Career questions tagged veterinary

A veterinarian is a doctor for animals. Some careers veterinarians may go into are opening up their business and caring for common house pets, working for farms to ensure food sources are healthy, and educating future veterinarians. For more information, pleas... Read more Show less
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Hannah93 views

What schooling is needed to be an animal rehabilitatior?

I love animals so so so much and and want to work for their wellbeing. I am thinking about rehabbing wildlife as well as working as an animal control officer. I really struggle with math, science and language. I need help

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Harman263 views

what are the qualification for animal husbandry?

whats animal husbandry

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Amber210 views

Vet tech classes?

What classes in high school and collage would be most helpful with being a vet tech?

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Diana331 views

Would studying dental or veterinary be a cheaper and easier career choice?

Hi I am currently in the process of registering to San Jose City College and I am having trouble on deciding a career choice. I am very fond of animals as I have a fair share of pets myself. I feel very passionate about this but at the same time I am aware of the effort and time it takes to study this. Although, I am also intrigued by dental study since a lot of my family members have already pursued this career and have succeeded. I am pleased with the wages for dental assistants in the area of San Jose but I am wondering if it's truly worth it.

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Hannah514 views

What job would go well with being an animal control officer? Also what schooling do you need?

I want to work with animals, because I love them so much. I am thinking about being an animal control officer but would like to learn more about it.

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Olivia308 views

Any tips or advice on whether its worth it to become a zoo vet vs zookeeper? Thank you all! #Spring24

I am currently a zoo science major and debating on whether I want to go to vet school after I graduate!

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Jayniah430 views

I like helping animals,what should be my career path ?

In 11th grade ,love animals

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Josh356 views

What do i need to become an aspiring veterinarian?

I am about to graduate from highschool and I want to know what i should do if I want to get closer to being a veterinarian without alot of experience.

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Jasmine252 views

What school is easier?

How hard is radiology school compared to Veterinary school?

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Victoria369 views

What advice do you have for a future Vet Science major hoping to participate in sports and keep up with academics?

I will be going to college in a few years and I love soccer, but grades are very important to me. Any advice on how to balance school and sports is appreciated. Thanks!

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Ja'Kiya197 views


How early did you start looking for internships? How did you find some? Is veterinary school as hard as they say? What do you love most about being a veterinarian?

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irelyn210 views

help i want to be someone that works with animals, what should I be?

i want to be someone that works with animals, what should I be?

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Hannah796 views

What should I study to be a good vet tech?

I really want to be a vet tech and I wanna start studying now

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Jan Michael225 views

What do veterinarians mainly focus on.?

I really wanted to be a veterinarian. So I would want stuff that make me b in the right direction to become a veterinarian.

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Malia273 views

How much schooling does it take to get your DVM license and become a vet. Also, is it more practical to join a veterinary practice when coming out of school or starting your own #Spring24?

Hi, I am a junior is high school and I am looking to becoming a veterinarian. Currently, I am considering the length of education it will take, and the cost of education and if that is feasible for me. Along with the second part of the question, would you be able to give an estimate on the cost differences between starting your own practice or joining one? Thank you so much! #Spring24

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Tristan391 views

I'd like to work with animals. What careers are available for me ?

What careers focus in animals?

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Jeremiah334 views

What does a veterinary doctor do?

Veterinary doctor and what they do and what kind animals they treat, how they restraint the animals and what's there pay like, and can they be found in parks

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Sunnie296 views

What do i do to become a vet tech.?

i love animals and want to become a vet how do I become a vet tech? #iloveanimals

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Ashlyn251 views

What education do i need to be a veterinarian?

It is for a presentation

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Bryan466 views

Looking to interview a Veterinarian for a college assignment?

Are there any Vets out there that can assist me in answering these questions? 1. Can you share a little bit about your background, education, and what led you to pursue a career in Veterinary Medicine? 2. Could you provide an overview of the typical responsibilities of a Veterinarian? 3. What does your work-life balance look like? 4. What are some of the most challenging experiences you've encountered throughout your career, and how did you approach them? 5. What do you believe are the biggest misconceptions people have about Veterinary Medicine? 6. How do you see the field of Veterinary Medicine evolving in the future? 7. As an aspiring Veterinarian, what advice would you offer for navigating Veterinary school and preparing for a career in the field? 8. What traits, if any, do you believe make for a successful Veterinarian?

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Melissa343 views

Why be a veternarian?

What led you to choose to be a vet? What do you like about it and why did you want to do it.

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Melissa313 views


What is the most challenging thing about being a veterinarian while training or working on the job?

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Sanaii492 views

What is the best way to find veterinary shadowing opportunities?

I am a current sophmore and I attend high school in the NYC area. How should I about connecting with veterinarians in the area to ask them for shadowing?

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Madeleine466 views

What is the best way to prepare for pre-vet as a 16 year old sophomore in high school (How to get internships/scholarships/best ap classes to take/other extracurriculars that will get me into college) ?

I am a 16 year old in 10th grade and I'm not sure how to properly prepare if I want to go to college with the intention of eventually getting into veterinary.

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Shedrach267 views

What course can make me be involved with animals?

I love to be around animals and I would like to know what steps I need to take to be around them and how they can be helpful to the society

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Melissa311 views

How much do veterinary doctors make?

#veterinary doctors #Helptheanimals

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Sophie1103 views

How do I become a Veterinary Radiologist!

Hello I am 15 years old in the 10th grade, I am trying to be a veterinary Radiologist when I get out of HS. Alot of people are telling me to go to community college first because It is cheaper and THENNN go to college but Im very confused. I would like to go to community college first then go to college. Can someone please tell me the steps I need to go to becoming a Veterinary Radiologist and if you can add the college! ( and what I need to major in)

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Hannah387 views

Is it better to volunteer at a wildlife rehabilitation center or a zoo if you want to be a vet tech or own an animal rescue?

I really wanna be a vet tech.

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Hannah313 views

Is it better to volunteer at a wildlife rehabilitation center or a zoo if you want to be a vet tech or animal rescuer?

I really want to be a vet tech. It is a life dream.

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Hannah595 views

How can I volunteer in Florida (age 15) ?

I REALLY wanna be a vet tech. It’s my dream job.

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