Career questions tagged web-design

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J575 views

What does the general process look like for collaborating with a client on their website?

I'm hoping to freelance as a web designer after college. Should client(s) give me access to the backend of their website hosting platform in order to assist?

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Hayden271 views

What is your typical daily routine as a web developer?

I'm in 8th grade and I'm just trying to find out some information about this particular job.

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Smith618 views

How can someone be a professional designer?

How can someone be a professional designer in the field of graphic design, website development, application designer, and software designer

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yong596 views

What is the career planning for a graphic designer?

am a college student studying graphic design.

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John572 views

Whatis the best path to learn Web design?

Web design

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meg359 views

How to get different scholarships?

How would i be able to get multiple scholarships for in school activates such as clubs and sports . What colleges are best for acting and graphic design ?

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Patrick471 views

I am a 50 year old former chef/owner in the Food&Beverage industry, and released from prison incarceration nearly a year ago. I'm planning a career change very soon, and am currently exploring the best options with several criteria being considered. First, my age and certain barriers that would limit success. Next, having been previously incarcerated on a charge considered "violent"(assault 2), I am aware that many tech jobs which may require certain clearance measures and various other security related requirements would also be an issue. Last, though I consider myself flexible, a quick learner in most cases, and of above average intelligence, the last time I recall participating in any formal education was nearly 35 years ago, and not at a university or even certificate level. While a career in tech interests me, specifically UX design, Digital Marketing, and even Tech/Software Sales, I happen to also be very interested in Behavioral Health (adolecent addiction counseling). Given my background and considerable barriers, I am interested in several opinions as to what realistic opportunities there are in the career paths I have mentioned. In particular, what do hiring project managers look for exactly for an entry level UX researcher Will age or longevity be a concern? Is there more opportunity in Marketing, working remotely or beginning my own private agency? As a youth counselor a concern I have is, though my ambition and intent working with children and families, to repair or mitigate problems brought on by substance abuse, I hope to find overwhelming satisfaction both personally, as well as professionally. However, I am curious to know just how many felt as I do, prior to working daily with the actual individuals and families suffering. Are there statistics which suggest the number of new counselors who in their first or second year, decide the daily resposibility and fact that often many more are lost than a success may simply be too much to handle, and resign in attempt to preserve their own sanity? I realize the question asked, resulted in many and I apologize. Whatever insight offered however will be greatly appreciated as I try and whittle the options down to hopefully the career path most suitable. Thank you, Patrick

As a 50 year old male, I am embarking on obtainining relevent skills to begin a new career path. I was recently incarcerated and along with my age, and fact I have little experience in any of the above mentioned career choices, I am seeking insight as to which path I may find the least resistant, while also a realistic opportunity for growth as well as demand in the chosen field.

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Junnie497 views

How does graphic design work?

I mean more on the like drawing and like Game creating side

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DeVonagha572 views

How many hours do you have to work as a graphic designer ?

I’m learning how to become a graphic designer but I’m still in school. I want to know how many hours I need to work.

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María435 views

What is the difference between the color tag and the background color property?

What is the difference between the color tag and the background color property?

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Tianna429 views

What is the nature of working in Motion Design?

I held an interest in animation before Tech. I stumbled upon Motion Design. Motion Design plays a key role in online product design, from what I understand. I notice they create work in After Effects for advertisements or brands that rely on visual communication (Thinking of companies that make YouTube videos sometimes, or commercials for educational purposes). What is the day-today of working in Motion Design? Anything helpful to know about the field? Any Motion Designers or professionals in adjacent fields (Graphic Design, Product Design), I'd love to hear from you.

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Tianna669 views

What's the nature of working in Software Development for E-Commerce?

I noticed that Developers work in various industries. I'm slightly interested in e-commerce. I like the idea of building websites and apps to help businesses have a way to sell items. What is the day-to-day of working in E-Commerce? What is the nature of the job? Would be nice to hear from software developers, or any professionals adjacent to it: Product Designers, App Developers, UX and UI, etc.

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Laneishka400 views

How could you determine a graphic designer's work?

How could you determine a graphic designer's work?

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Ariel488 views

How do I make a good website?

How do I make a website from scratch, not using any templates, and making something that is functional and a good layout. I am having difficulty knowing where to start!

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Anastasiia715 views

Do you need to take art classes for graphic or web designing?

I am a freshman in High School and one of my favorite classes is algebra, I always was an amazing student with good grades in school, love to design and be creative about all the things but also is very responsible and organized student.

