29 answers
29 answers
Brook’s Answer
Hey! What you study or even your first few jobs does not mean that you have to do that for the rest of your life! It is easy to feel overwhelmed when you feel like you are making decisions that will affect the rest of your life, but in reality people make career changes all the time! I would focus on exploring your interests and with each new experience you decide if it is right for you! I find marketing lets me tap into my creative side but also gives me insight into business analytics and strategy which is why it is the perfect intersection for me!
Lynn’s Answer
Marketing was something that I was passionate about growing up and everything that went behind it.. All of the apsects involved and how it stimulated the buyer to make a decision. Once I started working in Marketing I found my niche as your can really focus on so many different areas.
Find what feels right for you and how you can make an impact or a difference in what you decide to do .
Find what feels right for you and how you can make an impact or a difference in what you decide to do .
Cris’s Answer
Hey Samuel,
It's absolutely fine if you're unsure about what you want to do in life initially. With a myriad of options available, it can indeed be overwhelming, but that's perfectly alright. I suggest you start by identifying the tasks or activities that you find so engaging that time seems to fly by. Once you've figured that out, take note of the skills required for these tasks and activities, and then explore the jobs that highly value these skills. Give them a go!
Equipping yourself with knowledge on the subject matter is crucial as well. The market is constantly evolving, so staying updated is key to your success. Remember, you're not bound to stick to one career for the rest of your life. It's perfectly fine to switch to a different career path in the future. All you need is a well-thought-out plan, perhaps a little savings to cushion you if you need to take a step back before moving forward on a new path.
There's a profound Japanese concept, IKIGAI, which emphasizes how discovering your purpose can lead to a long, satisfying life.
Best of luck,
It's absolutely fine if you're unsure about what you want to do in life initially. With a myriad of options available, it can indeed be overwhelming, but that's perfectly alright. I suggest you start by identifying the tasks or activities that you find so engaging that time seems to fly by. Once you've figured that out, take note of the skills required for these tasks and activities, and then explore the jobs that highly value these skills. Give them a go!
Equipping yourself with knowledge on the subject matter is crucial as well. The market is constantly evolving, so staying updated is key to your success. Remember, you're not bound to stick to one career for the rest of your life. It's perfectly fine to switch to a different career path in the future. All you need is a well-thought-out plan, perhaps a little savings to cushion you if you need to take a step back before moving forward on a new path.
There's a profound Japanese concept, IKIGAI, which emphasizes how discovering your purpose can lead to a long, satisfying life.
Best of luck,
Gashaw’s Answer
Hi Samuel! For me it really came down to my upbringing. I came to the US as an immigrant with my family that didn't have much. We lived a modest life as my parents were both blue color workers. I grew up in the states and felt indebted to my parents for leaving our home country for a better opportunity for their children. So when I went to college as a first generation student I was really thinking of practical route where my major had decent pay and would offer consistent work. I ended up getting an accounting degree. About midway thru my career, I decided I was in the career for the wrong reason. I ended up going back to school for an IT degree and changing my career path because of my joy for problem solving creatively and using technology. It's worked out well so far :)
Katie’s Answer
Hi Samuel! When I was a student I had the same question! After working for the last 8+ years, I have realized that I am still figuring out what I want to do "when I grow up". You do not need to decide on what you will do for your entire career before you choose a major or graduate. Once you enter into the workforce, you have the ability to keep learning and try new career paths, jobs, or new roles at your company. Good luck, and don't stress!
Brittany’s Answer
Hello Samuel,
I echo what many of the other very good advisors have said here. While I have a marketing degree, I don't work in that field. What I really like to do is learn about people. I spent some time working in market research, which was great and helped me study people to help shape advertising campaigns. But over time, I learned about and really enjoyed handling background checks, because I get to learn about people's past, and ask them questions. I've been doing that and having fun for nearly 20 years now - and I still don't know I could say that I will want to do it forever!
So I have two points for you:
First, you can find many things you might enjoy doing. I think too many people focus on the job itself, but think about your own needs - do you like to work alone or with others? At a desk or moving around? In a big city or a small town? If you find a job that meets your personal needs, you may love it regardless of the topic.
