Career questions tagged confused

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Harman263 views

what are the qualification for animal husbandry?

whats animal husbandry

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Harmony300 views

How do I pick a good collage?

My name is harmony, and I am looking to be a Criminal Justice Lawyer. All my life I have had my mind set on this. I recently started looking into collages, and I started questioning everything. How do I know what school to pick and which one will help me the most? Please help me.

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Joshua470 views

How do I find people to help me with my songwriting ?

I’ve been writing songs for about 3 years and I honestly think they’re not that bad but I don’t know if they’re good either which sometimes leads me to getting rid of them. I would show it to my family members or friends but none of them are as passionate about music as I am so I want to find someone who shares the same passion as me. I just don’t know how to find them.

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Kayla263 views

What else should I do?

I've been looking forever trying to find a job, but I don't get anywhere, which is causing me to get annoyed. What do I do?

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Mauricio296 views

whats the best way to start a career?

whats the best way to start a career

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Mary997 views

Why is it hard to know what you want in life/?

I'm having hard time to know what I really want in my life

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Madeline345 views

What do I do if I don't know exactly what to do but have an idea?

I've had an interest in becoming a phycologist but I don't know if that's the way to go for a career.

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Haillie960 views

How do you know when you pick a career, that it's the right one for you ?

How do you know when you pick a career, that it's the right one for you?

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Angel817 views

Where can i look for career guidance?

Kindly help me where i can check everything i need to know about career

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Walter703 views

Where to search best career?

Where or what site would i find career guide

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lilian356 views

How can I know exactly what I want to do before I get to College?

How can I know exactly what I want to do before I get to College? I'm in 10th Grade and I'm having trouble deciding what I want to do. I have a vague idea but, it's hard to pinpoint

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Gideon460 views

I want to go to the healthcare system but do not know if, that's what I want to do for the rest of my life?

Can you change your major at some point or do you have to follow it for the rest of your life

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Samsara609 views

Can You buy you’re college textbooks from Amazon?

I am just curious. Because I am taking a similar course in high school and I want to buy a textbook but I think I would also be require to buy it when I go to college?

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Sky292 views

How do I know what's right for me?

I like creative work but I also like helping out I don't know a career that shows both of these

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Mia933 views

how would I know what I wanna be ?

How would you know what carrier to choose out of all the carriers? At the beginning of 9th when highs school just started because I don't know what I wanna be. I would like to be pediatrician because I like kids but I won't like to do that my rest of my life. I feel like I would like to pick a carrier that I would enjoy for the rest of my life . I am in the 9 th grade and I am just beginning to explore mu future career, But How would I know what career and whats a next step that I could do to figure it out ?

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Harmony429 views

How long does it take to get through collage with a psychology major and are there any good collage recommendations?

I just started working on psychology and I'm not quiet sure what schools I wan to go to caus I don't know what to look for in a collage.

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Peyton526 views

How do I know if I am choosing the right career?

I'm having trouble choosing a career. I have a few in mind but I don't know how to tell if they'll be the right one for me.

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Kathryn418 views

How do I know which path is right for me?

I am having a very hard time choosing between going into welding and becoming a lawyer or going into the national guard how do I know which to choose

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Krishank976 views

How do I focus on a fixed goal when i'm interested in too many things ?

I can't focus and work on a single goal since I have too many interests, my mind keeps getting distracted and i'm unable to work on any of them. The problem is I want to do too many things, I want to be a journalist in BBC or NHK, get a degree in law, become a dermatologist and on stage musican. Whenever I find something new, it catches my interest and I start digging around it. Ultimately, I want to travel the world, explore cultures and have a lot of fun.

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Skylyn420 views

How do I apply to college?

I am in 12th grade and I am not sure which college I want to go to. I am also debating whether I want to do online college or in-person. I do not know how to apply for scholarships and how to apply to college. I would like to know more info about college!

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Wesal418 views

I've come to the conclusion that I am a jack-of-all-trades. I don't like sticking to one thing, I like to try new things. How can I satisfy my need for exploration and new situations while making a stable income?

Things i'm interested in: .psychology .theatre .child education .book writing/author I need help because I'm down to try everything, which I don't see a problem with, I just don't know what I should do to have a good income.

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Timberlan266 views

What would you do if you were me now How would you jumpstart yourself to find different careers??

What would you do if you were me now? How would you jumpstart yourself to find different careers?

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Riva745 views

I'm feeling a little lost about starting my career after college. There are so many options out there, but I'm not sure which one is right for me. I'm interested in a lot of things, but I don't know how to turn those interests into a career. How can I figure out what I want to do with my life and start working towards my goals?

I'm a little overwhelmed by the idea of starting a career. I know that I want to find a job that I enjoy and that pays well, but I'm not sure how to make that happen. I'm worried that I'll end up in a job that I hate, or that I'll never be able to find a job that I'm passionate about. I'm also worried about the job market and whether there will be enough opportunities for me. Do you have any advice on how to navigate these concerns and find a career that's right for me?

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Abigail461 views

How do I decide on which college I should go to?

I am a very creative person and I want to sell art. But at the same time I want to help animals. What college should I go to?

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Maxine602 views

How do I find the perfect college?

If you’re trying to find the perfect college to go to once you graduate and are going to a bunch of them to try and find one, how do you officially know you want to go to one/how do you know it’ll be right for you?

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Jo918 views

I'm not too sure what I want to be when I'm older, how can I find out?

I'm going into my sophomore year of high school, and I am thinking that I need to start deciding what I want to do, or what I want to be when I'm older. I need some help deciding, or some new ideas.

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Kali456 views

How would I get a business started when im only 16 and can’t go out to do what I need to do ?

Like I want to do a photography business but I want to get it started up

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Brin244 views

What are some things that would help me figure out what my future should be? What are some things that would determine what type of career my personality fits?

I am in high school and trying to figure out what my future might look like. What are some things that would help me figure out what my future should be? What are some things that would determine what type of career my personality fits? Thank you very much!

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Olivia1207 views

What should I do if I'm not sure which major to pick for college?

What should I do if I'm not sure which major to pick for college? Or if I don't quite know how colleges and college classes work? I'm only in 11th grade but I'm worried about going into college.

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m.379 views

how do I know what I want to do?

How do I know what to do in life? Im not quite sure what I like. Ive tried many different things, but none of them have stuck to me. Do I just force myself to be unhappy?

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