Career questions tagged media-production

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Terrell686 views

How do you become a successful screenwriter and how to make any person fall in love with your work?

My name is Terrell and I’m a sophomore in high school my goal is to get in to a college with a great screen writing program so I can be somebody when I grow up.

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Rebecca933 views

What is the difference between a marketing and ad agency?

I'm wondering how they are differentiated. Also, are there some that perform both marketing and ad wrap-around? What is most common? Thank you! #marketing #advertising #ad-agency #marketing-agency #media #media-production #social-media

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Mahri942 views

Does a degree in media production mean that you only work for news channels?

I am a video producer at my school's Multimedia Team. Iḿ looking to go to school at Colorado University's College of Media Communications and Information. #media-production #media #broadcast-media #entertainment #media-production

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Zeporian1218 views

I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm exploring my career options. What are some career options that align with these interests and what are some helpful next steps I can take in the near future?

At school I'm mostly interested in English while my hobbies include writing, criticizing or praising movies and music, photography, and anything that has to do with design or visual art. Topics that intrigue me are politics, debate, and changing the world for the better #arts #film-production #film-acting #film-editing #media-production #filmdirector #director #writer #film #editing #english #career #design

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Paridhi863 views

What are the differences in using platforms like Wix or Go Daddy website builders versus coding a website in terms of what we see in the end product as the website? Which is the better option and what are the advantages/disadvantages of one method over the other?

#website # #media-production #website-development #website-design #web-development #web-design #organization #non-profit #Wix #Go-Daddy #website-buidler #coding #programming #code #algorithms #business #professionalism #front-end #back-end #appeal #marketing

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Layna954 views

What high paying jobs could I get with a communications and media specialist degree?

#media #communication #social-media #media-production

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Jazmine1276 views

What are some tips and suggestions to becoming a professional Photographer or Videographer?

I am a junior in high school and ever since I was little I had been interested in Photography and Videography (Probably because I grew up in a family of Photographers). Though I had been trying to get more and more into these two subjects because I usually like being able to capture the moment(s). So, I was wondering if there would be any tips and advice that I could get in order to be able to become successful in these two subjects as either a full-time or part-time job. I heard that it is very hard for those who have photography as a priority because it is difficult trying to find someone who will be interested in your specific style in both photography and videography. It would be helpful knowing how to start off and put yourself out there where people would be able to properly acknowledge the story that the picture or film is trying to put across... Starting off has never been a problem but the motivation has been a struggle when I doubt the end product. How are people also so confident in what they produce? #photography #videography #job-skills #photojournalism #digital-photography #video-production #video #media-production

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Jack1235 views

How can I be a funny YouTuber and is it worth it

the reason I'm asking is because I want to be a YouTuber and half of my fanbase will be on what type of commentary I will use like have a serious or funny approach and I want to be the best I can . #youtuber #social-media #content-creation #media-production #online-media

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Khwezi1221 views

Hi . I am really concerned about my future at the moment. I have always wanted to do something in the Communication Science/Media field but I have learnt that it's contaminated right now. I'm confused. I am thinking of doing something in Law.

I'm asking because I don't know what to do . I need to know ASAP because I'm choosing subjects at school and I'm really confused. I'm bad at math but I'm sticking with pure math because I believe it opens more doors in University so I'll try it but I'm scared . I'm a very good speaker and a good writer. What can I do ? Help ! :( #teaching #law #marketing #communications #law-enforcement #media #real-estate #media-production

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Katie1415 views

What recommendations do you have for high school students to start preparing for a career in media production?

I would really like to be in media production (TV or internet!) when I grow up. How did you get to where you are? I'm always told that I should start preparing for my future now while in high school so any advice about that would help me a lot! #media-production #tv-production

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Rob1428 views

How did you stand out when applying to work in TV production?

I'm thinking about this career and wondering what it would take to get there. What did you do to stand out when you applied to work in TV production? Is it competitive? What exactly are they looking for? Ideally I want to work in sports but I understand that I may need to work wherever the job is at first to get experience. I would really appreciate any advice. #sports #broadcast-media #media-production #television-production

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Rob1602 views

What does an average day in the life look like for a T.V. production person?

I play and watch pro football, and think it would be really cool to work in TV production for sports shows when I grow up. I'm only in high school though, so I have time. I'm wondering what your days look like in TV production. Is it stressful? How many hours do you work each day? What kind of work is involved exactly? #sports #broadcast-media #media-production #television-production

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Hollie5555 views

What do you love most about your job in broadcast media?

I have always been interested in a career in broadcast media. I find the industry so exciting! I'm planning on going to school for broadcast media, but as of now i'm open to what exactly I do. I would like to know what you do in broadcast media and what like most about your job to help me get a better idea of what I might want to do when I grow up. Thank you! #sports #entertainment #media #broadcast-media #media-production

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Abby 7246 views

What the difference between media production and graphic design?

I'm a 10th grader, and I love to draw and paint. I know I want to work in a type of design medium but I don't know what. I want to work at BET or Empire. I also love music, and create album covers. I was thinking about graphic design but I'm unsure if they are the same thing. I want to work in media but I'm not sure if that's the same as graphic design. #graphic-design #media #graphic-designer #production #media-production

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Emma-ly6432 views

What is a typical day for a Media producer?

I want to go into film or television production and I would like to know of the challenges and satisfactorily within the day in the life of a film or television producer. #film #television #media #producer #media-production

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