Second, your needs may change and you find out that its time to try something else, and that's ok! We don't all have to know what we want to do for the rest of our lives. As long as you build good skills, you can be successful in a lot of different roles, and can keep trying different roles until you find the one you want to stay at forever....until you don't, then you can find the next!
Good luck on your journey.
I echo what many of the other very good advisors have said here. While I have a marketing degree, I don't work in that field. What I really like to do is learn about people. I spent some time working in market research, which was great and helped me study people to help shape advertising campaigns. But over time, I learned about and really enjoyed handling background checks, because I get to learn about people's past, and ask them questions. I've been doing that and having fun for nearly 20 years now - and I still don't know I could say that I will want to do it forever!
So I have two points for you:
First, you can find many things you might enjoy doing. I think too many people focus on the job itself, but think about your own needs - do you like to work alone or with others? At a desk or moving around? In a big city or a small town? If you find a job that meets your personal needs, you may love it regardless of the topic.
Second, your needs may change and you find out that its time to try something else, and that's ok! We don't all have to know what we want to do for the rest of our lives. As long as you build good skills, you can be successful in a lot of different roles, and can keep trying different roles until you find the one you want to stay at forever....until you don't, then you can find the next!
Good luck on your journey.
Adriana’s Answer
Hello Samuel,
The most impactful advice I've ever embraced is this: "You won't know until you try." It might sound straightforward, but it has remarkably transformed my life. I embarked on my college journey as a Biology major and now find myself passionately immersed in a Project Management career. So, my suggestion for you is to select a major that you're comfortable with and confident about successfully completing. Don't hesitate to dive into internships and volunteer experiences, even if they seem unrelated at first glance. These opportunities will open doors to explore fields you might not have initially considered.
Wishing you all the best,
The most impactful advice I've ever embraced is this: "You won't know until you try." It might sound straightforward, but it has remarkably transformed my life. I embarked on my college journey as a Biology major and now find myself passionately immersed in a Project Management career. So, my suggestion for you is to select a major that you're comfortable with and confident about successfully completing. Don't hesitate to dive into internships and volunteer experiences, even if they seem unrelated at first glance. These opportunities will open doors to explore fields you might not have initially considered.
Wishing you all the best,
Rachel’s Answer
Finding your career is often a zig-zag pathway, and may not just a straight line pathway. For me it was a bit of experimentation. I started in admin, then spent some time in sales, then found marketing. Once I was here I knew it felt right. It was a perfect department for me to combine skills and experience I had with a role that provided ever- changing challenges, opportunity for growth, creativity and ideas.
The key difference between finding a job and managing a career is to assess yourself along the way in terms of what you like, and what you don't. Consider what skills gaps do you have, and what other areas of marketing could you explore to develop your skills portfolio. Are you better suited as an 'all-rounder' or a subject matter expert?
In a large organisation that may be possible within the same company - brand, advertising, social, sales enablement, PR, comms, events etc. in a smaller organisation you may find yourself responsible for all of those!
As you develop, there are so many opportunities to connect with like minded professionals in the industry to listen, learn, see how they approach things. Research and read, and take external learning courses to always stay up to date with the changing needs of marketing and comms. There is honestly never a dull day!
Good Luck with your marketing career! :-)
The key difference between finding a job and managing a career is to assess yourself along the way in terms of what you like, and what you don't. Consider what skills gaps do you have, and what other areas of marketing could you explore to develop your skills portfolio. Are you better suited as an 'all-rounder' or a subject matter expert?
In a large organisation that may be possible within the same company - brand, advertising, social, sales enablement, PR, comms, events etc. in a smaller organisation you may find yourself responsible for all of those!
As you develop, there are so many opportunities to connect with like minded professionals in the industry to listen, learn, see how they approach things. Research and read, and take external learning courses to always stay up to date with the changing needs of marketing and comms. There is honestly never a dull day!
Good Luck with your marketing career! :-)
Pamela’s Answer
Hello Samuel
I have always been fascinated by the power of branding and communication in influencing consumer behavior. I also enjoy the creative aspect of marketing, coming up with captivating campaigns and strategies to reach target audiences.
