Career questions tagged pharmacytechnician

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Richard430 views

How can I succeed my goal to be a pharmacist in the future?

In the future, I will have to take courses that revolve around the studies of medicine and pharmaceutical ideas. I also have to learn chemistry and other sorts of biology stuff.

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Zoe455 views

What are the income differences between pharmacy technicians and autobody technicians?

Hello, my name is Zoe I'm a Job Corps student and looking for some answers to my questions.

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Jayden1216 views

How can I be the most successful in this field?

I am going for Pharmacy Technician and want to know how I can be the most successful within that occupation?

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Jayden638 views

What kind of schedule comes with this type of position?

I am currently practicing asking questions for future interviews

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Killian787 views

What sort of job environment can I expect as a Pharmacy Technician?

#pharmacy #pharmacytech #pharmacytechnician #pharmacist

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korey960 views

would getting a pharmacy technician intership be helpful in my path of becoming a pharmacist?

Its one of the options I have currently #pharmacy #pharmacytechnician #pharmacist

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Anonymous955 views

What can you build off a Pharmacy Technician certification?


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Divya3212 views

To become a pharmacy technician in Texas, are classes or training required, or could I just self-study and take the certification exam?

Hello! I'm interested in becoming a certified pharmacy technician. However, I am also currently pursuing a four-year degree. I'm mostly interested in the pharm tech certification so I can gain experience in the field with the purpose of eventually going to pharmacy school, post-graduation. Therefore, I'm concerned about the cost of tuition for taking on a second program on top of my college expenses. I was wondering if it is possible in Texas to simply self study for the certification exam, or am I required to take courses or a training program? #pharmacy #pharmacist #college #pharmacytechnician #pharmtech #medicine

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