Career questions tagged storytelling

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Pearl551 views

How do I write very short stories to animate?

So I wanted to post small animation content on social media like Instagram and LinkedIn. But I find it hard to create a good content strategy. I don't know where to start with writing, what kind of story will be good, or how to keep it short. I would really appreciate any help with this. Thank you.

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Terrell525 views

How do you become a successful screenwriter and how to make any person fall in love with your work?

My name is Terrell and I’m a sophomore in high school my goal is to get in to a college with a great screen writing program so I can be somebody when I grow up.

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Eric369 views

How do I start coming up with ideas for stories for my writing?

I want to be an professional writer but I’m unsure on how to create or develop the ideas for stories. Are there any tips to create great concepts and stories and actually put them on the page?

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Sophie665 views

Storyboarding in feature animation ?

What would be recommended to do in order to get into feature storyboarding for animation?

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Ethan832 views

For Video Game Designer, what things would I need to do and accomplish to make myself as appealing as possible for hire at a professional company?

I, while having enough dedication and intelligence to go into other fields primarily medical, have always been interested in story telling, character creation and development, and interactive experiences just to name a few. As an avid gamer, reader, and watcher of movies, I really enjoy cohesive visions that involve all the different aspects of communicating a story to the audience. This industry however seems so difficult to get into and I don't know what to do or where to start so that I could break into it. I know that I would be an asset to any creative team having written pieces of fiction ever since I was young in addition to having studying gaming in my free time when I'm not busy with life or playing one. I want to best I can be and to work on a project is my greatest dream. Nothing would make me happier. #Gaming #Designer #videogamedesigner #videogames #creativity #storytelling #art #technology

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Elizabeth1153 views

What are some of the best things that can be written into a story?

What are some of the best things that can be written into a story. #writing #storytelling #creative-writing #Thanks

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Elizabeth974 views

What should I do finally get this this finished?

I want to be a writer, but I can never seem to finish the story I want to make. Mainly because I keep restarting, get stuck on a part, or something else. #listening to any advise. #writing #creative-writing #storytelling #writing-and-editing #writer #thank-you

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