Career questions tagged questions

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beatrice161 views

I’m a student in highschool and I was wondering if I should take pre calculus or if its necessary to take it if I want to become a Speech Language Pathologist.?

I am in grade 11 and I want to become a Speech Language Pathologist in Vancouver, BC. I also need advice for volunteer experience and what subjects should I focus on to become a speech pathologist

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abrianna358 views

what are some ways to make sure you pick something that you are passionate about and is their a wrong time to start over #spring23 #spring24

i'm going into 12th grade and I'm asking more how do you know you picked the right thing to study or is their a time to late to swich out of something and start new because i don't wanna go into something thinking it's my life goal and doing it, then hating or wanting to do something else

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fredy1065 views

how can i get my personal development?

personal development tips

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Ingrid390 views

What do engineers experience in college?

I believe one career I’m interested in is engineering and I want to learn what engineer students do and how they work in school to graduate.

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Pearl1011 views

As an artist, how can you ask your clients better questions to gain a deeper understanding of their needs?

I mean, if they ask you to design something, what kind of questions should you be asking?

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Alicja1575 views

How to answer the questions “tell me about yourself” in an interview ?

I have a two interviews tomorrow for a retail store and I’ve been preparing with practice questions to make sure I’m ready to answer any question asked. Though I’ve gotten a bit stomped at the questions “tell me about yourself”. I don’t want to sound super generic and talk about schoolwork, I want to say something that will make me stand out against all other applicants.

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bailey370 views

how can i know my career?

carer tips

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amara389 views

how will i get my admission?

career tips

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Kennedy383 views

Is the Earth flat?

Earth is our home planet. Scientists believe Earth and its moon formed around the same time as the rest of the solar system. They think that was about 4.5 billion years ago. Earth is the fifth-largest planet in the solar system. Its diameter is about 8,000 miles. And Earth is the third-closest planet to the sun. Its average distance from the sun is about 93 million miles. Only Mercury and Venus are closer.

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Michael281 views

Why does the earth rotate?

Why does the earth rotate?

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Jayden583 views

What kind of schedule comes with this type of position?

I am currently practicing asking questions for future interviews

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Sofie354 views

How do I find a career that I will enjoy and will provide a steady income?

How do I find a career that I will enjoy and will provide a steady income?I am struggling to find something I like and want to do for the rest of my life.

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Ana1081 views

Why is school so long?

question writing tips

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Sori14867 views

What questions should I ask my interviewer?

I don't know what to say or ask the interviewer?

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Hadleigh307 views

What is like being a dermatologist? When you work as a dermatologist do you get confused or lost? Was school harder than being an actual dermatologist?

What is it like being a dermatologist? - My name is Hadleigh I like to work hard and pay attention to skin, hair and nails, I enjoy helping other people with their problems whether it is helping someone with what to do with a pimple or watching someone online to a facial and recommend skin care. ( First Question ) When you are at work as a dermatologist do you get confused or often forget what you are doing. For example say that you are in the middle of giving someone a facial and you forget what the next step is and you get confused. How do you get back on track and fix what you forgot. ( second question ) How was school was it harder than being an actual dermatologist. For example did you struggle more at school that actually being at the office. I love school and I really like to learn new things but is school for dermatology harder than being an actual dermatologist?

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Misael457 views

What are the good and bad side as a chef in the US?

Hello, My name is Misael, I’m a 7th grader, in middle school. I been considering being a chef as my career path in my future. I been wondering what is upside, and a downside as a chef. Also, another question I would like to know is, what is a average salary as a chef/cook. If there is any chef/cooks/retired, please if you can answer this.

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addy244 views


I’m Addy and im 13. What are the best classes to take in Junior high or high school to be a Veterinarian? And how difficult is it to get a scholarship, or how good do your grades have to be?

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Brenda51541 views
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kendra386 views

Do you do any professional development?

Respond to “Do you have any questions for me?”

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Maxine602 views

How do I find the perfect college?

If you’re trying to find the perfect college to go to once you graduate and are going to a bunch of them to try and find one, how do you officially know you want to go to one/how do you know it’ll be right for you?

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Brenda447 views

What are some common mistakes that I should be aware of and avoid as I pursue a career path in the medical field?

I would like to go into the medical field in the future, and I would like to gain some more insight to better equip myself for a career related to medicine.

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Brittany418 views

What is the difference in a psychology degree focusing on addiction versus a degree in social science focusing on substance abuse I am an adult with a GED looking to go back to school online?

What is the difference in a psychology degree focusing on addiction versus a degree in social science focusing on substance abuse? I am an adult with a GED looking to go back to school online.

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Josue595 views

In your opinion are leaders born or made?

Here is my opinion: Leaders can be both born and made, as some people have natural leadership qualities while others develop them through experience and training. But I would really love to hear your opinion.

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Eboni996 views

How often should I reach out to my Academic Advisor ?

I think it is a great idea for me to establish great communication with my Academic Advisor so I can keep on taking the necessary course for my degree. Not only that but I have been given great personal and professional advice and resources. I don't want to overstep my boundaries by asking a ton of questions all the time, but I would like to utilize as many resources, advice, and opportunities as my advisor can provide me.

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Gracie837 views

What fields related to culinary arts do you think I should consider looking into?

Is there any other field in particular that could be seen as just as satisfying if not more satisfying

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Thea995 views

what do you like most and the least about working as a security guard?

I'm asking because i wanna make sure this is a right fit for me and so i make the right decision.

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vincent406 views

what is the highest level education for homeland security?

do you just need a high school diploma and ged or do you have to go to college for years?

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abdul602 views

can you be hired by a high paying job if you received low grades while in college.

college questions?

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Junwei532 views

How long have you been doing your job? How much experience did you need to get your job?

#job #questions

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nykiya889 views

What is a physical therapist outlook? Is this career easily employable?

#physicaltherapist #questions #career-plan

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