Career questions tagged opportunity

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Mia441 views

How do people find their next job opportunity while they may still be employed?

If people are ready to level up or switch in their careers, how do they find their next job opportunity while they may still be employed? I am currently working my first job in the nonprofit/education industry since graduating college, and I am thinking about finding another job in a year.

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Mahalia227 views

What certifications would I need to become an official HVAC Techician??

Job Corps Student

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Madison954 views

How do you go about finding an internship?

I have decently bad social anxiety, but I need and want different internships so I can figure out what I want to spend my life doing. I was wondering, and hoping, if there were any online resources to use to find businesses and people open to taking me in. I would simply perish if the only way to get an internship is to call random places and hope for the best.

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Bobbi420 views

What can I be doing right now to build my resume for mental health field employers?

I know that I want to go into the mental health field, but due to confidentiality issues, I see that I may not be able to job shadow. What else can I be doing now other than school? #career #mentalhealth #opportunity

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Jordan616 views

how difficult is it to pursue a DVM?

I am a Senior student at William J. Brennan High school looking for information on becoming a veterinarian. I specifically want to pursue becoming an Exotic Animal Vet and wouldn't mind traveling at the beginning of my career to do so but i would like to know my chances and what i must do to accomplish this. #veterinarian #veterinary #animals #veterinary-medicine #animal-health #exotic-animals #competition #competitive #opportunity #opportunities #job-outlook #requirements #necessities #medicine

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Fkeon1688 views

What level of education should i have to be a successful actor?

I am a high school student and i am very interested in musical theatre. i have been active as an actor for four years, but i don't know the most effectice path to becoming the best actor as possible. #major #acting #theatre #musical #opportunity

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