Career questions tagged automotive

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jaylen237 views

wat is the best auto mechanic school to go to?

wat is the best auto mechanic school to go to? im a student at job corp lookin for work or any way to work a part time job

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julio226 views

What other opportunities does being in the auto repair/paint field offer?

I'm a job corp student

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julio241 views

What do the benefits look like in an autobody paint and repair shop

I'm a student at Job Corp trying to learn more about the work environment in an autobody and repair shop.

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julio195 views

how long does it usually take to get a promotion in an autobody shop?

I'm a student at Job Corp trying to learn more about the work environment in an autobody and repair shop.

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julio230 views

What type of work would I do in autobody?

I'm a student at Job Corps learning about autobody repair and paint, trying to learn more about the work environment.

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Gage204 views

How much will I be getting paid long-term as a diesel mechanic ?

Money is very important as a adult

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William501 views

Does your career feel as rewarding as you thought when you went to school for the certifications required to work in this position ?

Do you feel as though you can reach and help people on a personal level while completing the requested jobs?

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Domingo1387 views

How far would an Associates in Pre-engineering get me towards becoming an Automotive Engineer?

I am currently in Job Corps with high hopes to become something in the Automotive/Mechanical field.

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Domingo820 views

What degree would be best for the Automotive Engineering industry?

car and automotive related fields, engineering hobby.

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David479 views

how do I get in the automotive tech/mech with no level of experience, but open to grow and gain knowledge as I work?

I been looking for jobs already in the field it seems that no company want people with no experience but I'm willing to work as well to gain understand for my future job once I graduate as a mechanical engineer of if so if their any other jobs what would help me gain experience to help me gain knowledge for mechanical engineer.

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Kyaw284 views

what kind of support system should if I want to become an automotive engineer and to help me be successful in this field?

I am a Job Corps student and I have some questions.

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Kyaw310 views

What is the best way to start a career in the automotive engineering field?

I am a Job Corps student and I have some questions.

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Kyaw243 views

what would be the best college to get my automotive engineering degree?

I am a Job Corp student and I have some questions.

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CareerVillage Office Hours451 views

How to become a Car Salesperson?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Car Salesperson? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Ismael365 views

What kinds of experiences prepared you to become a mechanic?

Hello, my name is Ismael, and I have a question.

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Daniel384 views

How Best to understand Major Assemblies?

When it comes to entering into the Automechanic Field, what is the most streamlined way to learn and familiarize oneself with the multiple major assemblies that make up a vehicle? What do they comprise and what do they do? It can be difficult to tackle something like a transmission assembly as an apprentice primarily because of all the moving parts associated with it, some parts of which go seemingly nameless. I wonder if there is a better way to understand these components.

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Zoe411 views

What are the income differences between pharmacy technicians and autobody technicians?

Hello, my name is Zoe I'm a Job Corps student and looking for some answers to my questions.

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Zoe213 views

Why should someone choose to go into Autobody?

Hi, my name is Zoe I'm currently a Job Corps student and I have a few questions.

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Nathan282 views

What are the potential earnings of a Automotive Structural Repair Technician?

Hi, my name is Nathan, I'm currently a Job Corps student, and i have some questions.

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Mykal415 views

What are some safety protocols in auto body paint?

I am a job corps student

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Mykal661 views

What are some benefits of getting into auto body paint?

I am a job corps student looking for advice

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Mykal603 views

Why do you think someone should go into autobody paint?

autobody paint

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Eric494 views

What can I do to attract customers when I open a shop?

Do I need a bigger sign, a bigger shop?

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Renato237 views

What is the average wage in the automotive field?

what is the average wage in the automotive field

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Eric263 views

what are the working conditions in the automotive field?

Is there a lot of lifting.

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cam337 views

How can i be a female nascar driver ?

I know alot about cars but i am also learning more day by day

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Milan333 views

Newbie to welding, is there any advice for someone interested in advanced training?

Hello, I am a newly sprouted seedling in welding, and I am interested in potentially working on boilers or engines. Can anyone offer advice in regards to how I could learn the techniques for this line of work? I am studying at the Northlands Job Corps Center and intend to go into the welding program. Provided I am not derailed or find another option, I also plan to do their Advanced Training. If anyone welds pieces for boilers or engines, what's the work like? Is it fulfilling and does it engage any creative centers? Thank you for your time.

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Cristian393 views

Why is it difficult to get a promotion without complete studies?

In which schools can I study to advance further in my career after job corps?
How can I work at Laguna Another company?
What do I need to BE admitted to a good job?

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Noah (Ice)705 views

What school subjects, if any, do you use for your career as an automobile mechanic?

I'm in 10th grade and I want to get a career where I can work on cars

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Noah (Ice)440 views

How much time studying can I expect while pursuing my education for my career as an automobile mechanic?

I'm in 10th grade and I want to get a career where I can work on cars

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