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Ikram404 views

What do you like most about web developing ?

like what you like about most talking with clients about what they want is the time you work that you like where you work? and what are things you enjoy the most.

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Melinda416 views

Which programming languages should I focus on?

I am a junior in high school. I want to pursue a career as a software engineer. I'm currently in a fellowship where I'm learning basic web development languages and React, but I want to have more languages under my belt. Which languages would be best for me to focus my time on?

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Katie1131 views

What does a career in graphic design entail?

I have started doing some graphic designing lately during the summer of 2022, making overlays and some slides for my streamer friends. I might wanna get into this professionally, but for now, am preparing to do this as a side thing. But what does being a professional graphic designer look like in terms of workplace, salary, how designs are made, etc.?

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Cassandra600 views

Where is the highest hire area in the US to get hired for Graphic Design?

#graphic-design #art #career #web-design #design

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Hope575 views

What should I expect in a graphic design career?

#graphic-design #web-design #career #design

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Marcela750 views

Advice for a Graphic Design Students

Hello! I've enrolled in San Diego City College's Graphic Design Program and will be returning to school this spring after a 4-year hiatus. I'm currently studying Adobe CC training videos independently and building up my portfolio. What advice would you give new graphic design students and what resources do you recommend to build up technical skills? #graphic-design #design #art #career #web-design

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Erika749 views

Whish careers are available in visual design

I'm interested in studying into visual design, but do not know what courses are available and where to begin. #design #designing #web-design

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hannah1594 views

what classes did you take in high school for graphic design

I'm in 9th grade and I'm wondering about graphic design #graphic-design #graphic-designer #web-design #graphics #game-design #game-design

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Jersey964 views

How is the life as a graphic designer? Specifically in areas of package, web or ux design??

I am pursuing graphic design in post-secondary. I am contemplating whether I should focus on package, web, or user experience design. Although, I am kind of leaning more towards user experience so any insights on how is it look would be really appreciated. Thanks! #web-design #graphics #design #graphic-design #graphic-designer #user-experience #package-design #ux-design #ui-design #arts #GivingisCaring

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Paridhi1365 views

What are the differences between Wix, Go Daddy, and WordPress website builders? Pros & cons?

#technology #website-development #entry-level #Wix #go-daddy #wordpress #web-design #website-design #web-development #website #organization #nonprofit #front-end

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Paridhi730 views

What are the differences in using platforms like Wix or Go Daddy website builders versus coding a website in terms of what we see in the end product as the website? Which is the better option and what are the advantages/disadvantages of one method over the other?

#website # #media-production #website-development #website-design #web-development #web-design #organization #non-profit #Wix #Go-Daddy #website-buidler #coding #programming #code #algorithms #business #professionalism #front-end #back-end #appeal #marketing

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Marc Kenny1198 views

How do I become a graphic designer?

#GraphicDesign #design #art #computer #web-design #graphic-design

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Kass1051 views

What are the usual degree requirements of a Web Designer and Developer

I am starting school at a local community college this fall, and after long deliberation, have decided that I want to do web design/development, since I have taken both AP Art and AP Computer Science Principles, and they both ended up being two of my favorite classes, and have given me enough design and code experience to make me feel comfortable enough to want to pursue it as a career. I've decided I want to first off, start with an associates degree, as my college offers an AAAS in Graphics/Web Development. It offers two tracks for the degree, and I have actually decided to take both tracks and some extra Java classes since I have all of my general education requirements completed from AP courses. All around, the program itself along with the extra classes I plan to take I feel will be great in preparing me for a job with just an associates degree. BUT- I've done a lot of "job research" (I've googled web designer and web developer jobs) and I feel as if a lot of them require a bachelors degree in either computer science or graphic design. I don't really know if I want to go for a full-blown bachelors, considering I want to go into as little student debt as possible, and being financially independent of my parents is a really big goal for me Will an associates degree prepare me fully for a web design/development job? Will there be jobs for me, if I only pursue an associates? Also, any other career advice that is related would be super helpful. #graphic-design #college #webdesign #webdeveloper #webdevelopment #informationsystems #design #web-design #web-designer #associates-degree #design #graphic-design

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Gabriel701 views

How's a day in a graphic designers life?

#graphic-design #computer #web-design #design #art

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Trevor602 views

What type of work environment would a Web Designer encounter

1: what typical hours would be involved 2: a lot of traveling 3: would i require to relocate #business #tech #web-design #design #career

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