Career questions tagged development

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Merk591 views

What is the difference between software development and game development?

I know that there are many similarities between the two and I am really interested in both of them, but I am trying to figure out what is the right fit for me? Are there any pros and cons? Thanks!

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Samantha529 views

How do I find a job post-grad in the political science sector ?

I just recently graduated from UCSB with a political science degree and I am very interested in international relations and community development, but I have no idea where to start, and it seems like the job market is scary. I would like to work for the government, but am considering going to law school as well. I have acquired relatively decent experience throughout undergrad: - I graduated with a 3.7 gpa from UCSB - I worked on a community development research project as a research assistant - I interned for a non profit organization in a position focused around community development and outreach - held a position in my sorority for a year Any tips/tricks/advice on how or where to look for a job?

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fredy1065 views

how can i get my personal development?

personal development tips

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Jane382 views

best career can i learned and development my skills?

any advice ?

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CareerVillage Office Hours152 views

How to become a Surveyor?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Surveyor? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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tochukwu469 views

how to be successful in my career ?

things to do how to do them

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Arianna414 views

How do I get my focus back on track?

I want to continue my career and education in nursing and want to be able to focus thoroughly while doing it. Trying to focus on school has become hard for me due to personal issues that I'm trying to overcome. Any tips will be taken into consideration.

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Scot460 views

how to get a better career?

high paying jobs in the future

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kelvin835 views

how do one choose a career?

career development

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Syeda382 views

Which masters program in what university I should go for as a non-profit and development major?

I have completed bachelor in International relations and worked in non-profit for 4 years. I have iltes score 7.5.

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tisa549 views

how do you choose the best job for yourself?

How do you choose a job that would best suit you? Do you have tips on how we should go about job exploration in order to find something that is meant for us.

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victoria462 views

how can i be better?

idk what to put

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aneceya512 views

How did you know that you chose the right career?

like did you feel it in your gut, or did you do lots and lots of research or did you get help? Tell me your secret!

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Angel518 views

How will I get started on working in my career?

how will I get started on learning my career?

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Lianette1064 views

What skills should I develop to prepare for a career in Psychology?

What skills do I need to succeed in that field, whether it's public speaking, writing, or understanding body language... What skills do you use every day that may be helpful to advise people looking more into that field?

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Kayley384 views

how do I find the right job?

How do you know what major to study in collage or even what you want to do in the future? Like what job you want to pursue if you don't have a clear idea of what you would even want to do.

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fernando282 views

is there any classes or clubs i should look for to get more into software development? if so, what should i look for?

software development

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JERICHO1650 views

What are the best programming languages to learn this coming 2023?

I am confused with what kind of programming languages will be best to learn for the long-term. There are just a wide variety of programming languages to choose from. I have tried Javascript and Java as a basis of my learning. But I am still quite unsure on which I should focus on.

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Kavion664 views

What environments do you work in inside of software development

What environments do you work in inside of software development

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mario562 views

what is the most vital part of coding or software development that will help me branch into other areas?

I've did java and c++ a little, but i want to know more coding languages.

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Antonio582 views

What type of software is used to develop all games?

#software-engineering #development #software-development

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claire517 views

what is the importance of minors in college?

#career-planning #college #development

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Claudia931 views

What career options are out there for me?

I am currently studying a degree in economics, and it seems the only options for placement years, internships, or graduate jobs are accounting or investment banking. I find my strengths do not lie with accounting and I am good at macroeconomics, specifically development economics and i am quite logical, good at understanding concepts and solving problems. #economics #development #logical #business #internship

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Gabrielle753 views

How much of your job in community development involves research?

Do you feel that you need to really study the community you are working with in order to benefit them most? Do you find that reaching out to community members helps to understand the needs of the whole community most adequately, or do you research programs similar to ones you may be considering to implement in another community? #community-management #research #career #community #development #community-development #community-outreach #community-services

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Gabrielle791 views

What are the pros and cons of working for a non-profit?

I have worked within the educational field for the past decade. I am working towards obtaining my BS in Community Development, and want to see what my options may be, highly considering non-profit organizations #college-major #career #community #development #degree

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Alexandra711 views

How do social workers contribute to the development and wellbeing of people and society?

#social-work #psychology #social-worker #counseling #health #development

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Sabrina676 views

I want to work in Economic Development as a career what should I do when I enter college to prepare me for a career after I graduate?

I am going to be a freshman in College startinf fall 2019.I am going to major in economics and/or Business Administration. #Economics #Businessmajor #development #collegefreshman

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Abby812 views

I want to be a developmental child psychologist

what majors should i take in college . #psychology #development #psychologist #children #kids

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Valerie885 views

How do I make myself stand out in the Public Relations Industry?

I hope to become a PR Representative in the future. #career-counseling #public-relations #development #Representative

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Joseph852 views

What is the most rewarding part of being a structural engineer?

This is my major and I'll be graduating soon. One of the reasons I originally chose this was because I always liked math and physics, but I wanted to make sure I could use those skills to help people, but lately I've seen this field as more of putting up high rises and luxury condos for people who are already wealthy and not a field that really helps the general public. Any advice or thoughts? Thanks! #structural-engineering #civil-engineering #development

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