Career questions tagged digital-photography

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Yansiel607 views

How do other people get so good at photography?

How do other people get so good at photography? I want to learn how take beautiful photos and I want to be a photographer but I have no idea where to start and how I can improve

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Jaimie419 views

What is future career that will fill all of my current interests ?

Any jobs that will relate to any current interests I may have will be helpful because there are many jobs out there that can help and be similar to this in any way, anything that is close or relevant to eachother.

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Orion1031 views

how do you get started as a band photographer?

I want to be a photographer for concerts, but I have no idea on how to get started, what would you say are the best tips for getting started in doing something like that. :)

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Cam'ron512 views

As a photographer, how do you make your pictures look more professional?

CamRon G, Grade 12

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Shana312 views

How do I begin creating my artist-portfolio?

I want to start working on my portfolio but I'm not sure where to begin. How much information do I need to include?

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Michael762 views

What is the best way to make photography your career?

I am only 18 years old and I would love to make photography my career one day. What are the right steps to take now? What do I need to achieve this? What path should I follow? THANKYOU.

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ajay933 views

i can't decide what career should i go into

I love photography and want to be a photographer when I'm older but I also love writing and consider that. what should I do? #photography #digital-photography #writing #creative-writing

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Samantha1000 views

How do you break into the photography business?

I'm a food photographer but I haven't had any luck getting steady clients. Advice? #food-photography #photography #digital-photography

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Jazmine968 views

What are some tips and suggestions to becoming a professional Photographer or Videographer?

I am a junior in high school and ever since I was little I had been interested in Photography and Videography (Probably because I grew up in a family of Photographers). Though I had been trying to get more and more into these two subjects because I usually like being able to capture the moment(s). So, I was wondering if there would be any tips and advice that I could get in order to be able to become successful in these two subjects as either a full-time or part-time job. I heard that it is very hard for those who have photography as a priority because it is difficult trying to find someone who will be interested in your specific style in both photography and videography. It would be helpful knowing how to start off and put yourself out there where people would be able to properly acknowledge the story that the picture or film is trying to put across... Starting off has never been a problem but the motivation has been a struggle when I doubt the end product. How are people also so confident in what they produce? #photography #videography #job-skills #photojournalism #digital-photography #video-production #video #media-production

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Emma921 views

What is the beset age to start an internship for photography?

I am a freshman in high school looking to be a photography. I have already done a lot of camps and photography classes but I really want to start applying for internships as soon as possible. Even though I am probably still to young I would really love to start right now. #photography #photographer #digital-photography

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Martin1052 views

Are there any good colleges for Film or Photography in the West Coast

I am aiming for a degree in Photography or Film, and I want to know if there are any colleges in the western coast of the United States and even Canada. #film #photography #digital-photography

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Sara1262 views

What soft-wares should i use/ become familiar with if I'm looking at becoming a professional photographer, film producer, or video editor?

I'm not 100% clear on the path I want to take upon graduating high school, but I do know that I want the career to be something in the field of photography and/or something in film. So, if I can figure out which soft-wares I should use, then maybe I can try it out and get a better perspective on what I want to do. #film #photography #photoshop #digital-photography

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Brittany1273 views

What's a good way to start selling original art?

With the internet vastly available, anybody can post their art online and try to make a buck, but most rarely do. What's a good "old-school" strategy to start selling art? I know that a lot of people would prefer to support a local artist than buy from a mainstream store like IKEA or Target. How do I get my work out there? #art #artist #photography #fine-art #painting #digital-photography #creative-arts #mural-painting

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Archived1133 views

What career would be right for me?

I am in college but is still indecisive since I'm currently doing pre-nursing but my interests are more about aesthetics in art, photography, and photo editing or something around that. As you see those things don't match up. What career would be good for me? P.S I don't want to be a graduate with a low paying job that is stereotypical rumors with these interests such as photographer or artist. And I am also interest/good in technology such as computers. It sounds like graphic design or something similar but I don't know if I'm/my interest is strong enough to major in that. #college #career #art #graphic-design #photography #editing #digital-photography #aesthetics

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Gibson 1409 views

What is the key to becoming a successful photographer?

I would like to work for National Geographic or any kind of photojournalism company, but I'm unsure of how to get into such a business or where to start. How much experience do I need to work for a company such as National Geographic? #photography #digital-photography #photojournalism

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Mohammed1076 views

how to become a wildlife photographer?

im so interested in this co #photographer #cameraman #photography #digital-photography

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Ben2586 views

What can I do to help make my photography business bigger?

I am a photographer in the Bay Area. I have done many photography sessions with friends and they have recommended me to people they know. How do I get my name out there more? What can I do to get more exposure? #business #photography #digital-photography

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Colby1979 views

What field of photography would I be most successful in?

My name is Colby, I'm from Northfield, MA and I am looking to pursue a career in photography. I wish to choose a field in photography that would earn me the largest salary and I am wondering which one that would be. #photography #digital-photography

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Khristen1566 views

What are the best steps to become a successful graphic designer and photographer during and after college? (Success being in terms of happiness and income)

I am a 16 year old senior who is currently also working as a graphic designer and photographer. #art #graphic-design #graphics #creativity #digital-photography

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Eddie1587 views

I heard that photographers have a low salary. How can they increase the amount of salary that they make?

I want to become a photographer, but I heard that they get a little bit of money. I want to know how can they increase their salary if they want to pursue photography as a career. #salary #digital-photography #photographer

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