1 answer
How to become a Surveyor?
Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Surveyor?
Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.
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1 answer
John’s Answer
To become a Surveyor or Assistant Land Surveyor you will need to complete High School and then College to get a Bachelor's Degree in Surveying or Geomatics Engineering. Look up in Indeed for more information on both these jobs. Also you might call ahead and visit a local surveyor company in your area and ask them if you could get some "hands on" experience helping to perform a survey.
Another place to look for more information is on career explorer as well as the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and wikipedia for general information.
Good Luck for it looks like a hard road ahead there is a light as this job is expected to grow for the next 10 or so years.
Another place to look for more information is on career explorer as well as the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and wikipedia for general information.
Good Luck for it looks like a hard road ahead there is a light as this job is expected to grow for the next 10 or so years.