I took up marketing as my career because I knew it would allow me to combine my interests in business, creativity, and psychology. To obtain my job in marketing, I pursued a degree in marketing and gained experience through internships, volunteer work, and networking. I also continuously educate myself by staying up-to-date on the latest marketing trends and technologies. Ultimately, I chose marketing as my career because I find it fulfilling and exciting to help companies grow and succeed through effective marketing strategies.
I have always been fascinated by the power of branding and communication in influencing consumer behavior. I also enjoy the creative aspect of marketing, coming up with captivating campaigns and strategies to reach target audiences.
I took up marketing as my career because I knew it would allow me to combine my interests in business, creativity, and psychology. To obtain my job in marketing, I pursued a degree in marketing and gained experience through internships, volunteer work, and networking. I also continuously educate myself by staying up-to-date on the latest marketing trends and technologies. Ultimately, I chose marketing as my career because I find it fulfilling and exciting to help companies grow and succeed through effective marketing strategies.
Pam’s Answer
I felt a lot of pressure about this when I was in high school because some people knew what they wanted to do and I didn't. If that's where you are, don't sweat it! Yes, you need to pick a major if you're going to college, but if you really don't know what you want to do, pick a major where you will learn good life skills. I majored in Business because I knew it would give me good life skills. Once you are out in the working world, you can try different fields and see what works for you and what doesn't. There are career counselors and online assessments as well that can help. Start by writing down thinks you are good at and things you are interested in. You can always switch majors or have multiple majors too. I once heard someone ask a successful executive at our company what he majored in when he was in college and he said "culinary arts". It had NOTHING to do with his job, but he was extremely successful!! If you have the drive and a good work ethic, you can do anything! Don't put too much pressure on yourself to figure it all out now. Some adults still haven't figured it out!!! Best wishes to you!
Vincent’s Answer
Hi Samuel,
My first job at pretty young age was being a golf caddy, then I worked at a full service gas station, then I worked at a video rental store (way back when those were actually a thing), then I worked at stocking shelves during college, then I worked at a Computer Education Summer Camp, then I worked for an accounting firm. Finally I started working for a cell phone company and 23 and 1/2 years later I am proud to be part of a finance team that supports our company to achieve so many goals and milestones. I am probably missing one or two jobs along my many years of working, but what I guess I am getting at is that if you have the opportunity to try different work experiences, you should give them a try. When you find what makes you excited to get up and contribute your skills to a personal or team goal, follow your passion, use your skills and explore your interests to keep growing and going.
Be patient, be brave and be curious and in the end it will help you to grow and learn where you want to be for the rest of your life and you will find your passion and place in the world.
My first job at pretty young age was being a golf caddy, then I worked at a full service gas station, then I worked at a video rental store (way back when those were actually a thing), then I worked at stocking shelves during college, then I worked at a Computer Education Summer Camp, then I worked for an accounting firm. Finally I started working for a cell phone company and 23 and 1/2 years later I am proud to be part of a finance team that supports our company to achieve so many goals and milestones. I am probably missing one or two jobs along my many years of working, but what I guess I am getting at is that if you have the opportunity to try different work experiences, you should give them a try. When you find what makes you excited to get up and contribute your skills to a personal or team goal, follow your passion, use your skills and explore your interests to keep growing and going.
Be patient, be brave and be curious and in the end it will help you to grow and learn where you want to be for the rest of your life and you will find your passion and place in the world.
m’s Answer
thank you for the question as this is one of the most important decisions you likely have faced.
The simple answer is you don't have to decide now what is best for the rest of your life. Many people start off in school with a desire to pursue a career in a specific area and end up working in a different area over time. In school and once you start to work you will start to really understand what you enjoy and what you do not enjoy. You will meet people that will provide you an opportunity that you did not expect. You will follow your instinct as you get real experiences and real opportunities - many of which you cannot anticipate at this stage in your life and career. The key is to grow professionally, enjoy what you are doing and make an impact.
So the decision today should be what is best for the direction you believe will help take your desire to the next level. It does not have to mean you are committed for the rest of your life.
Good luck!
The simple answer is you don't have to decide now what is best for the rest of your life. Many people start off in school with a desire to pursue a career in a specific area and end up working in a different area over time. In school and once you start to work you will start to really understand what you enjoy and what you do not enjoy. You will meet people that will provide you an opportunity that you did not expect. You will follow your instinct as you get real experiences and real opportunities - many of which you cannot anticipate at this stage in your life and career. The key is to grow professionally, enjoy what you are doing and make an impact.
