference between entertaining podcasters and "that girl" grwms, since both can leave you addicted to watching?

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Patrick471 views

I am a 50 year old former chef/owner in the Food&Beverage industry, and released from prison incarceration nearly a year ago. I'm planning a career change very soon, and am currently exploring the best options with several criteria being considered. First, my age and certain barriers that would limit success. Next, having been previously incarcerated on a charge considered "violent"(assault 2), I am aware that many tech jobs which may require certain clearance measures and various other security related requirements would also be an issue. Last, though I consider myself flexible, a quick learner in most cases, and of above average intelligence, the last time I recall participating in any formal education was nearly 35 years ago, and not at a university or even certificate level. While a career in tech interests me, specifically UX design, Digital Marketing, and even Tech/Software Sales, I happen to also be very interested in Behavioral Health (adolecent addiction counseling). Given my background and considerable barriers, I am interested in several opinions as to what realistic opportunities there are in the career paths I have mentioned. In particular, what do hiring project managers look for exactly for an entry level UX researcher Will age or longevity be a concern? Is there more opportunity in Marketing, working remotely or beginning my own private agency? As a youth counselor a concern I have is, though my ambition and intent working with children and families, to repair or mitigate problems brought on by substance abuse, I hope to find overwhelming satisfaction both personally, as well as professionally. However, I am curious to know just how many felt as I do, prior to working daily with the actual individuals and families suffering. Are there statistics which suggest the number of new counselors who in their first or second year, decide the daily resposibility and fact that often many more are lost than a success may simply be too much to handle, and resign in attempt to preserve their own sanity? I realize the question asked, resulted in many and I apologize. Whatever insight offered however will be greatly appreciated as I try and whittle the options down to hopefully the career path most suitable. Thank you, Patrick

As a 50 year old male, I am embarking on obtainining relevent skills to begin a new career path. I was recently incarcerated and along with my age, and fact I have little experience in any of the above mentioned career choices, I am seeking insight as to which path I may find the least resistant, while also a realistic opportunity for growth as well as demand in the chosen field.

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Amelia1033 views

How can I build a solid resume for social media with no formal experience, what should I emphasize?

I'm trying to apply online for these positions, but I feel like my resumé is generic and could cater better to what I'm looking for. What should I emphasize?

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Alfonso598 views

How do I start my career ?

I've been wanting to start many things throughout my life such as music, fashion, makeup artist, YouTuber, social media marketing, and more. But I don't know how to do it?

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Heaven282 views

do you guys think social media is helping or hurting the community?

society is changing everyday no matter what its inevitable. a lot of people think that social media is the root to most problems while others think its other areas. what's your opinion?

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