Career questions tagged textbooks

Can You buy you’re college textbooks from Amazon?
I am just curious. Because I am taking a similar course in high school and I want to buy a textbook but I think I would also be require to buy it when I go to college?

College textbooks are so expensive! Where can I go to get them cheaper?
After recently signing up for all my classes for my first semester of college, my jaw dropped when I saw my book list and prices. Each book is no cheaper than $80 and some go up to $300. I know knowledge is power, but does it have to be so expensive? Anyway, I'm searching for any good stores, websites, etc. that would help me find these books I need for hopefully a cheaper price. #textbooks #collegebooks #college

Is it better to buy or rent textbooks?
I know textbooks are really expensive in college so I wanted to know the best plan for getting textbooks. Does buying or renting make a difference in the cost of textbooks? If buying is better, should I get used or new books? #college #textbooks #cost

Where is the best place to buy college textbooks?
I know amazon prime is a good online access to everything to buy. Should I buy it in person to make sure it is in good condition? I have also heard about websites that sell used textbooks? Is that trustworthy? Is buying a used textbook worth it? #college #textbooks #online #confused

Is it beneficial to buy used textbooks?
I have heard a lot from others that textbooks are expensive in college. I know a girl who paid full price and as a student with little money, I would like to know if it is worth it to buy ones for cheaper even if they are used or in poor condition? Also, I have heard of websites that sell books for cheaper. Do you think those are reliable? #needhelp #textbooks #college #nomoney

What is the best way to save money on college textbooks?
I don't qualify for FAFSA's book advance, so i need advice on how to save on books! #textbooks #financial-planning #college