So the decision today should be what is best for the direction you believe will help take your desire to the next level. It does not have to mean you are committed for the rest of your life.
Good luck!
Su-Ting’s Answer
Hi Samuel! When I was a student I had the same question, and even now I am still figuring out what I want to do for the rest of my life. I am just hitting a year post-grad, and I think there is so much more I could learn and explore to see what I want to focus on. Your entire career is not dependent on your major or college, and I think it's really important to explore and find some experience in fields you are interested in. Good luck, you got this!
Steven’s Answer
Like many others have said, the first career your pursue in life doesn't have to be what you do for 40 - 50 years. I have seen friends and family switch jobs into completely different fields at many different stages of life. A lot of times making that move to try something new gave them a new perspective on work / life which made them much happier.
I think when you are going through school or are looking for that first job it can be overwhelming. I had the idea that I had to find the perfect fit and perfect job but as I reflect on that now, I wish I would have told myself (and believed) that you don't have to have everything mapped out in your life. I felt as though I had a decent idea on what my passions / strengths / interests were and how those fit into specific roles which lead me to pursue Finance and Accounting. So I made the decision to work for a public accounting firm as I thought that would give me a good perspective / experience that I could take and pivot from if I didn't like it. From that initial job now I have moved into a different field and am loving what I do right now.
If you have an interest in Marketing, or an interest in videography, painting, building, etc. the best thing you can do is follow that passion. Find a job that can give you experience in that field then after some time, reassess and ask yourself: do I still have this passion, do I enjoy this, does this allow me the freedom I want in life? Then if you realize that now after going through this experience you want to change things up, you definitely can. Don't let the self-stress stop you, it will always work out for the best.
I think when you are going through school or are looking for that first job it can be overwhelming. I had the idea that I had to find the perfect fit and perfect job but as I reflect on that now, I wish I would have told myself (and believed) that you don't have to have everything mapped out in your life. I felt as though I had a decent idea on what my passions / strengths / interests were and how those fit into specific roles which lead me to pursue Finance and Accounting. So I made the decision to work for a public accounting firm as I thought that would give me a good perspective / experience that I could take and pivot from if I didn't like it. From that initial job now I have moved into a different field and am loving what I do right now.
If you have an interest in Marketing, or an interest in videography, painting, building, etc. the best thing you can do is follow that passion. Find a job that can give you experience in that field then after some time, reassess and ask yourself: do I still have this passion, do I enjoy this, does this allow me the freedom I want in life? Then if you realize that now after going through this experience you want to change things up, you definitely can. Don't let the self-stress stop you, it will always work out for the best.
Priscilla’s Answer
Hi Samuel, I think it's great you're looking at long term considerations that's a part of choosing a career. Some things to consider include whether the career is something you find engaging, offers opportunity for growth, challenges you intellectually, helps you achieve your financial goals, and if it allows you a healthy balance between your work and personal life. However, I also think it's important to recognize that you don't need to put so much pressure on yourself to choose something that you'll be doing for the rest of your life -- as many of the other answers have said, it's important to allow yourself room to change and pursue different things because your interests and you as a person will likely change over time. Best of luck!
Candy’s Answer
I didn't know what I wanted to do. I signed up with a temp agency and tried different jobs. Check with your friends to see what they are doing and if you like what they are doing ask to see if they have an opening.
Anthony’s Answer
Technology has always fascinated me, which led me to pursue computer sciences in college. Fortunately, my college was supportive and offered career counseling, along with open houses with local businesses. This opened up opportunities for me to focus on the tech industry and I was thrilled to land an entry-level role with a leading telecom provider. They even offered extra training! I can't stress enough how valuable entry-level internships can be if you're passionate about a specific field and eager to gain hands-on experience.
Technology has always fascinated me, which led me to pursue computer sciences in college. Fortunately, my college was supportive and offered career counseling, along with open houses with local businesses. This opened up opportunities for me to focus on the tech industry and I was thrilled to land an entry-level role with a leading telecom provider. They even offered extra training! I can't stress enough how valuable entry-level internships can be if you're passionate about a specific field and eager to gain hands-on experience.
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